Politics and Religion

Doesn't a statute of limitations apply here?sad_smile
zinaval 7 Reviews 1926 reads

I mean, the story is nearly 30 years old.

Tusayan4553 reads

In the latest chapter of Fred's Follies it turns out that Fred Thompson's campaign co-chairman and top donor and fund raiser is a convicted drug dealer.  No word yet if he also likes to hang out in airport restrooms:


but at least they don't run on a platform of superior moral piety.

Devils-advocate2107 reads

from being cast into oblivion is the perennial Democratic platform of subsidizing the least able, which, surprise surprise! results in more inability.  Like none of them ever took Economics 101.

It does seem that they have learned from each other, the Democrats electing a fella who is at least able to seduce most women, while the Republicans elect a fella who needs help to fuck up a wet dream.

In fairness to both these parties of busybodies, these are matters of degree and judgment.  It would be nice if either of them showed good judgment sometimes.

Barney Frank is more likely than not to know who sucks dick....

"Martin entered a plea of guilty to the sale of 11 pounds of marijuana in 1979; the court withheld judgment pending completion of his probation. He was charged in 1983 with violating his probation and with multiple counts of felony bookmaking, cocaine trafficking and conspiracy. He pleaded no contest to the cocaine-trafficking and conspiracy charges, which stemmed from a plan to sell $30,000 worth of the drug, and was continued on probation.

-- Modified on 11/5/2007 12:25:07 PM

dipshitcowboy1811 reads

and george bush did drugs too.  they should be legal anyway.

wasn't it republican majority leader, and superstar, dick armey that called him a fag?  i wonder what he thinks of all his fellow conservative 'fag haters' being outed.

Devils-advocate1847 reads

that's just OJT for Republicans.  Hell, the Reagan White House was doing the same thing.

GaGambler1355 reads

Yeah and Bill didn't inhale. Who really gives a shit about behavior that most of us are guilty of too?

Devils-advocate2327 reads

you or Bill might toke up a little here & there, but this guy is trafficking.  You might do a little shady gambling, but this guy organizes it, as a career.

Why else would he get hired for management?  What, you think you could have got that job?

BTW, do you think the GOP would concede your point - that "most of us" do that sort of shit?  Just asking.

-- Modified on 11/5/2007 8:15:49 PM

GaGambler1769 reads

When I said "most of us", I meant most of us here, not most of the general population.

And yes I probably could get a job very similar to his, if I desired it, which I most certainly do not.I wouldn't want shit that I did thirty years ago to be dredged up and put on the front page. the guy never spent any jail time an has apparently made a success out of his life. I much prefer to judge the candidates on their own merits not dig shit up from thiry years ago that the actual candidate had nothing to do with.

Devils-advocate1079 reads

drug trafficking or bookmaking on the side?

So I take it that you think Bush should have left Kerry's record alone?

And it's really not all that big deal if a candidate has a 30 year old criminal record?

Go get Chuck Manson.  Tell the parole board he wants to run for President.

Come off it, GA.

GaGambler2079 reads

It's not the candidate's record, if Thompson had a record, thirty years old or not, it would matter. Thompson has no record, but you know that, you just want to argue about shit, as usual. You've even got me defending some one I don't even particulary like, much less plan on voting for.

I don't think that Clinton's pot smoking or Bush's coke use was relevent either, as a matter of fact I viewed Bush's prior coke use as a postive. I hoped  that maybe he was just pandering to the christian right, not a fag hating, bible thumper himself. Well so much for that theory

Devils-advocate2352 reads

that he can't be responsible for what the fellow did, but it may be useful to note that he trusts this fellow with his campaign.

We're not talking about individual violations, a guy who likes to play the ponies, P4P, or 420.  We're talking about the organizer, what the US atty would call a racketeer.   Yeah, I think that could be relevant.  I tend to distrust B&W lines, but I do think that sort of record might be relevant.

Now, Bill admitted to doing some weed.  Lots of people did in that generation.  Some people get DUIs, like Bush did, and most of them will 'fess up when caught, unlike Bush, and most of them aren't so evasive as Billy has been.  I mean, would you admit to fucking that girl?   I suppose none of us should expect politicians to tell the approximate truth, but we can dream.

well, more later, gotta work now.

GaGambler1995 reads

I think it would be more relevant if the courts hadn't found it minor enough that the guy didn't do time. Calling the guy a racketeer seems like a strech to me. If he were actually running himself ti would be front page news, but he's not. I'm sure he'll be fired than he'll just fade in to the woodwork.

There are much more important things to be worried about IMHO.

As far as fucking Monica. I wouldn't admit to it either, no matter what the consequences.

Devils-advocate1714 reads

near so convincing.

While it's true lots of people have skeletons in their closet, that does not IMHO justify blanket disregard.   The issue is comparison and choice.

tusayan brought it up. and in the context of 20 yaer old drug convictions too!!

freaky huh?

you should post to him

and l;earn to read

But you're the only one who really found it necessary to focus on that bit. Maybe that explains your obsession with the stain on Monica's dress?

maybe you can explain why he needed to bring it up in the first place,

what it had to do with a drug bust...

like you and stained dresses....

maybe you'd like to try one of them on????

You're the one obsessed with Bill's dicksnot, (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Did you notice puke changed the subject to Monica when you showed he was wrong?

And BK et al are so fascinated with the Presidential Hummer that they will never let it die.


trumps 600,000 dead every time.

GaGambler2136 reads

The reps do it too. So that makes it right. If it was wrong then, it's wrong now. Zin is as leftie as they come and he gets it. Why can't the rest of you?

If Fred Thompson had a record it would matter, he doesn't, I don't give a shit if someone on his staff does, and I don't like Thompson any more than Zin does.

Yeah, it's a shitty argument. Guess what? The left has turned the other cheek for 30 fucking years. The Republican Talking Point Machine hammers this kind of shit incessantly and it has WORKED. Fuck forgetting the past - these pukes want to dredge shit up ad nauseum as in Bill's Blow Job Adventure, I say bring it the fuck on.

GaGambler1723 reads

"Yeah, it's a shitty argument. Guess what? The left has turned the other cheek for 30 fucking years."

Well at least you admit it's a shitty argument, I'll grant you the right started it, but since the 2000 election the left has been doing anything but turning the other cheek.

"Well at least you admit it's a shitty argument, I'll grant you the right started it, but since the 2000 election the left has been doing anything but turning the other cheek."

That may be, but at least they're fighting back. If the GOP wants to raise the bar they can stop it first.

GaGambler1788 reads

Does that mean that you admit the left has not been exactly turning the other cheek for the last thirty years?

I didn't know it was blue until you mentioned it but I won't repeat because I don't care..One of the many reasons I don't respect bill because he took the time to get on TV and wag his finger and tell all of us a big lie..If he was any kind of man he would have said its "none of your business" He didn't lose his law license for a BJ ..He lost his law license because he lied under oath ...but now that I think about it ..He should lie under oath because he has no Honor!

Dumbya1990 reads

even if I don't have soberness because I don't have any more vodka, HAHAHHAHAHAAHAAAA!!!   Get it?
Not my fault I can't remember where I was, I was drunk.   Drunk with Honor.

Quad, lemme drive ya home.  We'll go round Florida or Iraq or sumpin.

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