Politics and Religion

Dems want to play then you're going pay EOM
86H13LTP 51 reads


Wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for the Clown's fucking wall?     After Mexican Presidents, current and former Presidents kicked his ass and said 'we aren't paying for your fucking wall", the Clown wants to shutdown the Federal Government unless US Congress makes American taxpayers pay for it.     The crook himself does not pay any taxes!

I can't wait for all the ball washers to come out in force and defend the Clown!     Show your identity and don't hide behind those bedsheets or as TER calls it "alias".

...from the chief buffoon, even he isn't stupid enough to believe that he has the power carry out that threat, well maybe he is just that stupid. But in reality that threat was made to stir up his moron base like so many of his asinine comments because that is exactly what they respond to.

C'mon, Huck.  Of COURSE he's stupid enough!

The WH Press Secretary Ms. Huckabee Sanders reiterated today that the plan of making Mexico pay for the wall is not abandoned!     LOL.    She has to be told Obamacare covers mental illness and also covers it if it is a pre-existing condition.      

What a stinking bitch to stand up at that fucking podium and lie for hours each day?    

WomanLvr48 reads

And you believe Trump's empty rhetoric now?  Of course you don't.  The real question is;  is Trump asking us to play Russian roulette or join him in the Makarena?  Has he ever been truthful about ANYTHING?  Has he ever followed through on ANYTHING he has promised?  Just ask Mexico, the bondholders in his casinos that went bust, any of over 100 contractors, or those who trusted him about Trump U and were fleeced?

Or, if that is not enough, what about repealing and replacing the Affordable Healthcare Act with something better, cheaper--remember healthcare is easy he will fix it his first day in office.

Or, that he knows more than his generals.

Pick a card, any card, and they are all the same.  Trump is a stupid liar, incapable of managing a hot dog stand on the corner of 42nd street.

Of course you do not believe him!  Neither do his followers, but they have been inoculated and no longer affected by his lies/missteps.  Just wait until his lies/missteps affect something they care about!  We will see then.  Just wait until he orders a nuclear strike, against the advice of his advisers--and if he does, they will be clear about it!  Then let's see what happens.  Until then, his followers are fat, dumb, uneducated, and happy!

bigguy3047 reads

The three GOP clowns are the real issue.

-- Modified on 8/24/2017 12:49:38 PM

Your Clowns and ball washers control the Congress and occupy the White House.    Where are Dems doing the harm?     You must be busy washing balls to post your BS.    Have a hot shower!     You stink.

WomanLvr56 reads

with absolutely no fact or substance.  If your bigoted fat mouth is talking about President Obama, you probably lack the intellect and insight to fully understand the impact he had on our government. Those who are unable to read rely on the lies of some pretty ignorant people.  Those who lack the intellect to form their own judgement do the same.

Will only tell you that President Obama took over during one of the most tumultuous (ask one of your friends to look that word up for you--stupid) periods in our nation's history.   Just imagine if we had the ineptness of Trump leading our country, when things were going so wrong.  Our country would be in a shambles.  End of your lesson for today, you couldn't afford nor provide adequate academic credentials to qualify for the full college level primer.

-- Modified on 8/25/2017 7:11:28 AM

WomanLvr45 reads

talking about?  "Dems?"  Stupidity alert!  Republicans control both houses of congress and the executive branch!  Also, didn't Trump promise that Mexico would pay for the wall?  Or is your memory just as bad as your ability to apply basic logic.

Then, there is one more, oft missed point.  The debt ceiling?  Isn't that something Trump cried about.  Didn't he also promise to reduce our national debt?  Are you ever going to wake up?  This guy can not tell the difference between a lie and the truth and hasn't the slightest clue how to do any of the things he promised and that were supposed to be so easy to do.

Have you made your weekly visit to your shrink yet?  Don't put it off.  You really need it, BAD!!!!

No Fucking Wall!    No one will pay for it.      The clown can start paying taxes to fund his fucking wall.

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