Politics and Religion

Did you see the flyer?
thickredbeauty See my TER Reviews 7242 reads

It looks like it is an "offical" mandate.  It appears on VA letterhead and the whole-9.

Voting rules vary from state to state, some introduced early voting and some extended hours.  I even saw a story about the deadline for troops voting absentee being extended.

This election is historical and the turn out has been/will be huge...it isn't that far out of the realm of possibility that the flyer would be believed.


I just saw a story on CNN about Republican supporters handing out flyers to registered Democrats which claim that Republicans are supposed to vote on the 4th and Democrats are supposed to vote on the 5th to ease the process due to large turnout.

Whoever is behind this deplorable tactic should be required to renounce citizenship, IMHO.

While I have been known to be loud, opinionated, and at times, rude I am VERY glad that we live in a country that allows us the right to debate politics as we do.  I would NEVER and I mean NEVER, try to trick the opposition into voting on the wrong day.

I hope all of us can agree this is low and should not go unpunished.

I saw the story on CNN but could only find a link to ABC.



-- Modified on 10/31/2008 10:13:03 AM

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 12:50:26 PM

That's hard to believe that that wasn't a setup as the perps would be sure to get busted and get lots of negative publicity for the GOP.  Hmmmmm---makes me wonder---who were those people?? Were they dems pretending to be GOPers?!?!!!


Now here is a real deal for you, Bigredbeauty.  AND THIS IS TRUE I TELL YOU!!!  True true true because democrats will lie, cheat, steal---stab anyone (including their own mothers!!!) in the back to get the power!!!

Read this Dudes and Dudettes.

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 11:19:20 AM

I really felt you'd agree with my point...

Whoever is responsible (Dem/Rep/I don't care) should lose citizenship.


GaGambler1899 reads

is too stupid to vote anyhow.

I agree with Neal Boortz, there should be some sort of test that every prospective voter should have to pass before his vote is accepted.

There are idiots on both sides.  I am bi-partisan enough to recognize that.

Both the act and the fact that you don't find fault with it, are shameful.


GaGambler2769 reads

I just don't want my vote cancelled out by some idiot too stupid to figure out what day to vote.

GaGambler2399 reads

carrying a gun either, but I certainly don't want some bunch of idiots in Washington forcing me to give up my "right" to defend myself.

I feel a lot safer walking the streets of Atlanta where gun laws are relatively reasonable than I ever would in a city like Obama's hometown Chicago, where the gun laws are extreme.

I don't see what gun laws have to do with the fact that some voters are too stupid to figure out which day to vote. I guarantee you, if you some Republican told these same people that their welfare checks would be a day late, they would damn sure verify that little tidbit of information


You say that there should be a "test" of some kind to weed out the "idiots" before they vote.

Voting is a Citizen's right would you not agree?

Therefore, if you follow the above, then shouldn't there be a "test" for gun ownership as well to weed out the "idiots" before they can purchase a gun?

Isn't gun ownership also a Citizen's right?

Or, are you saying that it's more important to own a gun than to vote?

GaGambler1690 reads

the bullets come out of running around armed. I wouldn't have a problem with weeding out the idiots before they could purchase a gun.

Believe it or not, the NRA supports gun education and gun training, as do I. There are hundreds of millions in this country, many of them should not own a weapon of any kind. Look around you, there are many on this very board I would not trust with a firearm.

The "right of the people" does not extend to every single person out there. Some people are incompetent, those people should not be allowed to endanger others.

Some people are complete morons, if they can't figure out when to vote, I don't see the loss. Comon sense should come ahead of partisanship. Just in case you forget, I don't like the Republicans any better than the Democrats.

Why would an Obama supporter try to push such an agenda?  If your silly statement that Democrats will "lie, cheat, steal---stab anyone" is in fact true (you really need to get out from under that GOP rock, weren't you around when GW stole one of his terms?)...but I digress:

If Democrats will do anything to get the power, why would they waste the their time turning away potential voters?  Your reasoning makes no sense.

Your team has been called for foul play already with the woman who claimed she was beaten up and "carved" by an Obama BBM supporter (Big Black Man).

I don't trust anyone who uses the terms dudes and dudettes...especially when they call themselves GOP.


Box_Of_Rocks2516 reads

Stole a term?
I thought the idiots got over that.
The ballots we counted, recounted, and recounted.
Get over it already! Sheesh!

GaGambler2222 reads

Or then there are idiots like Conroy that blame everyone not of his color for things that happened generations ago, by people that most of "us" aren't even related to.

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 12:45:51 PM

Box_Of_Rocks2510 reads

but the Gambler has it wrong.
The Obama supporters are illiterate to begin with.
Besides, there will be buses to drag them out to vote.

GaGambler2231 reads

I should have realized that since they were handing out flyers which require a person to read that it would have no impact on the Obama turnout.  I stand corrected. lol

CynicsRUs™1739 reads

In a statement released by ACORN on Tuesday, Interim Chief Organizer Bertha Lewis said the group based in Clark County routinely flagged suspect applications and notified the Clark County Election Department. The group provided state and county officials with the names of individuals who submitted the falsified registration forms.

"Election officials routinely ignored this information and failed to act," Lewis said. "ACORN pleaded with them to take our concerns about fraudulent applications seriously."


In late July, election officials requested copies of the same documents that previously had been handed over by ACORN, Lewis said. In September, ACORN received a subpoena requesting information on 15 employees, whose names already had been turned in to election officials by the organization.

"Today's raid by the secretary of state's office is a stunt that serves no useful purpose other than to discredit our work registering Nevadans and distracting us from the important work ahead of getting every eligible voter to the polls," Lewis said.


GaGambler2384 reads

Just because he said it doesn't make OJ innocent.

A denial by the accused means very little to me. I bet you think OJ didn't do it either?

CynicsRUs™2288 reads

are being deliberately obtuse.

Acorn is required by federal law to turn in every registration, no matter what. They did so and went beyond the requirement by identifying suspect registrations and also identifying the employees who turned them in. The same records they voluntarily identified as potentially fraudulent were then subpoena'd  - that is what any reasonable person would call bullshit. You often strike me as a reasonable person - try applying your brain to this one in a slightly less partisan manner.

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 4:35:00 PM

Ok, first I will say that yes, something like this is genuinely deplorable and those responsible should be brought up on charges. Like GOPgeezer though, I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if at the end of the day, they turn out to be liberals trying to give GOP'ers a bad rap. In this election more than any other, it seems dirty tricks are the order of the day.

I can't help but add though, that it IS a little bit funny too. And well, quite frankly, anyone who got one of these flyers, if they are ignorant enough to fall for it, I for one would not cry a crocodile tear for the loss of their vote. I am all for getting every last American out there to vote - provided they at least have the thinnest grasp of what they are voting ON. If they aren't informed enough to at least know WHEN to vote, I don't have much confidence that they would actually be informed enough to give an informed vote either.

It looks like it is an "offical" mandate.  It appears on VA letterhead and the whole-9.

Voting rules vary from state to state, some introduced early voting and some extended hours.  I even saw a story about the deadline for troops voting absentee being extended.

This election is historical and the turn out has been/will be huge...it isn't that far out of the realm of possibility that the flyer would be believed.


"I would NEVER and I mean NEVER, try to trick the opposition into voting on the wrong day.

I hope all of us can agree this is low and should not go unpunished."

Its easy for me to see, that anyone dumb enough to vote on the wrong day, should stay home anyway....no matter what some piece of paper said.   The condoning and defense of flagrant ignorance, is surely abundant in America..

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