Politics and Religion

Challenge for chicken little loser Priapus
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1225 reads

I challenge you to a TER chat test on science biology and advanced math knowledge.

I don't believe you are as smart as a ninth grade drop out.
I will come up with one hundred questions and you come up with one hundred questions.

Ten second time limit on answers to eliminate google cheating.

A question not answered within the ten seconds will be considered wrong answer.
If you beat my score by at least one point, I will stay off the politics board for a year.
If I  beat your score by at least five points , you will stay off the politics board for 6 months.
 I really believe  you are the dumbest  poster on this board or I wouldn't give you odds .

Once again dim wit, science, biology and math knowledge is my challenge to you.
Not your specialty ,TV and movies.

 You  pick the referee and score keeper .

Let's see who the real dummy is, if you have the guts.

 You pick the time and date as long as it's on a  week end.

I am usually busy flushing shit during the week.


Who are exactly are the Democrats talking about when they refer to themselves as "intelligent"?  Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc, etc.  Would anybody on this board like to defend these "deep thinkers"?

I'm not the biggest fan of any of those Dems, but compared to Santorum, Palin, Bachmann, Perry, and Cain, they're fucking geniuses.

Priapus531528 reads

Kinda like Quad, fancying himself a CEO-----you guys should head over to mrng's house for a "thorazine cocktail".

Now watch OC take another "board hiatus"-----;)--------LMFAO !

I challenge you to a TER chat test on science biology and advanced math knowledge.

I don't believe you are as smart as a ninth grade drop out.
I will come up with one hundred questions and you come up with one hundred questions.

Ten second time limit on answers to eliminate google cheating.

A question not answered within the ten seconds will be considered wrong answer.
If you beat my score by at least one point, I will stay off the politics board for a year.
If I  beat your score by at least five points , you will stay off the politics board for 6 months.
 I really believe  you are the dumbest  poster on this board or I wouldn't give you odds .

Once again dim wit, science, biology and math knowledge is my challenge to you.
Not your specialty ,TV and movies.

 You  pick the referee and score keeper .

Let's see who the real dummy is, if you have the guts.

 You pick the time and date as long as it's on a  week end.

I am usually busy flushing shit during the week.


Priapus531194 reads

even though I'm a prolific P&R poster, ever wonder why my posts are relatively short or contain links sans my opinion in "Socratic style" ? It's because I WORK ( largely at my computer & also on weekends ) OR busy with "social activities" ( particularly w/ providers ). Don't have time to engage in your quiz. Sorry.

BTW, was this brought on by mrnogood's attack on my "scientific knowledge" ?! Quad, are you aligning yourself with a guy who believes earth is on a collision course with "Planet X" ?! Cmon, dude, you're better than that.

Instead of wasting your time on a quiz, how about
studying for that GED ? Everybody on the board is pulling for you to get it, including myself.

No joke. Seriously.

I know Quad. He's a good guy, albeit a smartass. No need to insult the guy's intelligence.

By the way, Quad, you plan on giving me back the money you owe me (among other things)?

Priapus53613 reads

Check out the following from his alias :

"Re: Snow, you're advocating murder ? You think Kent State was funny ?
Posted by CorporateCEO, 12/1/2011 8:24:27 AM  

It's not murder if it's self defense or LE doing the shooting.
It would be wise to stop a few anarchists dead in their tracks rather than allowing  destruction of our society  with their filth."

This is just as wrong as advocating deadly force against CEO's.

Lets see if board righties condemn Quad as quicky as they did against others who encouraged harm against members of the " 1% ".

I think I'll be waiting a LONG time-------

-- Modified on 12/1/2011 1:08:48 PM

Poor Quad could buy you out with his pocket change.

You should learn to use your own words before you delve into what others are thinking.

 No! I do not  believe Mayans had telescopes or  in planet X on a collision course with Earth .

Don't fret about my GED . You would be wise to  look more closely at your own failures you clearly can't see .

 I do not believe you spend time with providers except in your feeble minded imagination.

No joke intended. I am serious.



mrnogood1950 reads

They didn't they knew the earth, and the heavens well enough to know the posistion of EVERYTHING in the sky...

this knowledge is hidden from us today..

Below is where humanity needs to go quad, free energy...

Nikola Tesla, created free energy, ashame they killed him...

and everyone else that's tried...

Our energy dept actually is around to keep us dependent on energy...

If we can't make it to the next level we will ALL perish, and the powers that be keep the reigns of power until our next massive solar cycle, and chance for real freedom...

Nikola tesla wanted desperately to teach us his free energy, but our government wasnt interested in helping..

But the russians and the germans did finance him and get this information..

Then the CIA killed him..

-- Modified on 12/1/2011 5:05:20 PM

Speak when spoken to and you won't feel the need to defend what you didn't say.

 Nikola Tesla died when he was 87 with over 700 patents to his name .
 If the CIA killed him it was a mercy killing.

The guy must have had sensory overload to the max.

 You finally baited me into my first reply to you .
Don't count on it again anytime soon.
   I'm not as dim as Pri though he might disagree.


mrnogood2311 reads

I admit, I went conspiracy on ya with the CIA killing him, just seems to me everyone killed, or jailed in the US has a rabbit trail you could follow down...

At the time of Nikola's death, he had began to show russia and germany how to use his technology, and they began using it as weaponary technology in the form of death rays...

Our HARRP machine out in alaska is his technology... which we actually started making AFTER the russians and germans..

well the germans I admit didnt have the sense to use his technology the way the russians did, the germans were trying to build space craft, the russians did use it as weapons...

and then " I think" they killed him...

lol, I was spoken too...and know your not pri

mrnogood1187 reads

Carbon, is the ONLY element they seek to control...

Through control of this they will control ALL life, and energy...

quad, anyone who dies in hotel rooms, especially folks like tesla, I think the CIA did it..lolol

Priapus532421 reads

There IS theory that Tesla designed this on his death bed, after being poisoned by the CIA-----;)

-- Modified on 12/2/2011 10:39:02 AM

Priapus531116 reads

You would lose a lot of your hostile insecurities, which are so prevalent in your postings.

No joke intended. I'm serious.

-- Modified on 12/1/2011 5:06:21 PM

What's a GED got to do with insecurities ?

 The way I look at it, I am what I am regardless of the document.

If I'm the insecure one, why are you not accepting my challenge ?
 What have you got to lose other than losing to a ninth grade drop out and taking a six month hiatus from the board ?

If you lost you could claim in your farewell address you were a history major in college and you know nothing about science, biology or advanced math.

 It's a win win for either of us, no matter who wins.

If I lose I'll have more time to study for my GED .
If you lose you will have more time to concoct  your inventions.

 If you believe I'm insecure, won't  winning  our test help raise my self esteem ?

 Don't you want to help me, at the same time help yourself see more clearly ?

No joke . I am serious

You may call me Sir Quad . I won't take offense.

Once again Platipus is called out,

Once again Platipus pusses out.

The #2 poster on this board for the past month, 3 months, and 6 months is playing the "I'm so darn busy card" and "Get a Life" card?

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