Politics and Religion

Don't start patting yourself on the back lol
OSP 26 Reviews 697 reads

Anyone, on this board(etal), who has the juevos to think they can get under my skin has another thing coming. Many other bloviates have attempted and have failed miserably. I will always do as I please and say as I please. I have enmassed quite a lifestyle bye doing just that.

"Exploitation" will always be the cry of the have-nots.

I like their burgers but the fucking fucker founder had this delusion that Chick-fil-A is some sort of godly restaurant entity who needs to take a day off on sundays. lol

GaGambler747 reads

Chick fil A doesn't sell burgers, they sell chicken sandwiches which i hate to say are about the only fast food that is remotely edible.

The crap about the holy fucking roller, fag hating, bible thumping , piece of crap that owns the chain I agree with 100%

I went to the Chick fil A bowl game in Atlanta a couple of years ago, and instead of the national anthem they insisted that everyone stand and bow their heads in silence for some Christian Prayer. I sat my ass right back down in my seat and talked at the top of my lungs during the entire fucking prayer. Considering Atlanta is right in the middle of the Bible Belt I was lucky to get out of the Ga Dome alive.

to avoid paying anyone "Full time" employment wages and benefits. The 'Church' has historically always enjoyed a very real simpatico with the ruling class.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I like their burgers but the fucking fucker founder had this delusion that Chick-fil-A is some sort of godly restaurant entity who needs to take a day off on sundays. lol

Their sole intention, with Sunday closure, is that of Keeping the Sabbath. And if if that(as an added benefit) saves them money, good for them. I have only 1 FT employee for the reason you stated, while having 27 total for an altogether different strategic reason. Who fucking cares?

I own stock in the business which takes a stand against homosexuality

Pardon me if you saw your own Christian/corporate ethos of worker exploitation reflected in the sentiment of my response. Was it not an image to your liking?

Posted By: OSP
Their sole intention, with Sunday closure, is that of Keeping the Sabbath. And if if that(as an added benefit) saves them money, good for them. I have only 1 FT employee for the reason you stated, while having 27 total for an altogether different strategic reason. Who fucking cares?

I own stock in the business which takes a stand against homosexuality

GaGambler857 reads

I am not a "fan" of homosexuality, quite frankly I just don't spend much time thinking about it at all. It is a fact of life that there are literally millions of "queers" out there, and praying them away isn't going to impact their numbers.

For someone to spend this much time "hating fags" can only make one wonder, why is homosexuality so important to a "straight" man? Could it be that he secretly gets wood when looking at a full frontal nude shot of a tranny? or maybe that he finds himself getting aroused just thinking about man on man porn? I don't have the answers, but it certainly raises the questions. lmao

Anyone, on this board(etal), who has the juevos to think they can get under my skin has another thing coming. Many other bloviates have attempted and have failed miserably. I will always do as I please and say as I please. I have enmassed quite a lifestyle bye doing just that.

"Exploitation" will always be the cry of the have-nots.

us the money to pay back employees who pay for their own birth control. I'd be surprised if policies with birth control provided don't end up being cheaper for the insurer long term anyway...  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Religion run amok? Hobby Lobby's case comes to the Supreme Court  

St. Croix756 reads

feminazis or religious assholes. Just fucking put the majority of birth control methods over the counter right next to Robitussin or dental floss. 95% use standard stuff like pills, including the morning after, diaphragm, female condoms, sponge, etc.  Once over the counter, the prices come down to $10 or less. Even Sandra "the cunt" Fluke can pay that when she buys her sponge and suppositories at the Piggly Wiggly. We make things so fucking difficult sometimes.

Now back to March Madness, which is fucking more important.

Posted By: 613spades
  us the money to pay back employees who pay for their own birth control. I'd be surprised if policies with birth control provided don't end up being cheaper for the insurer long term anyway...  
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Religion run amok? Hobby Lobby's case comes to the Supreme Court  

GaGambler691 reads

Didn't you guys have some sort of a bet about whose team would go further in the Tourney?

and boy you ask tough questions, I honestly can't answer your question about feminazis or religious assholes. As for putting the shit "over the counter" other countries do that right now with complete success, In Costa Rica for example they do that and more, even "boner pills" are available over the counter.

Now don't be too hard on old Mari, there's no shame in going out in the first round, If you a double digit seed at least. I wonder if he is rethinking his stance on buying a firearm, or if he will just drink himself to death with white wine spritzers. lmao

St. Croix815 reads

Has anybody checked the hospitals and morgues? But that's OK, because doesn't everybody hate Duke basketball! Grant Hill calls it "white on white" hate, because Duke had so-called really good white players.  So much for the east coast snobs (ACC and Big East) who think basketball begins and ends with them. But I wouldn't be putting any serious money on Stanford or UCLA this Thursday.  

Re contraceptives, insurance companies are required under law to provide the following as preventive services, birth control pills, the morning after pill, the patch, the ring and the diaphragm. Not so with the IUD or implants. Why? The former is easy and self-administered by the woman. I don't know where the fuck the feminazis got it in their head that contraceptives, specifically the self-administered types, MUST be provided at no charge. Put this shit over the counter and the price does down.

No bet with mari this year. Somebody needs to start a gun, drone or California property tax thread. If that doesn't flush him out, then back to the hospitals and morgues.  


Posted By: GaGambler
Didn't you guys have some sort of a bet about whose team would go further in the Tourney?

and boy you ask tough questions, I honestly can't answer your question about feminazis or religious assholes. As for putting the shit "over the counter" other countries do that right now with complete success, In Costa Rica for example they do that and more, even "boner pills" are available over the counter.

Now don't be too hard on old Mari, there's no shame in going out in the first round, If you a double digit seed at least. I wonder if he is rethinking his stance on buying a firearm, or if he will just drink himself to death with white wine spritzers. lmao

None of this would be an issue if we had just gone to single payer.

St. Croix680 reads

Medicare/Medicaid fraud and abuse is close to $100B a year in a budget close to about $800B.  Since healthcare consumes almost 18% of GDP, that translates to about $2.9T annually, give or take a few billion. Our GDP is just north of $17T. So $100B in fraud and abuse will turn into about $350B annually. By the way, there are no economies of scale when it comes to fraud and abuse. So why would I want more of that? Convince me how you would significantly reduce fraud and abuse in 4 or 5 simple one line bullet points. Keep it simple. No rants or temper tantrums about the private sector.

Posted By: willywonka4u
None of this would be an issue if we had just gone to single payer.

Where are you getting your numbers from? Dr. Evil?  Even Willy will figure out that your $350 billion a year is about as accurate as the numbers he likes to use from the NRA website.

      First, we have no idea whatsoever how much is lost to “fraud” each year.  The estimate spreads are so far apart. – 3 to 10% of all health care billings- as to make the estimated numbers absolutely meaningless. (“it’s somewhere between $17 billion and 57 billion, Harry.”) If their estimate is going to be off by $40 billion, St. Croix, you have no estimate at all.

     Second, are you talking about successful fraud or unsuccessful fraud or both? If the fraud is successful, by definition we never knew it happened. How do you think the FBI generates those numbers? They take the few fraud cases they catch,  “guesstimate” they are only catching  a small portion of the actual fraud,  pull some number out of the air to multiply this number and end up with their 3 to 10% estimate.

      Third, I gather you are tossing in Medicaid and "abuse" to reach the $450 billion figure. But wtf is “abuse”? You are counting defensive medicine payments in the abuse column. But  the motive for that is totally different than the true fraud cases and the remedy for defensive medicine is totally different. And defensive medicine is not necessarily bad, certainly not for the patient.

       I agree with Bill Gates who is a totally different context wrote that, until you can measure a problem, you really have no chance to solve it. And that is the problem with Medicare “fraud and abuse” – we can’t measure it, and until we can, there is no way to solve the very different problems of outright fraud, defensive medicine, coding errors, and negligence all of which add up to some figure but nowhere close I would guess to $350 billion.  Until we can do that, “pay and chase” is the only workable policy.

      Finally, who cares anyway? I don’t want to live in a world where Duke loses to Mercer and UCLA goes to the sweet 16. My NCAA has been ruined. So to hell with your single payer objections

St. Croix499 reads

And to think I was worried about you. It's an upside down world mari, when 4 West Coast teams (UCLA, Arizona, SDSU and Stanford) make up 25% of the Sweet Sixteen. Maybe you should've stayed up later during the season to watch west coast basketball vs watching Belle Knox does Duke porn (lmao).  

You're giving me a headache. "Pay and Chase" is the only workable policy". Why not "Chase and Pay". Are you starting with the premise that every claim is pure as the driven snow.

Do you also want to play the game, my article is better than your article? Here's mine. I'll take Forbes, where Eric Holder suggests that there is an estimated $60 to $90 billion in fraud in Medicare and a similar amount for Medicaid.  


I went to the White House website for the 2014 federal budget. Medicare and Medicaid was about $800B. So you mentioned fraud at 3% to 10%. Let's compromise at 6%, for shits and giggles. What's 6% of $800B? Let's see 6 x 8 = $48B. Holder thinks a lot higher, but I'll stay with $48B, just because I like you. Now since you want a single payer system, and absolutely no improvements to the existing system, other than it's now frigging bigger, what's 6% of $2.9T, which is 18% of GDP? Almost $200B.

So besides your brilliant, let's stay with the "Pay and Chase" model, because it works so well, since we have NO IDEA about the amount of fraud, abuse and waste, and since we can't measure it, therefore we can't solve it. Is that how you are going to sell the single payer system?

Sidebar, no way to solve coding errors. No way to SOLVE CODING ERRORS!!!!! There are 50,000 God Damn approved codes. No wonder there are coding errors. Maybe if you had at least volunteered moving to a "Chase and Pay" and dramatically reduced billing codes, I might be willing to listen.

P.S. Call Belle Knox and book an hour. Maybe Duke's finest can get you out of the March Madness fog you're in.

Posted By: marikod
   Where are you getting your numbers from? Dr. Evil?  Even Willy will figure out that your $350 billion a year is about as accurate as the numbers he likes to use from the NRA website.  
       First, we have no idea whatsoever how much is lost to “fraud” each year.  The estimate spreads are so far apart. – 3 to 10% of all health care billings- as to make the estimated numbers absolutely meaningless. (“it’s somewhere between $17 billion and 57 billion, Harry.”) If their estimate is going to be off by $40 billion, St. Croix, you have no estimate at all.  
      Second, are you talking about successful fraud or unsuccessful fraud or both? If the fraud is successful, by definition we never knew it happened. How do you think the FBI generates those numbers? They take the few fraud cases they catch,  “guesstimate” they are only catching  a small portion of the actual fraud,  pull some number out of the air to multiply this number and end up with their 3 to 10% estimate.  
       Third, I gather you are tossing in Medicaid and "abuse" to reach the $450 billion figure. But wtf is “abuse”? You are counting defensive medicine payments in the abuse column. But  the motive for that is totally different than the true fraud cases and the remedy for defensive medicine is totally different. And defensive medicine is not necessarily bad, certainly not for the patient.  
        I agree with Bill Gates who is a totally different context wrote that, until you can measure a problem, you really have no chance to solve it. And that is the problem with Medicare “fraud and abuse” – we can’t measure it, and until we can, there is no way to solve the very different problems of outright fraud, defensive medicine, coding errors, and negligence all of which add up to some figure but nowhere close I would guess to $350 billion.  Until we can do that, “pay and chase” is the only workable policy.  
       Finally, who cares anyway? I don’t want to live in a world where Duke loses to Mercer and UCLA goes to the sweet 16. My NCAA has been ruined. So to hell with your single payer objections.  

A while ago I heard something on the radio about how the Obama administration was going after Medicare fraud. What was the fraud that they were so concerned with? It was doctors over charging for procedures that Medicaire/Medicaid patients didn't even need.  

Imagine for a moment, that doctors weren't paid depending on how much they can charge, but were instead paid based upon how healthy their patients were. Admittedly, this is a crazy idea, but that's precisely how it works in the U.K.  

Then again, when it comes to gov't waste, I didn't hear too many Republicans pissing and moaning about the 8.7 billion the Pentagon lost in Iraq. I guess you're not wasting money if you're using it to kill people instead of curing illnesses.

What would happen is you worked for a employer who was a "Jehovah's Witness"?  You could find yourself without any coverage for blood transfusions or other medical procedures that are not allowed under the believes of the JW Church.  

Hobby Lobby must be told they can't impose their personal beliefs on employees!

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