Politics and Religion

DNC speakers next week
nuguy46 262 reads

how will they top Huckabee, Love, Davis (Dem turned Repub)(and who seconded the o-man's nomination in 08), Rice, Ryan, etc......
how, they feature Sandra Fluck.....seriously. You know the YOU pay to let me spread my legs whenever i want.....

It was an opinion piece from a liberal pundit and yes, Fox does employ liberals contrary to your idiotic "Faux News" sloganeering.  The writer makes the same stupid, liberal talking points you make.  Our credit rating was downgraded because we didn't borrow even more money. Suuure Willy. More debt is a good thing. Suuure.

Priapus53308 reads

For someone SO confident of a Mitt win, you certainly don't act it.------LOL !

MSNBC has  token conservatives ( Joe Scarborough & Michael Steele, who I both like ) & I suppose Fox has theirs ( Very rarely watch Fox------I know Bob Bechel is one of the "Fox Libs"---are there any others besides him & Kohn ? )

Kohn is Fox version of Rachel Maddow, another gay lib/progressive.

Only an idiot would not realize that Fox & MSNBC are both highly biased.

OC, you need to chill, have some chronic with Willie & listen to Sgt Pepper's----;)----LMAO !

Foxnews.com posted an article from a syndicated liberal pundit and to Willy that is the entire Fox News organization panning the speech.  It's buffoonish.

It is supposed to start a conversation.  If Willy doesn't believe what he is posting then good for him.

GaGambler279 reads

Nice try Willy, I see as the election nears you are reverting to form

...in regards to the author, whom I'm not familiar with, but my larger point was that Ryan just gave his acceptance speech for veep fully knowing that the speech was full of falsehoods and outright lies.

GaGambler272 reads

So I really can't comment on the veracity of Ryan's words, but even if I stipulate to him lying, to borrow a phrase "your guy does it to"

My point being, Ryan hardly has a monopoly on lying and your claiming that Fox was calling him out rather than a very liberal pundit was every bit as dishonest as any falsehoods that Ryan might have said.

I will chalk this one to you simply "falling off the tracks" but it's rather ironic that you begin an attack on a pol for lying and then make a huge false statement in your very first statement, It simply shifts the focus on your lie and away from any lies that Ryan might have told.

The reason is that the Republicans played politics with paying the bills. GOP played hostage with the debt ceiling deal in throughout July of 2011. The Budget Control Act of 2011 passed on August 2nd, 2011. The S&P downgraded the US on August 5th.

S&P gave their reasons for the downgrade (see link below). S&P said, and I quote:

"The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics."

Here's the kicker, Cartman.

"More broadly, the downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree more than we envisioned when we assigned a negative outlook to the rating on April 18, 2011."

It's gets better, Cartman.

"Since then, we have changed our view of the difficulties in bridging the gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any time soon."

In other words, if your party's goal is to "drown government in the bathtub", then there's consequences to that.

Of course, you know that Cartman. You're all about "personal responsibility". ;)

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 5:58:43 AM

Conveniently picking out two paragraphs and ignoring the rest.  If only our debt was $20 Trillion everything would be better.  Willy's World :(

as in the very first explanation they gave for the downgrade? You know...at the top of page 2 of the report?

Willy, the fundamental basis for the downgrade was the massive debt.  This triggered the agency to consider a downgrade and they advertised their deep concern well ahead of the negotiations that Obama chaired.  And, they went even further by advertising the minimum results that would need to be achieved by the policy makers in order to avoid a downgrade.  They decided to follow through with the downgrade after seeing that our government was unable to arrive at a policy that adequately addressed that debt and a reasonable expectation that it could be brought under control.  And, it was not republicans who were arguing to avoid policy that would have resulted in less debt. It was the damn dems who would not budge on their massive spending agenda.  The statements you so vividly quote reflect that.  But, as is typical with libs, you twist an otherwise accurate statement into something that doesn't even make sense let alone reflect the truth of what they now try to quote.

....or you can read what S&P said the reasons were for the downgrade.

Just in case you missed it, here's the link. :)

Surprise, I did.  And their overview says exactly what I had already said.  Our credit rating was downgraded because our debt was way too high and projected to grow even higher based on the policy trajectory of the Government.  They acted on these conditions when it became apparent that the policy makers could not reach an agreement on dealing with the massive debt.  And, as you will recall, it was the repubs who tried unsuccessfully to exact bigger cuts on spending... alas remember the tea party, Ryan, and others...  Sorry Willy but Obama owns this one all by himself and thank you for sharing the S&P overview that proves it.  I'm really growing proud of you today because in just about all your posts, you make a convincing argument based on the facts you uncover to tell Obama to not only take a hike, but to take one far, far, away.  Now if only your lib friends could also begin to engage brain instead of keyboard, what a wonderful world it would be.

The debt ceiling debate was about whether the Tea Party Congress was willing to pay the bills that had already been spent. The Tea Party Congress said, no they weren't willing to pay the bills. Then our credit got downgraded.

Priapus53368 reads

Rich. As shown in Simpson-Bowles commission.

Dems would go along with entitlement cuts but GOP refused for tax increses on the rich.

End of story.

Rutabaga_Baggins252 reads

The government's head was held under the bath water for awhile?

They nor anyone else of substance ever considered the possibility of an actual and imminent default.

Using the debt limit was just one of the last tools left at that moment to get some sanity back into the government's fiscal habits. Unfortunately the demogogues on your side won out.

nuguy46223 reads

i've maxed out my credit card and am so pissed .....i called the company and asked to allow me to charge more...they told me no!  imagine!! the nerve of these fiscal dummies!!

The article you link is a liberal pundit and Fox merely provided "fair and balanced" by printing it.  Why do you libs treat pundit commentary as gospel when the hard facts are also on the record.  Just go read the statement published by the crediting agency that accompanied their decision.  It's there in black and white and states precisely why they made their decision.

nuguy46266 reads

keep wishing and hoping that vaunted day in Nov never comes.....a party featuring a speech by a young girl wants ME to pay for her birth control so she can sleep with whomever, whenever is hurting i'd say.

is this topic really on the demmies menu???

Priapus53239 reads

I'm assuming you taught "down syndrome GOP voters"------;)

Hard Left Pro-Abortion women.  The Democrats are really over playing their hand with this "women love abortion" platform.

...then the least you can do is pony up so women don't have to suffer from migrane headaches, ovarian cysts, anemia, and having to call out sick from menstral pain.

Gee, ya think those ladies are more productive at work not having to call out sick 3 days out of a month?

Priapus53380 reads

therefore, you'd think board righties would be pro-choice-----;)------LMAO !

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 6:18:22 AM

GaGambler308 reads

and I am especially in favor of "retroactive abortion" especially as they pertain to Daffy and Jeffy poo. We can always wish.

I want the damn government to start paying for my cialis.  Dadnabit, when I'm getting laid, I am a much happier and productive citizen.  And besides that it has the indirect positive impact of reducing crime because I'm not as likely to kick the dog, look at porn, or beat the wife...

here here

who the hell do you think funds the research into these drugs? The Pharmaceutical Fairy?

salonpas281 reads

He forgot to mention how CIA agent Valeria Plame was outed under the watch of Obama.

Also when talking about GM Ryan should have mentioned Obama's op-ed in the WSJ "Let Detroit Go bankrupt".

nuguy46263 reads

how will they top Huckabee, Love, Davis (Dem turned Repub)(and who seconded the o-man's nomination in 08), Rice, Ryan, etc......
how, they feature Sandra Fluck.....seriously. You know the YOU pay to let me spread my legs whenever i want.....

Condi contributed to the success of 911 by going shopping instead of having NSA translators translate specific messages that AQ was going after WTC. I posted one released doc yesterday. Translators have come forward and  Richard Clark has written extensively on her fuckup.

She has no political future.  She has no desire to run for anything. She is a Russian expert and fluent in Russian dialects and she'll live a comfortable professor's life making millions off speaking with tenure at Stanford as well.

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 9:29:11 AM

GateCrasher356 reads

America would have give Paul Ryan free pussy but you will always to pay for it because you are a liberal troll with no life

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