Politics and Religion

Don't worry about my mental stability...
Mr.M.Johnson 10656 reads
1 / 62
GaGambler 288 reads
2 / 62

Much the same as Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon back in 74.

I wouldn't hold your breath as to that happening however. Trump actually looked rather Presidential today while standing up with Presidente  Santos from Colombia. The stock market seems to be taking this in stride today after all you Chicken Littles jumped off the rooftops yesterday.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 145 reads
3 / 62

Trump and Flynn would be perfect cellmates..

Mr.M.Johnson 128 reads
4 / 62

Two wrongs ain't supposed to make a right.  Pence could pardon (wrong # one) Illegitimate (wrong # two) POTUS.

Mr.M.Johnson 242 reads
5 / 62

Doesn't make up for yesterday's 400 point drop which was caused by:

Stocks Dive as Doubts on Trump Agenda Deepen Amid Washington Tumult
After treading water for weeks amid doubts about President Donald Trump's ability to carry out his pro-business agenda, the stock market cracked on Wednesday, recording its worst day of 2017.

Reports that Mr. Trump in February allegedly asked then-FBI Director James Comey to back off the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn upended the laissez-faire view many investors have taken of a tumultuous presidency. The Dow industrials fell 373 points, or 1.8%, to 20607, while safe-haven Treasury bonds rallied and the dollar surrendered its postelection gains. The S&P 500 declined 1.8% and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 2.6%.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 266 reads
6 / 62

...He wants to know if Trump could pardon himself in order to remain President.

If he could pardon himself, he wouldn't have to wait until all the dirt comes out.  He could just wave his magic presidential wand and pardon himself right now.  However, presidents usually aren't charged with crimes while in office and they can't be impeached for anything that happened BEFORE they took office.  Remember Clinton's emails?  Had she won, she could not have been impeached for her email server shit and the leak of her emails.

-- Modified on 5/18/2017 4:20:31 PM

GaGambler 272 reads
7 / 62

You don't have to be a legal scholar to realize what a dumb question that would be.  If  that were possible, it would make actual impeachment impossible. The OP isn't always the brightest bulb, but only the likes of fg is THAT dumb. Or at least I hope it isn't that dumb.

I was suggesting a much more likely course of events "if" Trump were to be successfully impeached, a process that has to start in the House and ends in the Senate. Or if he ended up resigning as Richard Nixon did some 40 years ago.

The chances of Trump ending up in prison are negligible almost non existent IMHO. The chances of him being impeached are of course anything but negligible with current odds standing at even money.

Wouldn't that have been a hoot if HRC had been elected and then prosecuted for her "email server shit", convicted and then had to pardon herself to stay out of prison? lmao

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 193 reads
8 / 62
Mr.M.Johnson 180 reads
9 / 62

Yes, Big Papa has it right.  Can Trump pardon himself while he's President?

If so, and Trump can obviously pardon Flynn and Bannon and other Trump Teamates, then why fucking bother having this Special Counsel? - as soon as it looks bad, Illegitimate POTUS will pardon himself and EVERYONE.

Our Gov't at "work!"  

Whatta fucking mess...

GaGambler 287 reads
10 / 62

Just like you did after Brexit, after Trump won the election and every other time you see a bit of news you don't like.

Do we really need to go back and look at all panic stricken posts made for days and days after Brexit?

The market is still steaming on, but don't worry eventually there will be a correction and even another bear market. Just like a broken clock is right twice a day, keep preaching doom and gloom and EVENTUALLY you will be proven right. No market goes up in a straight line, it's simply not how the markets work.

Mr.M.Johnson 196 reads
11 / 62

I'm just helping you w/your arithmetic!  400 points is a LOT more than 50 points!🙂

We'll see how long it takes to get back the other 350...

Although, I ain't selling any stock now.

ed2000 31 Reviews 178 reads
12 / 62

Posted By: BigPapasan
. . . . presidents . . .  can't be impeached for anything that happened BEFORE they took office.
Congress can impeach and convict the President or any civil officer for any reason they wish. "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" was added to be intentionally vague.

ed2000 31 Reviews 239 reads
13 / 62

Although I would expect and hope he would be impeached because of it and as Dr. Beeper pointed out, impeachment is specifically excluded from pardons. It would let a President off the hook from prosecution though. As for post dated pardons (pardon for future actions), I don't know of any example where it's been done or attempted. I would fully expect the SCOTUS to eventually adjudicate that post dated pardons are unconstitutional. They may have already but I don't know about it.

ed2000 31 Reviews 216 reads
15 / 62
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 231 reads
16 / 62

...am NOT counting on my Social Security as you are.  Would you call it "bragging" that you're counting on your Social Security to survive your declining years?  


I call it being a typical Republican hypocrite - claiming you want smaller government but sticking your hand out and saying "gimme, gimme, gimme."  Social Security and Medicare account for half of our exploding budget.  You righties claim you want to cut deficits and reduce spending, but it's always on someone else's back - welfare, food stamps, etc.  But oh no, don't you dare touch ed2000's Social Security and Medicare.  Right, deadbeat?

And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - your son is sucking off the government tit by getting Obamacare.


When Obamacare is repealed by your Republican Party, what will you do if your son is one of the 24 million who lose their healthcare coverage?  The same thing you did last time - nothing!  You'll go on a fuckboard and cry about it instead of stepping up and helping him out because you'll be worried about your own pathetic retirement.  Father of the Year!!  

I really, really hope Trump wins a second term and the Republicans keep control of both houses of Congress.  That will give them plenty of time to privatize Social Security.  Of course, the privatization will survive the challenge in the conservative Supreme Court.  Then I'll be laughing my ass off at you, your son and all your fellow righties when Social Security goes belly up and it will be YOUR turn to mooch from the soup kitchen.

GaGambler 206 reads
17 / 62

I hope SS is privatized as well. and if that means I will never get a single penny of all the hundreds of thousands (actually millions as an employer) I have put into the system, well so be it. I never expected to see a penny of that money ever again anyhow and was resigned to that possibility/probability ever since I was in my twenties and figured out what a ridiculous Ponzi scheme it was even at that young age.

If my good buddies St C and Ed have to give up their SS as well, I guess I can live with that too. Especially when the alternative is for the government to take even MORE of my money with the promise of giving me back some of it some day. Bernie Madoff had nothing on FDR.

BTW I have nothing against food stamps and my biggest beef with welfare are not the hard costs of paying for it, but the lost productivity in having entire generations dependent on welfare and being taught from birth that it's smarter to simply "work the system" of government assistance than it is to get a low paying job that makes you ineligible for welfare, food stamps etc. Look at our own resident moocher, why should he work when he can simply lie around the shelter all day, using the soup kitchen's wifi and running his mouth here all day about how smart he is? Why should he make any changes in his life, he's got it made now?

JakeFromStateFarm 146 reads
18 / 62

He mooches wifi from the public library.  He can't afford his own computer, so the library is his only option.

GaGambler 162 reads
19 / 62

You asked a question, I just gave you one of the more likely answers if impeachment were to occur.

How about Richard Nixon? He essentially got to appoint his successor as Gerald Ford was NEVER elected to executive office, and his appointed successor gave him a pardon as well.  

Personally I think it's a moot point as I don't personally believe that Trump is guilty of the charges the Dems want to pursue against him. I do concede it is VERY possible that he could be impeached, I also believe he "could be" forced out of office, but I do not believe that he will be the first POTUS to be successfully impeached.

JakeFromStateFarm 134 reads
20 / 62

Just mention Taffy's name and he comes romping out of the soup line to let us know how validated he is by being made fun of on a fuck board.
And not a single word of rebuttal, so I guess he does mooch free wifi and computer time at his local library.

JakeFromStateFarm 225 reads
21 / 62
JackDunphy 332 reads
22 / 62

First of all, while R's do claim to want SMALLER government, they don't express a desire for NO government. If you really don't think the entitlements are in DEEP trouble, you are not paying attention.

At least the R's talk about making necessary changes while the D's demagogue the issue year after year trying to scare voters into thinking they will throw granny off the cliff, thus the changes so desperately need to MC and SS never happen.

So this nonsense of the R's will bankrupt SS by privatizing it is absurd.  It is going bankrupt NOW and it is NOT privatized.  

And one other thing about privatization. When Bush offered it up, he only wanted a PART of the program privatized and with the recipients choice to do so. If peeps wanted to stay in the old system they could.  

But if others wanted to take some added risk for hopefully a bigger gain when they retire, they would have had the option of doing so. Oh the horrors of that!

You also might want to look in a history book and note that the R's in large numbers voted in favor of both MC and SS.  

Your obsession with Ed is very troubling. Every time he kicks your ass in an argument, you divert to his personal financial situation. Bizarre. Ed has every right to take from a system he has paid into. Only a person diverting form the topic at hand would even mention it.  

One can be in favor of revamping SS and MC and still benefit from them. Fuck, if I am going to give up my SS money. If the government is going to force me into paying for it, damn right I will collect from it. That's not hypocritical at all. That's merely benefiting from a program that I support.  

Being hypocritical would be a R demanding that the government ENDS the program while asking for a hand out, not for looking for ways that would sustain the program.

GaGambler 126 reads
23 / 62

He was basically laughed off the stage although he made some VERY good points and eventually somebody is going to have to face the fact that people living longer, combined with less people entering the work force, not to mention funding SS with nothing but IOU's is going to break the system.

What could be more American that letting people opt out of the system and taking charge of their own destiny?

The Dems solution is to "tax the rich until there are rich no more" and then what the fuck do we do after we have squandered that money too? Of course that too will be someone else's problem.

GaGambler 275 reads
24 / 62

Dow is barely three hundred points or less than 1 1/2% off of the record highs set during it's recent run, hardly the meltdown you have been predicting since Trump won back in November. And the broader indices have done even better with the NASDAQ over 6,100 and the S&P within range of 2,400.

Nothing goes up forever, but the market is still in a "buy the dips" mentality, which must be very frustrating to those of you expecting the markets to collapse in a Trump administration.

JakeFromStateFarm 208 reads
25 / 62

Like "The Dems (sic) solution is to 'tax the rich until there (sic) are rich no more." In fact, the Dems' solution is simply to remove the ceiling on income that can be taxed.  That would solve the whole problem.  So of course the Reps hate it.

GaGambler 87 reads
26 / 62

Lets say a self employed person works his ass off and makes a million dollars in a year. Do you REALLY think it's fair for him to be forced to contribute over $150,000 into the SS system in a single year? Is THAT your idea of fair?

Of course under the Dems plan someone like Warren Buffett most likely wouldn't pay a single penny into the system as he doesn't have "earned income"  

Great plan Jake, real fucking fair.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 331 reads
28 / 62

...Social Security?  You've said many times that you don't expect to see a single penny of it, so you don't care if the government gambles SS away by privatizing it.

Ed is counting on his Social Security.  He's shitting his pants at the prospect of having to give it up.  You say that YOU can live with the prospect of Ed having to give up his Social Security.  The question is, can HE live without Social Security?  Or will he have to get in the soup line to make up for the loss of SS?

JakeFromStateFarm 153 reads
29 / 62

Like graduating the amount he has to pay on his upper income.  And who said anything about Buffett? He's practically begging to pay more in tax, plus the whole world knows hedge fund managers need to be taxed at more than the capital gains rate.  The whole system is unfair (to use a term you Trumpies love), but we're not talking about overall tax reform here, just about ways to save Social Security.
And, BTW, by blowing health care reform (you don't think that's gonna happen now, do you?) and drowning himself in a sea of unforced errors that have now resulted in Mueller looking up Trump's skirt for the next couple of years, do you really think tax reform is going to happen?
Dream on.

Mr.M.Johnson 208 reads
30 / 62

If/when he's impeached AND he realizes that he would be removed, he'll resign "to spend more time w/family and biz."

Mr.M.Johnson 373 reads
31 / 62

That wasn't me!

Yeah, the market's up based on assumption/anticipation of Trump cutting taxes on people and companies - we've discussed this.

Clearly the market dropped 4 days ago by 400 points due to Trump/Comey etc. - it wasn't a "random market fluctuation."  And, as usual, whenever there's a large bump or a large drop, the next days rebound in the opposite direction.

I'm NOT a day-trader, so, these bumps in the road are interesting but meaningless.

My humble prediction is that Trump ain't gonna get the hhuuuuuge tax cuts he wants, but the market won't drop much because companies are so profitable that they are practically printing money.

GaGambler 211 reads
32 / 62

If you didn't address your posts to me it would be almost impossible to tell just who the fuck you were talking to.

You use quotes almost as well as LTM&L, as I never said the drop the other day was a "random market fluctuation" Yes, it was a knee jerk reaction to the Trump/Comey news and just like Brexit and Trump getting elected, "after further" review the market has shrugged it off. Now when REAL bad news comes out that market will be unable to shrug that off, but who knows if that news is a day away or a year.

and you most definitely have been saying you have been expecting the market to tank for months now. Try to deny it if you like, but we both know the truth.

I think Trump is going to get Repatriation, I think he is going to get a corporate tax cut which is desperately needed, but I concede his "major tax overhaul" is very unlikely to get done this year

GaGambler 207 reads
33 / 62

and I really hope the younger people aren't counting on this giant Ponzi scheme to take care of them in their old age. Madoff only scammed the American people out of fifty billion or so, he's a piker compared to the TRILLONS that's been taken in by SS.

If Bernie Madoff where to have said all he needed was another $100 billion or so to "save" the  $50 billion already squandered he might have been the first person ever given the death penalty for a white collar crime, but the lemmings (you included apparently) seem to be fine with doubling down on a massive scam.  

You can't "gamble away" SS by privatizing it, there is nothing there but IOUs to begin with. Please show me where this "lock box" of SS money is today. You can't do it because there is no lock box and there is no money, just IOUs placed there by politicians long gone from both parties who knew that "someday" someone else would have to deal with it.

borabora 15 Reviews 145 reads
34 / 62

He can fuck himself and he does it several times a day.

borabora 15 Reviews 88 reads
35 / 62

How about condemning him live with Laffy and Bigpapa 24/7?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
Re: pardon
Trump and Flynn would be perfect cellmates..

ed2000 31 Reviews 195 reads
36 / 62

Do I need to worry you about your mental stability BP?

This is the umpteenth time you’ve unsolicitedly brought these two subjects up. Comparing you to the Glenn Close character in “Fatal Attraction” would be a compliment. Or maybe you fancy yourself a sadist and you believe you are harming me in some way. Either way you are merely demonstrating that you are nothing more than a small person with a tiny soul, probably another reason you chose a handle prefaced with “Big”.

For those don’t care to read those old threads, both of your presumptions are totally false and taken out of context.

#1 “I’m counting on Social Security”.  

If someone loaned you $150,000 and then stated “I’m counting on BigPapasan to pay me back”, I gather you would consider that a highly unreasonable statement. Everything you get or have has been considered a gift? Maybe that helps explain your state of mind. Asking for smaller government is somehow hypocritical? No. A smaller government would not have had the need to steal MY Social Security contributions in the first place.

#2 “ed2000 did nothing to help his son when he lost his Obamacare coverage” (paraphrased)

OK, now this is just a flat out lie on your part. It’s not based on anything I ever stated. First, my son had a job that did not offer health insurance due to its size so he purchased what Obama put in front of him. Blue Cross then cancelled him for the following year. BTW, he DID like it but couldn’t keep it. I used his circumstance to have a discussion with marikod. BTW, he quit that job and  immediately got a better one, one with great insurance. And all this time you’ve been telling everyone he’s got no insurance because of me. . . . feeling so sorry for him because of me. He did what I taught him to do. What a joke you are regarding what you expect from people.  

At least you have given up demonstrating your clueless nature of not knowing the difference between “Mean” and “Median”. You’re making improvement.

-- Modified on 5/19/2017 6:20:47 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 137 reads
37 / 62

-- Modified on 5/19/2017 6:21:33 PM

Mr.M.Johnson 174 reads
38 / 62

Look back 7 days to our PMing - I told you that I just bought a bunch in the market.. sound like a guy who believes the market will tank?!?  Not!

What I've said all along is that the market will "wake up" to Illegitimate POTUS's lies and promises and react.  But that day ain't soon.  And, as I said in this thread, companies are printing money, so, this'll compensate for Trump's lies for now

95% of my $$$ is in NASDAQ

JakeFromStateFarm 175 reads
41 / 62

But it's just a tad more important we know about Trump's.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 210 reads
42 / 62

...Why are you white knighting for ed when those are HIS ACTUAL WORDS?  Two years ago he said he was "counting on" Social Security.  He didn't say he "wants it."  Come on man, read the damn link!!


GaGambler 249 reads
43 / 62

This conversation was two years ago and while I have a pretty good memory, no one can be expected to remember every exact word said from two yeas ago.

Now that my memory has been "refreshed" I will concede that is exactly what he said and I will further state that Ed and I most definitely disagree about SS, it's hardly the first thing we have disagreed about. but I will give Ed some wiggle room here about "needing" it, "counting" on something and "needing" it are two different things. I "count on" certain contracts coming through all the time to meet my cash flow expectations, but if one of them falls through I am not going to be standing in the soup line alongside LTM&L because of it. So we can draw a certain distinction between "counting on" and "needing" I will concede It is different than simply "wanting it"

Sorry Ed, but if SS is going to be saved and it's a choice between stealing ANOTHER several hundred grand from me over the next few years, just so you can get 190% of what you put it, you are NOT going to get my support to do so. I hope you realize that you are agreeing with Jake on the subject who would be just fine if I had to put another several million into the system to save it.

JakeFromStateFarm 157 reads
44 / 62

Not only am I "just fine if [you] had to put another several million into the system to save it," I am COUNTING ON IT.  But don't worry, I promise to spend it on hookers. ROFL.

JakeFromStateFarm 186 reads
45 / 62

you may wish to pull this post, too.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 186 reads
46 / 62

...keep worrying about your retirement - it's getting closer and closer.

You said you're "counting on" Social Security because you NEED it for your miserable retirement.  No one thinks of Social Security like a loan they hope will be repaid.  No one, that is, except traitorous righties who have no faith in our government.  Do you include yourself in that category with GaG?

"taken out of context?????"  I linked your entire posts which contained the entire threads for anyone to read.  Flail and fail.

"...a small person with a tiny soul..."   You must be looking in the mirror.  That's YOU for what you did to me.  Why don't you tell everyone how you backstabbed ME?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 205 reads
47 / 62

This is what I said to him when he used a similar dodge to try to explain away his "counting on" Social Security:

"You said you're "counting on" Social Security because you NEED it for your miserable retirement.  No one thinks of Social Security like a loan they hope will be repaid.  No one, that is, except traitorous righties who have no faith in our government.  Do you include yourself in that category with GaG?"

You said you won't be standing in a soup line if some of your contracts fall through.  That's YOU!!!  How the hell do you know ed's financial situation and whether or not he's counting on Social Security because he really needs it or because he thinks (like you do) that the system won't be around?

Why do you give your fellow righties the benefit of the doubt but when Laffy says he had to get help for a short period of time,  you think he's getting assistance in perpetuity?  Why do you give ed2000 "wiggle room" but you don't give Laffy the same wiggle room?

GaGambler 266 reads
48 / 62

I will just stop declaring any "earned Income" at all, and your old ass can join LTM&L at the soup kitchen when people like me say "fuck this" and stop putting anything at all into the system

How much do you want to bet your BFF BPS isn't putting shit into the system either?

JakeFromStateFarm 222 reads
49 / 62

If you think I'm in the same boat as ed on SS, you are so WRONG it's just laughable.  And if you think I'm going to discuss my finances on this (or any) board, well, I'll give you enough credit to assume you're not THAT dumb.  Please note, I did NOT say you're not dumb.  Just not THAT dumb. LOL.

ed2000 31 Reviews 194 reads
50 / 62

Like I said, if I loan you $150K I WILL be counting on you to pay it back. That has ZERO to do with whether I need it to survive. Only someone like you would think paying me back is optional. I never said I NEEDED SS to survive. You made that all up.  

Given up on attacking me for health insurance? Once again, I NEVER said my son was ever without coverage. I simply said his policy was cancelled. It was YOU that made up your own reality for what you wanted that to mean.

At least you aren't continuing to embarrass yourself here about it, like you humiliated yourself over not knowing the difference between MEAN and MEDIAN when I said I was richer than most. That's when you first started to attack me over my perceived income and wealth. Are you jealous or just an asshole?

All three incidents are plenty of evidence for people to see that you have an ulterior motive here, and now you admit it below, claiming I somehow "back stabbed" you. Huh? Does this go all the way back to the time you once informed me that you had just done a me a "solid" so therefore I should come on here and stick up for you? Is that it? I still have your PM if you want me to post it.

Your doing it again here with your feigned slight of why oh why won't GaG agree with you and back you up on this. Christ. Stand up for yourself. You are pitiful.

ed2000 31 Reviews 198 reads
51 / 62
ed2000 31 Reviews 230 reads
52 / 62

I AM "counting" on you to continue to work for as long as possible, and then a few year more, just to keep the system afloat.  

BTW, my 190% calculation was in raw original dollars (year over year). Throw in inflation and well...you know.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 99 reads
53 / 62

...it will probably only pay for one mid-range hooker per month.  I'll wait until I'm 70 to collect it so I can get a hooker upgrade, lol.  I haven't contributed to SS in over 20 years.

ed2000 31 Reviews 126 reads
54 / 62

Johnson pulls his. He just might, given that he's responded to himself SEVEN times already.

You can't quit crying and he can't find anybody to talk to. Christ this thread is fucked up.

ed2000 31 Reviews 156 reads
55 / 62

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
. . . And if you think I'm going to discuss my finances on this (or any) board, well, I'll give you enough credit to assume you're not THAT dumb.
FYI. I didn't either, not really. BP invented everything he's used in his feeble attempts to "irk" me. The only thing I DID say (18 months ago) was that "I was richer than most" which only reveals that my net worth is somewhere north of $45K, whoopee! BP has been on a rampage ever since because he refused to admit he didn't understand the difference between MEAN vs. MEDIAN.  My best guess is he thought I was claiming I was richer than him, LOL.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 160 reads
56 / 62

...Sucks to be a wage slave.  Sucks to be you.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 170 reads
57 / 62

"...I’m only a couple of years from retirement and I am counting on SS...."

You can wriggle and squirm and try to twist out of what you said, but the meaning is clear.  You're getting close to retirement and you're gonna need your Social Security to make it.  Even assuming you meant that you were saying you are counting on Social Security not going broke, it doesn't matter.  You're still saying:  "I'm only a couple of years from retirement and I am counting on SS not to go broke because I need it for my retirement years."


-- Modified on 5/19/2017 11:24:27 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 163 reads
58 / 62

"Does this go all the way back to the time you once informed me that you had just done a me a "solid" so therefore I should come on here and stick up for you? Is that it? I still have your PM if you want me to post it. "  
No, it doesn't go back to 2009.  Yes, I still have the PMs too.  At that time, there wasn't the hostility on the board like there is now and like there is between Dems and the GOP.   Our PMs were quite collegial.  Yes, I did you a solid but I asked nothing in return.  You absolutely, 100% have my permission to post our exchange to show what a liar you are.  Go ahead, I'm calling your bluff.  Put up or STFU.  

Or... I'll put up 100 grand and you put up 100 grand.  Then you and I can each send the PMs separately to GaG and let him decide if I asked you to stick up for me.  I'm willing to let your righty buddy decide because I know you're lying.  Well?  Put up or STFU.

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 12:05:54 AM

GaGambler 234 reads
59 / 62

Ok, maybe I will discuss it just a bit.  

I have no expectations that without SS you will be standing next to LTM&L in the soup kitchen.  

That's not "revealing personal information" is it? lol

and please note, I didn't say you weren't a broke dick peon, just not THAT poor as to on the same scale as LTM&L  

(and of course, I didn't say you were either. lol)

Speaking of admitted broke dicks, I wonder what happened to "tini"? Remember that guy who admitted to sleeping in shelters "Robertini"??? We haven't heard from him since 9-15.  

Too funny. I ran across this post of my own while doing a message search for Robertini.  I think this may have been the first post by anyone giving Trump a chance to win. and you guys were laughing your asses off at the prospect of Trump actually winning. Well who's laughing now? lmao

ed2000 31 Reviews 148 reads
60 / 62
ed2000 31 Reviews 109 reads
61 / 62

We were discussing public revelations about our income or net worth. . . .  

Regardless of what you think or want it to mean that 18 month old statement of mine was about holding the government accountable to their promises. As I also stated earlier, that concept (government or personal) must be foreign to you.

User1994 23 Reviews 122 reads
62 / 62

There is nothing to pardon himself for. Being accused of made up crimes by one's political opposition is not pardonable.

Sorry to sink your battleships...

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