Politics and Religion

Collusion w/ Russia
nuguy46 74 reads

The real collusion - which the snowflakes ignore - is when their beloved BHO whispered to his Russian seatmate, "wait until i'm re-elected. I'll have more flexibility then".  Podesta being elected to numerous Russian companies board of directors, Her highness approving the sale of 20% of US critical manufacturing material (uranium) to the Russian controlled Canadian company. Need more evidence? Trump, etc haven't come close to any of these actions to get into bed with the Rooskies.

JakeFromStateFarm3987 reads

And in this case I'm NOT talking about the Russian hacking, or possible Trump collusion, as troubling as those things are.  What concerns me in this case is the possible impact on our intelligence assets by the Post's revealing we KNOW Putin himself ordered some of the Russian efforts to disrupt the 2016 campaign. Of course, everyone assumed Putin was directly involved.  He could hardly not have been.  But to say we have intelligence that lets us say we KNOW he was suggests we (or an ally) have an asset inside Putin's office in the Kremlin, a mole, a bug, who knows?  That's great if it's true, but now the world knows about it.  Does anyone think the Russians are not now searching for that source, jeopardizing perhaps the best asset we have in the Kremlin?
Did the WaPo not think about this before revealing what they did?  If the above is correct, the Post may have damaged US security.

-- Modified on 6/23/2017 8:11:09 PM

and it has nothing to do with Trump.

I'm not worried about the state of democracy in the US. :-D

balller60 reads

The holy grail of intel.  The article also spoke of software we could use to infect Russian infrastructure as punishment.  Was Russia already aware of that capability?  WaPo claims to have been clearance to release what they did.

Classified info is all over the news these days provided by leakers who should ALL be hunted down and made an example of.  Misuse of classified info is only a crime for the "little people".  One day we will pay a steep price for allowing this to happen.

The question is why, when we knew what the Ruskies were doing, we did nothing.

-- Modified on 6/23/2017 10:26:32 PM

And, yes, I almost included the question of the "cyber-bomb" that may or may not have been inserted into Russian servers. I'm sure they are looking for it as we speak and will scrub it out before we can use it.  Thanks, WaPo!
As for why we did nothing, the previous Administration was afraid to do anything that might be considered tampering with the election.  One of them quoted in the WaPo piece says, 'We choked."

balller52 reads

substantive replies from lefties.  Curious.

Obama was reported to have told Putin to "cut it out" though.

You are welcome.

"Cut it Out"......scary words.  

I'm sure Putin was petrified of chicken little legs himself.

Posted By: balller
Re: I did note however, that you received no
substantive replies from lefties.  Curious.  
 Obama was reported to have told Putin to "cut it out" though.  
 You are welcome.

balller99 reads

put at risk when she dumped her classified emails on the internet!

OK, first, I had a bet with a few friends as to when my post would bring you out so I could make a fool of you. Answer: I win the bet. So thanks.
Now, to answer your question: I have no idea what I may have posted regarding the Israeli spy inside ISIS.  Since you spend such YOOGE amounts of time searching my old posts (very flattering, BTW) I would have thought you'd already know what I said. Personally, I'm not sure I said anything.  But if I did, I would have said Trump's security breach was beyond stupid. I would love it if Trump were hunted down and made an example of. But I'd say the same thing about you, Mamasan. Happy now?

...it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but you really are an mangy old mutt that can't learn ANYTHING!  Try to focus those ancient eyes of yours and maybe you'll be able to see that I didn't reply to you - I replied to "balller."  I even quoted a line from his post, yet you still thought I was replying to you.

You had "a bet with a few friends?"  I call bullshit...you don't have ANY friends!  And if you DID bet, that's even more pathetic.  A bunch of losers sitting around and betting about posts on a fuckboard.  BWAHAHAHAHA!

Let's hear your lame excuse for not being able to follow a thread.  PUI?  Nope - no spelling or grammar errors.  JakeFromTheFunnyFarm had too much current in his electroconvulsive treatment on the Funny Farm?  Possible, but it's always best to go with Occam's razor - you're old and getting dumber every day.

Remember your post from just ten days ago when you couldn't figure out why there were so few reads in replies to OPs?
Jake:  "Duuuuhhh, why are there so few reads of the replies to the OPs on New TER?   Duuuuhhh."

Now go ahead and try to distract and deflect by calling me names as you usually do.  It's a dead giveaway that you can't compete intellectually.  I really think you should stop posting; it's getting too hard for you.  Stick to something you may be a little bit better at...like this:

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 3:48:15 AM

Your obsession with me has ruined whatever slight reading comprehension you had.  What I wrote was my OP would "bring you out," and it DID.  LMAO.  The rest is window-dressing.
Thus, no deflection needed for the HumanShar-Pei, who is SO easy to play.  What an embarrassment you are. Now go back and hide inside your folds of excess skin.

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 9:41:26 AM

...digging yourself a bigger hole.  But keep on digging; that way there'll be room in the hole for both you and your SPOTY trophy.

I clearly was addressing "balller" - I referred to him as "you" and I quoted the line in his post: "...hunted down and made an example of."

He knew I was talking to him and he replied to my post.  OTOH, you thought I was replying to your post, not your OP ("...when 'my post' would bring you out...).  Now you're so desperate to cover up the fact that you don't know how to follow a thread that you're saying:  "What I wrote was my OP would 'bring you out'..."  No, what you wrote was that your POST would bring me out, not your OP.

A mensch would admit his mistake.  A loser tries to obfuscate.  Everyone knows which one you are.

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 12:49:39 PM

JakeFromStateFarm129 reads

Nice diversion from the fact my Original Post was about drawing you out AND IT WORKED!  All the people I told about it knew about the OP and its purpose BEFORE IT WAS EVEN APPROVED.  And, of course, you are blatantly lying when you say they don't exist. You know they do. So here you still are, making feeble efforts to deflect from the fact that I threw you the bait and you snapped it up like a big, fat Trout.  Who cares if your actual response was to someone else?  
I give you BigFatTrout, the obfuscating loser.

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 3:48:12 PM

...doesn't have any friends.  Look how vehemently, vigorously and vociferously he claims he does:

I DO have friends;  I really do!  They exist; they're not just imaginary.

"You are blatantly lying when you say they don't exist. You know they do!!!!!!"

"All the people I told about it..."  Those are the voices in Jake's head!

Methinks Jake doth protest too much.  There, there Jake - you have friends, OK?  Calm down.  BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Jake has imaginary arguments with me in his head, and often loses.

JakeFromStateFarm111 reads

Is EMS/FV now the President of your Official Fan Club?
Now slither away to your lair, BigKomodoDragon.

-- Modified on 6/27/2017 8:05:56 AM

is concerning. The concerning part is what is false and what actually is fact. WAPO as of late is the leader in fake news, but if some of what they post is true than the leaks within the government are a real threat.  

Personally it's time for Trump to completely drain the swamp, afterwards he can get done what needs to be done and shut up some of the pathetic cry baby snow flakes on here.

1) Dear EuroTool: my post was mainly NOT about Trump.  It was about whether or not The Washington Post's story harmed US security.
2) Dear Burper: Please see above.  Also, what Obama did or did not do has ZERO to do with Putin's provable direct involvement with the Russian scheme.

When Putin hacks some infrastructure systems.

No I don't think it hurt security, Russia knows things, go they need proof of their intelligence?  

Probably not.

They sound much like the Trump surrogates, on TV.  When questioned on the story, and what we, including the president need to do to protect ourselves, they either began blaming Obama, or got defensive, claiming it had nothing to do with Trump, regarding obstruction of justice, or collusion, which no one was saying it did. It almost seemed they wanted to bring it back to the later two points, because people are beginning to get tired of those two stories. However, I suspect, that could change, in an instant, if new info is revealed.

Putin thinks our boy is a " useful idiot ".he nailed that bitch..

balller52 reads

and he nailed Obama a lot.

Their relationship evolved from PSE to GFE cuz Barry liked to kiss and cuddle!

It's reported that Obama claims to have told Putin to "cut it out", No shit.

Vlad couldn't hear it, cuz he was stuffing Barry's mouth.

From what I've read and heard, it has been known, and discussed, within the intelligence community, for awhile. Often times, it's not one person leaking something solely under their own volition, but rather an agency, as a whole, gives the green light to someone to leak it. I suspect, if this is the class, the asset is no longer in place, so they have nothing to lose in that regard. Plus, if that's the case, they may believe there is an advantage somehow in exposing Putin's role. Now, if that's not the case, then yes, I'm troubled, but I will never know one way or another. I guess I'll have to trust all players are above board in their participation. There have been numerous times where WaPo has set on a story, in order not to compromise national security. Most of which we've never heard of.

nuguy4675 reads

The real collusion - which the snowflakes ignore - is when their beloved BHO whispered to his Russian seatmate, "wait until i'm re-elected. I'll have more flexibility then".  Podesta being elected to numerous Russian companies board of directors, Her highness approving the sale of 20% of US critical manufacturing material (uranium) to the Russian controlled Canadian company. Need more evidence? Trump, etc haven't come close to any of these actions to get into bed with the Rooskies.

You neglected to add that in return Hillary got huge donations to the Clinton Foundation and then Slick Willy raised his speaking fees......in Russia.  

Collusion Collusion Collusion.....with.......Russia Russia Russia.

Posted By: nuguy46
Re: Collusion w/ Russia
The real collusion - which the snowflakes ignore - is when their beloved BHO whispered to his Russian seatmate, "wait until i'm re-elected. I'll have more flexibility then".  Podesta being elected to numerous Russian companies board of directors, Her highness approving the sale of 20% of US critical manufacturing material (uranium) to the Russian controlled Canadian company. Need more evidence? Trump, etc haven't come close to any of these actions to get into bed with the Rooskies.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

And in this case I'm NOT talking about the Russian hacking, or possible Trump collusion, as troubling as those things are.
Ha! You expect people to believe you're troubled! Maybe they would buy this if there were ANY evidence!
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

What concerns me in this case is the possible impact on our intelligence assets by the Post's revealing we KNOW Putin himself ordered some of the Russian efforts to disrupt the 2016 campaign.
WRONG again! There's no evidence that this memo exists other than FAKE news and the lyingest president in history, Barack Hussein O.
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

Of course, everyone assumed Putin was directly involved.  He could hardly not have been.  But to say we have intelligence that lets us say we KNOW he was suggests we (or an ally) have an asset inside Putin's office in the Kremlin, a mole, a bug, who knows?  That's great if it's true, but now the world knows about it.  Does anyone think the Russians are not now searching for that source, jeopardizing perhaps the best asset we have in the Kremlin?
This would make a great spy novel! Well, it would make a spy novel.
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

 Did the WaPo not think about this before revealing what they did?  If the above is correct, the Post may have damaged US security.
WaPo regularly compromises US security when they think it will advance the radical Left-wing agenda.

-- Modified on 6/23/2017 8:11:09 PM



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