Politics and Religion

Do I have to explain EVERYTHING to you people???
GaGambler 84 reads

Having consensual sex with another man is a crime for which death is the only punishment as it offends Allah.

FORCING yourself on a helpless boy is ok though, because it allows Allah to add to his kiddie porn collection.  

In short it's only a sin/crime if the other person enjoys it.

See how simple that is?  

Next up, why women should not be allowed to drive.

-- Modified on 6/15/2016 11:44:31 AM

JakeFromStateFarm502 reads

Multiple reports say Mateen was known at Pulse, having visited there several times.  He also may have used gay dating sites and chat rooms.  Not exactly the model of an Islamic terrorist.

..a self-hating gay man who spent all his life portraying the opposite. A fraud in need of a Freud.

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