Politics and Religion

Cut out the phony outrage.
Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 47 reads

What, you mean Charlie Hebdo did something in bad taste?  You do realize that its motto is "Dumb and Nasty" right?  You do realize that one week after the 12 murders at its offices by terrorists in 2015, Dumbass Donny mocked them with his usual, "terrible publication on the verge of financial collapse" crap.  Talk about dumb and nasty, there he is.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 4:12:01 AM

Regardless how much they  hate Republicans and MAGA President Trump, Charlie Hebdo  crossed the line of civilized  
discussion  while showing the World  how ignorant and ridiculously stupid  Left wing morons can be.  

  When MAGA President Trump won the Presidential election the vote count in Texas was nowhere near  close to unanimous  for him.
  MAGA President Trump won 4,685,047 votes.
  Dunce Queen war monger carpet bagger HRC's  count was  3,877,868  including all her illegal votes.

   It's bad enough Charlie Hebdo is joyful any Texans died in the Harvey Tragedy.  
   Now Charlie Hebdo  advertises how bright their ignorance shines, like many  radical left wing College educated lunatics with TDS.  
 I have no doubt  campaign ads are in production showing Charlie Hebdo  and USA  Left wing politicians  hand  
in  hand in solidarity .  

The fucking hillybilly rednecks,   KKK, White Supremacists and Neo Nazis don't need any sympathy nor help nor rescue.    Let the racists drown in Houston floods.     They all will go to hell.

...Ya know h2h your foolish acrimonious post is over the top trolling even for a fuck board.

A veteran Georgia Cop told on camera "officers only kill black people".     You sound foolish here on a fuck board protecting white supremacists disguised as police officers in fucking redneck states.

Do you really believe or feel that American Liberals actually feel the same way as that Charlie Hebdo rag paper?

The only questions I won't answer,questions  I haven't read.  
    Other wise I'd be a chicken shit lefty.  

 I believe the far left wing with severe TDS feels the way Charlie Hebdo feels about Texans.
   Too stupid to realize Texas is a mix of left and right.  
    I believe the radical left is a clear and present danger to peace and prosperity  in the USA.
    When thousands of Liberals cheer on the left wing terrorist group  Antifa,  they verify my point.
    I believe anyone that lumps more than a  hundred million  law abiding, peace loving,  Patriotic GOP voters with  radical terrorist groups like KKK are extremely  ignorant or playing a game they are going to lose big time.  
   99% +  of us have never been near a  KKK member or a KKK poser .

   You guys have been great at denying you have your own history of  radical hate mongers in your party.  
   IMO you have to be bonafide idiot  to believe anyone in the MAGA Trump family is racist.  
  In your defense you're an ignorant fuck brainwashed  by Fake News.  
   Continue on with your idiocy, we'll see how well it pays off for you in 2018.  

Posted By: hpygolky
Re: I have a question but I doubt you'll answer it...
Do you really believe or feel that American Liberals actually feel the same way as that Charlie Hebdo rag paper?

bigguy3049 reads

Quad and the Trump cult like pointing to a man that died already.
He apologized and even supported President Obama before he became President.

The actions of racist Trump and his supporters says it all.
They want to continue racism and running out of excuses now.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 9:21:29 AM

MAGA  President Trump has NEVER supported KKK or similar terrorist groups.  
 You can produce no legitimate proof whatsoever, showing  MAGA President Trump  supported or promoted KKK terrorists at any time.
 Sure you can find Fake News insinuating that with their skill twisting words into completely different meanings.
  If  a  cold blooded killer supported Obama does that mean Obama supports cold blooded killers?  
  If thousands of murderers in prison were in favor of Obama for President, by your book Obama is in favor of thousands of murderers.
   In other words, by your words, Obama supports murderers.  

  KKK Byrd was an admitted organizer openly recruiting new KKK members for years.  
I've heard some people claim Byrd signed up thousands of KKK terrorists.
  Most revisionist history claims 150 new KKK recruits signed up, credit  to Robert Byrd.
  if a left wing History book author claims Byrd signed up 150 KKK terrorists the actual number could be 15000


  It's time to take Sheets Byrd's name off every school, bridge and road honoring his racist ass.
 How many of those he signed up  terrorized or killed Black people,  yet they were never charged,
because Robert Byrd told  LE they were good old boys.  
There is plenty of valid documentation showing Racist War Monger Dunce Queen HRC praising  KKK Robert Byrd.  
 I hope she runs again in 2020.
That would be hilarious.
  She's so stupid she'd use the same lame brain loser campaign strategy as she did when she lost last year.

bigguy3050 reads

Just like your master Trump and the rest of the GOP.
You guys will never learn, because your insecurity runs deep.
So keep pointing fingers Quad.  

When did Hillary defend Nazi's or White nationalists ?
Trump has done that, by his words and actions.
Also he is proud of himself too.

It's making you look real stupid being a defender of racist Trump yourself.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 11:31:14 AM

The right wing equivalent of the left wing terrorist that you hate and fear.

What, you mean Charlie Hebdo did something in bad taste?  You do realize that its motto is "Dumb and Nasty" right?  You do realize that one week after the 12 murders at its offices by terrorists in 2015, Dumbass Donny mocked them with his usual, "terrible publication on the verge of financial collapse" crap.  Talk about dumb and nasty, there he is.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 4:12:01 AM

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