Politics and Religion

Constitution says govt-provided healthcare is a right ??? (e)
nuguy46 52 reads


and can't afford the premiums.

First Blue Cross and Blue Shield raised the rates in Texas and now Aetna is bailing in 11 states.  

Gee...how many people will that leave without insurance due to former president dumb ass the tribal chief.  

So much for naming it.....affordable.

With Humana. Aetna is just pissy and just trying to flex it's muscle. So be it, some other insurance company will come in.
Wait till trumpcare hits the market, if it ever gets out of the Senate, which I doubt.

-- Modified on 5/12/2017 5:41:15 PM

... the Constitution of the United States.  Article II, Section 3 states that the President "...shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..."  Obamacare is a valid law and Trump swore to faithfully execute it.  It's the job of Congress, not the president, to repeal a law.  When Trump swore to protect and defend the Constitution, it was just another one of his many lies.

followme111 reads

And the execution of obamacare cannot come soon enough.

The last words will be …Well shit there goes the legacy

You’re Welcome
In BrokeBackStabber We Distrust

You will have a heart attack before you know it.

it's become apparent they think it's our fault if we get sick because we can't afford healthcare and only the rich and blessed to have it through employment, Medicare, Medicaid can afford for routine visits.  Most of us never go to the doctor unless we are dying.  We are fucked if they go back to preexisting disqualifies you being eligible.  I am so sick and disgusted at the whole mess.  I have poor prognosis.  I am not suppose to know that, but I read it in my medical files from one of my doctors :(  I wished my generation would legalize marijuana and tax it to provide Medicare for all.  So we can continue working our best with a doctors care.  And now we have Sessions that is going to take us back to draconian drug sentences.  Stronger police autority   The older I get, the more I hate Republicans; lobbyists with private prison systems.  Addiction is a fucking disease that needs medical treatment.  What the fuck is wrong with these vile disgusting people?

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