Politics and Religion

Does God Work With President Trump ?
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 348 reads

Perhaps President Trump Performs Miracles without help from the Gods?  

  Year after year after year California suffers from exhausting drought.  
Politicians and farmers have been praying for rain with no results.  
  With President Trump leading our Nation to prosperity, in  less than thirty days on the job, California has more water than they can handle.  

May 2016 during  a speech in Fresno, Presidential candidate " America First, Trump, informed  his audience  " he would help relieve the lingering drought in the state by “opening up the water” once elected president" 

“If I win, we’re going to start opening up the water so you can have your farmers survive, so that your job market will get better,” the presumptive Republican nominee said. “We’re going to get it done and we’re going to get it done quick, don’t even think about it, that’s an easy one.” 

But he did authorize FEMA to send federal relief funds to California for the flooding problems in Oroville. However, I'm expecting the Trump haters to find some way to even criticize him for this.

Mr.M.Johnson149 reads

Trump announces "since I've already proven that I'm a better president than all previous presidents COMBINED, I'm renaming tomorrow from Presidents Day to Trump Day"

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