Politics and Religion

CIA - Russia was trying to help Trump win the election...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 4670 reads
1 / 26

...The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system.

In September, the White House decided it was time to "name and shame" the Russians for hacking and interfering with the election but they wanted to do it with bipartisan congressional backing.

In a secure room in the Capitol used for briefings involving classified information, administration officials broadly laid out the evidence U.S. spy agencies had collected, showing Russia’s role in cyber-intrusions in at least two states and in hacking the emails of the Democratic organizations and individuals.

And they made a case for a united, bipartisan front in response to what one official described as “the threat posed by unprecedented meddling by a foreign power in our election process.”

The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.  Pinko Mitch McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.  As a reward for helping the Rooskies, Trump chose McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, as his nominee for transportation secretary.

In reaction to the CIA's assessment, Trump shit on the CIA, just as he shit on the Pentagon by claiming he knew more about ISIS than the generals.  He said: “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.’ ”  

“I don’t believe they interfered” in the election, he told Time magazine this week. The hacking, he said, “could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.”

Donald J. Trump - The Muscovian Candidate



-- Modified on 12/10/2016 12:31:39 AM

bocabuster 19 Reviews 206 reads
4 / 26

Russia already had extensive experience with the Clintons.  
Purchased plutonium, had been  extorted for bribe money for Bill's "speeches".  
Ask yourself why Putin would rather deal with a hard ass biz guy like Trump over the evil, weak witch.  
As a former Special Forces sergeant I despise Hillary for Benghazi.  
I can only imagine the disdain a warrior like Putin feels every time he looks at her.

JackDunphy 340 reads
5 / 26

Who was the mastermind that fronted that vaunted operation? LOL

Oh the irony how virtually everything leads back to Hills. ;)

JakeFromStateFarm 239 reads
6 / 26

If you're into conspiracy theories, this one makes sense.  First, get your mole elected President.  Then control him by threatening to release embarrassing emails from inside his campaign.

JakeFromStateFarm 200 reads
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She did it at the behest of Obama.  Plus, it was a legitimate attempt.  But it takes two to tango.  And to Putin, "re-set" meant shaking our hand with his right while invading Ukraine with his left.  Re-set never had a chance under the circumstances.
Now, please, stop trying to act like you're even handed in your stance here.  You're as relentlessly partisan as anyone.  You just disguise it better than the most obvious ones.  But only a little better.

JackDunphy 279 reads
8 / 26

...and you are able to construct full sentences once again.

The Russian re-set was an embarrassment to this country for exactly the reason you state; Crimea invasion. Her holding that stupid fake button and pressing it time after time is high brow diplomacy for Hills.

Sorry Jake, but when one doesn't follow her own bosses directive, and common sense, when she removed that server, one can then not complain about hacking or any fake news.

This is what happens to someone who, by Bams own FBI director, stated Hills was "extremely careless" handling national security docs.  

The wikileaks info, as far as we know, all turned out to be true so, were the Russians framing a guilty woman and a guilty DNC? LOL

I'll ignore the dumbass partisan comments until after you have had your coffee and pop back a few Doan's. :)

-- Modified on 12/10/2016 11:35:26 AM

JackDunphy 311 reads
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"It is unclear how many files were stolen from the Republican committee; in some cases, investigators never get a clear picture. It is also far from clear that Russia’s original intent was to support Mr. Trump, and many intelligence officials — and former officials in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign — believe that the primary motive of the Russians was to simply disrupt the campaign and undercut confidence in the integrity of the vote."

The intel is clearly muddled Jake so for you to tell us in your headline "The Russians also hacked the RNC but sat on the info" is in fact, TOTAL speculation.

Add to that that wikileaks is adamant the Russians were not the source and the RNC is on record saying they were not compromised and we have nothing but innuendo, educated guesses and conflicting information.

Who is the next scape goat for why Dems are in the worst political shape in a hundred years

saltyballs 150 reads
10 / 26

......stating in no uncertain terms that the Russian KGB hacked our recent elections, just a week before Trump's inauguration. Now that would be a hoot......lol

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 180 reads
11 / 26

thank you for your service.  May God shine his favor and grace on you.  We are still more free than the rest of the world, and live in a country of opportunity.

JakeFromStateFarm 265 reads
12 / 26

You, on the other hand, need Thorazine.

-- Modified on 12/10/2016 2:55:44 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 109 reads
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Go back and re-read the beginning of my post, where I clearly labeled it a "conspiracy theory."
Also, it's charming how you blithely adopt the Times' assertion the Russians just wanted "to simply disrupt the campaign."
Even funnier is how you blindly accept Wikileaks' adamant denial and that of the RNC.
You are getting increasingly transparent, Jack.  I could read the damn Times right through you.
Please take the afternoon off before you harm yourself.

JackDunphy 204 reads
14 / 26

You have just been brainwashed by the last 8 years into thinking it is bad.

Unlike the Stepfords here Jake, I don't accept anything blindly. Hence my skepticism about global warming, for example, or whether the Carrier deal is good policy.  

Sorry you missed those and many others. Maybe you were on the toilet at the time.

But what is the whole point of Dems pounding "the Russians did it! The Russians did it?"

It's to deceive themselves they could not have possibly lost bc they had a deeply flawed candidate and to not accept the fact the voters chose Drumpf over Hills.  

Its always, the Russians, wikileaks, Comey, fake news...maybe one day they will consider it was...drum roll...Hills fault?

I'd try a Jim Beam chaser with that Ambien. That will get you anywhere you wanna go. But for you it would send you to bed at 7 pm, one hour early than usual. LOL

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 218 reads
15 / 26

And we've been had, BIG TIME. Sanctions will be lifted, drilling for Russia oil by..guess who EXXON will commence and that 500B deal will finally go through.The one that was halted by, yup dem sanctions. We'll now become a third power country behind, Russia, China and then maybe us...What's that slogan?, "Make America Great".....Should be , "Kiss me before you fuck me".

saltyballs 127 reads
16 / 26

Democrats always seem to kowtow to Republicans politically, I'm all for payback in kind for all the politically egregious things Republicans have done to Obama over the past 8 years.

Posted By: Laffy
but sat on the info.  
 The most pathetic part of this entire story is Righties shit their pants 24/7/365 with, "Hillary will be owned by other government because they gave her Foundation money" when it's actually Trump who is Putin's Bitch.  
 And these "super patriots" couldn't care less because he has that Magical (R) behind his name.  
 The Right investigated Bubba, Obama and Hillary every time they farted.....yet will do NOTHING over this.  And the sheep won't care.....even a little.  
 Complete frauds.

saltyballs 323 reads
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Posted By: Laffy
but sat on the info.  
 The most pathetic part of this entire story is Righties shit their pants 24/7/365 with, "Hillary will be owned by other government because they gave her Foundation money" when it's actually Trump who is Putin's Bitch.  
 And these "super patriots" couldn't care less because he has that Magical (R) behind his name.  
 The Right investigated Bubba, Obama and Hillary every time they farted.....yet will do NOTHING over this.  And the sheep won't care.....even a little.  
 Complete frauds.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 245 reads
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...he wasn't a "warrior."  He was KGB, an intelligence officer.  The little shit wears lifts in his shoes.  Stop believing the propaganda.

JakeFromStateFarm 288 reads
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Of course you accept things blindly.  Just different things than I do.  And don't go citing me the woefully few moments when you came down on the right, er, "left" side of any issue. They are as scarce as when Taffy pays for a meal.
And why do you find it unimportant to find out what, if anything, the Russians did?  And so what if it didn't change the outcome. Do you really think it's fine and dandy for foreign countries to be gaming our electoral process?  You are right Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate but it's a total red herring to cite that as a reason we shouldn't care if Putin screwed with the process.
I don't like Jim Beam.  I'll take vodka.  And not as a chaser.  I'll have it first.
Now go take your Thorazine and let's hope your mind is clearer in the a.m.

bocabuster 19 Reviews 203 reads
20 / 26

And you think he got to run the KGB because he was a Boy Scout???
Don't be stupid.

bocabuster 19 Reviews 339 reads
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It's best to be quiet and let us assume you're ignorant.  
Now we know for a fact.  
You think anyone spends tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected because they want to be underpaid public servants?
Stop sitting on your smartest parts, dude.

FatVern 204 reads
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How did Russian interference, have a impact on how the Electoral College votes?

bocabuster 19 Reviews 287 reads
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And cheaper oil from anywhere is bad for us how?
You didn't see the OPEC agreement to cut production?
You haven't seen prices already rising at the pump?
Russia doesn't have the brainpower, equipment or money to be a major threat

GaGambler 308 reads
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Partly for getting off message, partly for just running a bad campaign.

When McCain lost, it was partly because the economy tanked, it was partly because the country hated the GOP at the time. It was partly because of his VP pick of Palin.

When Hillary lost, it was because of the Russians

When Gore lost, it was because the GOP "stole" the election

and I can't even remember what bullshit reason the Dems used to explain Kerry's loss

Is anyone else noticing a pattern here?

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 339 reads
25 / 26

They should be lower, right? But they're not. This "New" oil is going to Rosneft the Russian equal to Exxon, which I think Putin is a major owner, look it up. Russia doesn't have the brainpower? They manipulated our election, didn't they? The equipment and brain power to tap into this new "oil" is coming from Exxon. This could lead Russia to do whatever, whenever it likes in the Middle East without fear of an oil embargo. Russia will now have it's independence from foreign oil....I hope this is making sense but you can look it up and connect the dots.

-- Modified on 12/10/2016 4:54:36 PM

GaGambler 185 reads
26 / 26

Actually Russia is the largest oil producer in the world.

Part of the OPEC deal had Russia agreeing to cut production by 300,000 BOPD

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