Politics and Religion

Congratulations, I need to mark this day on my calendar
GaGambler 1701 reads

Martin, you win the prize for being the first person from either side of the aisle to concede a point to the other side since I can remember.

Thank you, Martin for giving the rest of us hope.

MartinBlank3177 reads

As my friends here have encouraged I have listened a lot to Rush and Hannity and Billy O'Reilly and they talk A LOT more about Global Warming then the lefty media does.  They constantly refer to CNN's 'Planet in Peril' and refer to it like it's a referendum on Global Warming and it's all that fills the lefty airwaves all day.

That stupid 'Planet in Peril' segment deals with the threat to forests (not caused by global warming), animal species going extinct because of habitat destruction (not because of global warming), etc.....The title refers to environmental issues, yes, but it's meant to be provocative, it's an F*cking TV special and TV is about ratings.

Check out this propaganda for the lead in on the website:
The Earth's temperature has risen more than 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 30 years, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies says. Big questions include how much humans have contributed to the temperature increase, whether it will continue, and how dangerous it is for the planet.

Gee, contemplating whether humans are contributing to the problem.  Debating whether it will continue or if it's just a cycle.  Wow, the propaganda is out of control!!!  Sure, they might lean towards global warming being a reality, but it's their conclusion.  Some disagree, but ultimately it's an issue that's being debated in the scientific community.  Just like Rush can conclude that it is a cycle.

However, the number of times on a daily basis I read or hear about global warming on the left is NOWHERE near the constant barrage of reference from the conservatives on talk radio and TV.  It's the same old scare tactic, and conservatives, as most do, just eat it up and claim everyone else is crazy and being manipulated by the "drive-by" media.

I can't fathom this stuff works on educated people, but apparently, Rush's audience isn't educated.  That's become abudndantly clear after listening for awhile.

how is it you can tell the intellectual level of his audience by sitting in your car listening to him?

Do you have a special radio that allows you to do this?

Or is it something more scientific like, judging by the 3-4 people who call in, you are able to extroplate, (kinda like Lancet's 600,000 dead iraqis)

Rush gives me a headache so I don't really tune in. please don't tell me I have to listen myseff to figger it out....

BTW, in case you missed it, Al Goore (A lefty) says the debate IS OVER!!! (let the dissent smearing and carbon counting begin!!!)so you better check with him on that

-- Modified on 11/1/2007 6:39:21 PM

MartinBlank3170 reads

Ultimately, my snide remarks relate back to some of the 'kool aid' type comments that get used over and over again on the forum.

I suppose lumping everyone in one basket in this case, is equally unfair.

Gore clearly has a big agenda.  He may be right, but stating the "debate is over" is a tad excessive at this point, and he may prove to be wrong.

My point is merely that everyone talks like they're being inundated with global warming talk day after day, and the people that seem to talk about it the most, as far as I can tell, and I watch MSNBC, read all the liberal rags, etc...are those conservative talk show hosts who can't go 10 minutes w/out mentioning it.  They make 'Planet in Peril', although ridiculous, to be some of sort of vast conspiracy, which it isn't.

i think when you watch msnbc/fox/oreilly/scareamerica, all that, you're going to get excessive views.


that's why l;ike i say, i don't listen to rush, aftewr an hour i find myself grinding my teeth, ut i do the same if i'm listen to randi roadapple and the scareamerica crowd too.

Write this on your heart,
Murdoch filled a void.

The vast majority of news had been lib-centric. fox came along and provided a stark contrast and the market validates it but it's #'s.

GaGambler1702 reads

Martin, you win the prize for being the first person from either side of the aisle to concede a point to the other side since I can remember.

Thank you, Martin for giving the rest of us hope.

George_Sorryos1547 reads

Man-Made global warming is so-o-o 2001. We were having a little more trouble than we expected trying to pull that one off. It's man-made climate change now. Please try to stay on message.

If that one doesn't sell, we're thinking about Man-Made "salt depletion of the oceans" for our next scam. So many fish eaters these days that I'm sure we can scare the shit out people and you know what that means--MO MONEY MO MONEY MO MONEY!!!

harryj1513 reads

Georgie Boy. Thanks for being forthright about your motives. I understand, you need the money so you don't have to sleep on the sidewalk or in a shelter. Too bad some rich bastard doesn't just give you a few bucks so you can stop scamming people. Remember George: Don't bend over in a crowd.

Dumbya1917 reads

with all these scams going, he should be.  Join the GOP union, fraternity, whatever, pay the dues, avoid the shit.

Well, that's what scabs get.

harryj1392 reads

a Republican. As a loyal member of the Hypocritical, Pseudo-Liberal, Elitist, Arrogant Cult he is forbidden from even communicating with Republicans so he gets his info from other members of his cult, like Heinz-Kerry aka KetchupBoy, FB Kennedy, AlGoreya, Eddie Edwards, Nancy Pissoffski, etc., the one's looking out for the peasants, looking out, that is, for another opportunity to corn hole the peasants.

Cpl_Punishment2304 reads

Here, let me help you up off the bar before Willie wipes you up.

harryj1449 reads

keep up that kind of chatter and you will be demoted to Buck Private and placed on permanent KP along with Cpl. Klinger. (You don't have a wear one of his dresses though).

Whether we're actually the cause for Global Warming is almost moot when compared with the Earth's inability to sustain our numbers.

FUCK whether carbon emissions from fossil fuel will raise the average temperature 10 degrees in a hundred years. What the fuck are we gonna do to power, feed and hydrate our exponentially growing population when these resources are for the most part "FINITE".

 The water crisis some areas of the south/southwest are experiencing is just not caused by an abnormal lack of rain; they got 20 or more times the population feeding off the water table that they did 30 years ago.

 Is McDonalds going to take over entire States or even countries to ranch and slaughter bovine for the worlds growing taste for hamburgers?
What is to be done with all the excrement that such creatures manufacture in their lifetimes?

 Are we going to wait until an ultimately dwindling crude oil supply from our planet along with our modern energy needs for a world population of 15+ billion has it selling for $500 (or more) per barrel until we seriously advocate replenishable fuel sources?

 The oil companies, McDonalds and even the much maligned Al Gore all have "agendas"; but supply and demand alone is going to soon pull a ruthless trump card on our "domain" over this planet.

harryj2545 reads

creatures manufacture in their lifetimes?" Well, I know what the Demos are doing with theirs, they are conserving it, keeping it completely within themselves, which explains why their chronically and completely full of shit.

are using the bovine urine as a base for their mind numbing Kool-aid.

My response in this thread was non partisan; harryj. Perhaps if we ALL could look objectively at the problem(s) rather than politicize every possible solution we as a species might survive past year 2100.

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