Politics and Religion

Doesn't it just crack you up when a lib calls out
balller 35 reads

fucking ANYONE for being a hypocrite?

Come-on, they claim to be compassionate but crushed Americans with the failed Obamacare (unaffordable deductibles coupled with unaffordable ever rising premiums);  they claim to be peaceful yet they condone, excuse, even encourage by their silence, violence in their name; they claim to care about humans but consider partial-birth abortion/infanticide a basic human right and the HOLY sacrament to their own lib religion; they attack the right for their flaws but are ok with the oppression of women, even their mutilation and murder, by folks who we aren't allowed to name (shhh!  it Muslims!) cuz that would make us racist (even though it's a religion, go figure?); they want social justice and an end to racism by being racist themselves and at the expense of white folk cuz, just by being white you are privileged and "fucking evil";  they support the most oppressive of dictators, mainly the anti-American ones just cuz they're anti-American; the list is FUCKING ENDLESS with new examples at least daily!

They actually use the word HYPOCRITE with a straight face unaware how very stupid and clueless they are.  Gawd they're precious.

Every time one of these fools, particularly this lib infant, uses the word it just CRACKS me the FUCK UP!  

Will you PLEASE SPARE US the hypocrisy!  LOL

The Religious Freedom nut said this during 2009-2010.   Now he is doing it himself.     New meaning for Hypocrisy.

balller36 reads

fucking ANYONE for being a hypocrite?

Come-on, they claim to be compassionate but crushed Americans with the failed Obamacare (unaffordable deductibles coupled with unaffordable ever rising premiums);  they claim to be peaceful yet they condone, excuse, even encourage by their silence, violence in their name; they claim to care about humans but consider partial-birth abortion/infanticide a basic human right and the HOLY sacrament to their own lib religion; they attack the right for their flaws but are ok with the oppression of women, even their mutilation and murder, by folks who we aren't allowed to name (shhh!  it Muslims!) cuz that would make us racist (even though it's a religion, go figure?); they want social justice and an end to racism by being racist themselves and at the expense of white folk cuz, just by being white you are privileged and "fucking evil";  they support the most oppressive of dictators, mainly the anti-American ones just cuz they're anti-American; the list is FUCKING ENDLESS with new examples at least daily!

They actually use the word HYPOCRITE with a straight face unaware how very stupid and clueless they are.  Gawd they're precious.

Every time one of these fools, particularly this lib infant, uses the word it just CRACKS me the FUCK UP!  

Will you PLEASE SPARE US the hypocrisy!  LOL

The anti-Russia talk, is just code for anti-white.

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