Politics and Religion

Dr.Bullshit never learns and keeps embarrassing himself.teeth_smile
bigguy30 578 reads

So he is not the only GOP Trump supporter that keeps showing their stupidity either.
They never stay on topic because they can't stop making things up!

Posted By: LaffysBoytoy
Yes, I see your boner showing :D  
 I don't get your logic. How does that topic have to do with what she said? Does it blue ball you that much that she has a CORRECT statement of the facts against your Trumpanze?  
 It's one thing to be an idiot republican, quite another being an asshole. I bet ladies just line up at your door to come see you, right?
Posted By: Dr.Beeper
How do you feel about one of your very own dem/lefty thinking you are a "fake" woman?  

so, with the scandal ridden administration and is immense level of incompetence, its becoming pretty noticeable how silent Trump supporters are getting. You can even see it here as it looks like they've all kind of slithered back under their rocks.

earlweaver522 reads

also we're quiet cuz we don't want to interfere with the lib whining and moaning and interrupt the fun! ;)

please, carry on

saltyballs548 reads

One can only hope it will come to fruition, but I highly doubt it. The latest betting odds that Trump will either be impeached or forced to resign in his first term is at 11/10. So, if you place 10 dollars at those odds and Trump is either impeached or resigns then you win 11 dollars, plus get your 10 dollar stake back..21 dollars in total. Not bad!

TwoMints496 reads

I'd take all I can get it won't happen except I'm not letting the bookie sit on my money for 4 years.  

It's just about the worst bet available.  Just about even money on a bet they isn't likely to be graded for close to 4 years.

You are absolutely clueless about gambling.  Have you ever even placed a bet?

For those that don't understand it's +110  Bet 100 to win 110.  No one talks about betting 10 fucking dollars.

Posted By: saltyballs
One can only hope it will come to fruition, but I highly doubt it. The latest betting odds that Trump will either be impeached or forced to resign in his first term is at 11/10. So, if you place 10 dollars at those odds and Trump is either impeached or resigns then you win 11 dollars, plus get your 10 dollar stake back..21 dollars in total. Not bad!

Mints, UK odds are generally not given as +110. More commonly it is given as 11/10.

Having said that, I agree with you that these odds being offered by Ladbrokes are not very enticing although the numbers are basically indicating chances are high.

I use Paddy Power for my footy bets.

They are giving 4/1 for Trump impeachment in 2017. The payouts are higher for subsequent years suggesting that if his impeachment is going to happen, it is more likely to happen in his first year.

I actually like the 4/1 odds for his 'golden showers' video showing up on redtube.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 3:03:26 PM

GaGambler561 reads

and I have also mentioned the foolishness of letting a bookie hold your money for four years on an even money bet.

I also use Paddy power and I find some of their lines rather amusing, like the lines on who is going to become POTUS in 2020. How about Kim Kardashian at 275-1? lol

As for SB, he rarely gets anything right, but his explanation about the odds is not the worst I have ever heard. Technically 11-10 is exactly that, Eleven back for each ten bet, whether it's Dollars, Pounds, Euros, or whatever.

saltyballs331 reads

Question: Who shot a bugaroo up your ass this week?

Posted By: saltyballs
Question: Who shot a bugaroo up your ass this week?
doubling down after you were corrected.

I sometimes find a wrong selection made by iPhone autotype feature and correct it.

Stop getting paranoid about something as simple as this.

Posted By: borabora
I sometimes find a wrong selection made by iPhone autotype feature and correct it. Stop getting paranoid about something as simple as this.
Nice to know you care nothing about accuracy.

This in addition to your perennial paranoia.

Posted By: ed2000
Posted By: borabora
I sometimes find a wrong selection made by iPhone autotype feature and correct it. Stop getting paranoid about something as simple as this.
Nice to know you care nothing about accuracy.

Posted By: saltyballs
. . . So, if you place 10 dollars at those odds (11/10) and Trump is either impeached or resigns then you win 11 dollars, plus get your 10 dollar stake back..21 dollars in total. Not bad!
What is "utterly stupid" is you defending him.

saltyballs321 reads

.......this cretin has lost his damn mind!

There must be several others who would concur with us that this ed bloke is a booby (or a cretin, if you prefer).

Posted By: saltyballs
.......this cretin has lost his damn mind!

Really? YOU also mentioned about the foolishness of bookie holding money for 4 years? Are you referring to the post by 'TwoMints' in this very same thread and quoting that as your own post?


Posted By: GaGambler
and I have also mentioned the foolishness of letting a bookie hold your money for four years on an even money bet.  
 I also use Paddy power and I find some of their lines rather amusing, like the lines on who is going to become POTUS in 2020. How about Kim Kardashian at 275-1? lol  
 As for SB, he rarely gets anything right, but his explanation about the odds is not the worst I have ever heard. Technically 11-10 is exactly that, Eleven back for each ten bet, whether it's Dollars, Pounds, Euros, or whatever.

He posted as 'TwoMints'. I replied. He replied back as 'GaGambler' and reiterated the statement he made when he posted as 'TwoMints'.

Posted By: borabora
Really? YOU also mentioned about the foolishness of bookie holding money for 4 years? Are you referring to the post by 'TwoMints' in this very same thread and quoting that as your own post?  
Posted By: GaGambler
and I have also mentioned the foolishness of letting a bookie hold your money for four years on an even money bet.  
  I also use Paddy power and I find some of their lines rather amusing, like the lines on who is going to become POTUS in 2020. How about Kim Kardashian at 275-1? lol  
  As for SB, he rarely gets anything right, but his explanation about the odds is not the worst I have ever heard. Technically 11-10 is exactly that, Eleven back for each ten bet, whether it's Dollars, Pounds, Euros, or whatever.

LaffysBoytoy288 reads

Posted By: borabora
He posted as 'TwoMints'. I replied. He replied back as 'GaGambler' and reiterated the statement he made when he posted as 'TwoMints'.
Posted By: borabora
Really? YOU also mentioned about the foolishness of bookie holding money for 4 years? Are you referring to the post by 'TwoMints' in this very same thread and quoting that as your own post?  
Posted By: GaGambler
and I have also mentioned the foolishness of letting a bookie hold your money for four years on an even money bet.    
   I also use Paddy power and I find some of their lines rather amusing, like the lines on who is going to become POTUS in 2020. How about Kim Kardashian at 275-1? lol    
   As for SB, he rarely gets anything right, but his explanation about the odds is not the worst I have ever heard. Technically 11-10 is exactly that, Eleven back for each ten bet, whether it's Dollars, Pounds, Euros, or whatever.

saltyballs616 reads

.....as well as their hobbyist name in the same thread.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 6:25:18 PM

LaffysBoytoy502 reads

Posted By: saltyballs
.....as well as their hobbyist name in the same thread.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 6:25:18 PM

There is another person here who quoted himself with a different handle.

LaffysBoytoy386 reads

There is only one other person on this thread who quoted what another said without my name in it, one way or another.

So by your logic, I am posting under an alias and my normal handle. Go ahead and report me, because I did not post under two handles. I know how to follow the rules

You should stop assuming you know who someone is.  

"...another person here...." Meaning a 2nd person on this thread. Being as there is only one quote that doesn't have my name on it, you mean me.

Posted By: borabora
There is another person here who quoted himself with a different handle.

Read my post about 4 posts above yours.

You know, when you mentioned "scandal ridden" I figured your thread was going to be about the Obama admin. LOL

Trump is doing what he said he would do so the faithful that I know are wildly happy about it.  

Middle class tax cut coming, looks like he will build the wall, infrastructure, tough on terrorists, adding a devout righty to the SCOTUS, getting his nominations approved, making America business friendly again, major Obamacare changes coming, tort reform, corporate tax reform, re-establishing our friendship with Israel, building our military, etc etc etc.

Maybe from the "Not MY President" hissy fit part of the country that you are from you see it differently but almost all Trump supporters are very, very happy as he is keeping his campaign promises so far.  

Sorry to disappoint. Now rush on back to Dailykooks.com as I am sure impeachment is a hot topic over at "Snow Flake Central." LOL  

...the gang assembled aren't all that surprising. The surprising part are the few I find decent choices. I like General Mattis. Even Judge Gorsuch isn't as bad as it might have been, although I hate to admit it.

But yes, the scandals. Flynn can't stop screwing things up. Giuliani says everything wrong. Conway can't control the frenzy...or cope with it. She's got a tough job. So does Spicer, but he's incompetent and mad to boot.

It's like nobody with much honesty or any experience could've been trusted. Bannon and Gorka would make sure no one with even one foot in reality could sign on to work this ship of fools.

One problem with a room full of delusional people is that they don't all have the same delusion. It'll get rough as all their fantasy world views play out alongside each other. Wonder who will get the Best Alternative Reality will be. Ain't gonna be Ben Carson, that's for sure. His Bible-bonk bullshit lacks originality. My money's on Bannon. He's little and he's ugly, but he sure can creep us out.

About a bunch of pirates, sometimes working with each other until one or another feels they have found an advantage over the others, then it's time for stabbing in the back and cutting throats. ;)

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