Politics and Religion

Christie was too "preoccupied" to do a speech off the top of his head :teeth_smile
Priapus53 163 reads


...TER righties were all over Obama for using a teleprompter, following the marching orders given by their zombie-master Rush Limbaugh.  Yet nary a word of criticism for Christie who is a much better extemporaneous speaker and was constrained by the teleprompter.

Christie himself also mocked Obama's use of the teleprompter but what else would you expect from a hippo-crite?

...Here's what GG wrote on 2/8/11:

"Reagan was quite a prolific writer and a hell of a lot smarter than any of his detractors gave him credit for. and one hell of a lot better communicator than our current POTUS, especially without a teleprompter."

GG is supposed to be Mr. Call Bullshit When I See It; Mr. Attack Nutjobs on Either Side of the Aisle.

And, Reagan didn't use a teleprompter?  GG: call W and have him teach you how to use The Google.

Maybe Jeff is right about GG being a right-winger.  He can say he's "Switzerland" all the time, but his writing betrays him.  How about it GG, you gonna call bullshit on yourself?


-- Modified on 8/29/2012 12:48:05 PM

Obama was never accused of anything because he used teleprompters on occassion.  You can't find one person who said that there is anything wrong with occassional use of the TP.

What my fellow GOP laugh about is how totally dependent he is on the TP.  There are pictures of him talking to an 8th grade class with the TP.  If you check most of O's big gaffes are off TP.

Go back to ANY event.  There are always people using a TP.  But if you make up the argument it is so easy to rebut.

...he manage to muddle through the debates with McCain without a teleprompter?  Did he have notes written on his hand?

-- Modified on 8/29/2012 1:36:44 PM

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