Politics and Religion

Come on Johnny, the school children are just
CltLuvr 237 reads

products of messed up families, broken homes, single parents, etc. primarily due to the shift of jobs from U.S. factories to overseas  ... compounded by a real lack of answers from our leaders.  

Jobs / employment creates strong families.  100% of the time, course not, but at one time this was a much different country.

Baltimore City government orchestrated the entire event. The plan was to initiate a "mild" riot, which the understaffed BPD would not be able to handle, so outside agencies/NG could be called in and a state of emergency enacted.

The incident was staged.

CltLuvr191 reads

of jobs on a major scale.  When people have jobs, black, white, green, they're basically happy and have no need to steal and fall into such hopeless despair.  

When jobs are outsourced overseas or to Mexico it's devastating to our economy and future.

It's tough though, consumers want cheaper goods and corporations want to sustain profits for their shareholders so off shore they go where people will work for $1 an hour.

Tariffs and restrictions don't work.  Do you drive a foreign car?

The answer is .... ?

The only problem in this scenario SCHOOL children were the  
culprits. Are you advocating jobs for school children

BTW BPD is hiring.

Posted By: CltLuvr
of jobs on a major scale.  When people have jobs, black, white, green, they're basically happy and have no need to steal and fall into such hopeless despair.  
 When jobs are outsourced overseas or to Mexico it's devastating to our economy and future.  
 It's tough though, consumers want cheaper goods and corporations want to sustain profits for their shareholders so off shore they go where people will work for $1 an hour.  
 Tariffs and restrictions don't work.  Do you drive a foreign car?  
 The answer is .... ?

CltLuvr238 reads

products of messed up families, broken homes, single parents, etc. primarily due to the shift of jobs from U.S. factories to overseas  ... compounded by a real lack of answers from our leaders.  

Jobs / employment creates strong families.  100% of the time, course not, but at one time this was a much different country.

The underlying problem in the Baltimore chaos is lack of civility from the police toward citizens and lack of civility from citizens toward the police.
The young guy smashing the police vehicle in the link below has a $15.600 job, not the best job in Baltimore  for an eighteen year old, a job none the less.
  If he had been civil in his disagreement with police, he'd be going to work tomorrow, not  
    spending time downtown in a cell with other criminals.
  If the authorities wanted to be civil they wouldn't have set his bail at 500K after he  
   turned himself in..............
It's  not the fault of Corporations this country is becoming more consumed every day with apathetic youth, too eager to demand, and unwilling to learn how to earn on their own merits.  

  It's a sad state of the Union when employees are demanding higher minimum wage, when  they  
    aren't capable of reading and understanding simple instructions on their own.  



Posted By: CltLuvr
of jobs on a major scale.  When people have jobs, black, white, green, they're basically happy and have no need to steal and fall into such hopeless despair.  
 When jobs are outsourced overseas or to Mexico it's devastating to our economy and future.  
 It's tough though, consumers want cheaper goods and corporations want to sustain profits for their shareholders so off shore they go where people will work for $1 an hour.  
 Tariffs and restrictions don't work.  Do you drive a foreign car?  
 The answer is .... ?
-- Modified on 4/30/2015 7:37:30 PM

It was the News media who started it all.

let's see what others believe.  
maybe it's a little bit everything= the inequality, the crime, the government and its enemies, the News, you and me...



Whatever, just enjoy it


on your TV


-- Modified on 4/30/2015 12:20:13 PM

bigguy30204 reads

I really wonder where you mind is sometimes with your comments!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Baltimore City government orchestrated the entire event. The plan was to initiate a "mild" riot, which the understaffed BPD would not be able to handle, so outside agencies/NG could be called in and a state of emergency enacted.  
 The incident was staged.

bigguy30217 reads

The stupidity in your comments make me wonder if you lost your mind!

Posted By: bigguy30
The stupidity in your comments make me wonder if you lost your mind!

...one of the most powerful trial lawyers in the country and a lifelong Democrat.  However, unlike Bush, Trump, Romney and many other Republican Richie Riches, Peter Angelos came from humble beginnings and he never forgot where he came from.

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 3:31:35 AM

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