Politics and Religion

By your estimation anyone not on your side is a Nazi.teeth_smile
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 67 reads

There's a minority  of tiny mind lefties who believe your Nazi, KKK false narrative accusations.
In their defense they are usually  wrong due to listening to fake news  but no one is as bad at Political predictions as you.

 How do you feel owning the undisputed title Loser with the most losses.    


I've  never had a desire to watch insecure  drunkard elitist pompous snobs award themselves for doing their job.
   Do you enjoy politics entrenched  in your entertainment venues or would you prefer politics to be separated from your leisure activities ?  


to bring awareness or song written to express emotion.  

I think Americans are mean-spirited that hated on Dixie Chicks for one comment on the mic, and never a song written until years later by Natalie to express how it felt to be hated by children and told by parents to break her CD's.  

I don't mind entertainers tell me their bubble perception the rest of America can't even relate to them, so I am sure they can't relate to us.  

And with that said, I don't tune in to The View because they sound like cackling hens and annoy me.  But I can listen and laugh to Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert.  Also never cared for the sound of Kathy Griffins voice and wasn't a fan beforehand.  

And I didn't watch the awards this year, just like I haven't the past 2 decades because I wasn't interested.  Some people just peculiar and too think skinned to go see a Bonnie Raitt because she used her mic once in 2 hrs to make a statement.  

To take on the NFL. Just to jack up his redneck hillbilly base and inflate his ego. He wanted a cultural divide he got it, it's the only thing he can mustard up, he hasn't accomplished anything. So instead of focusing on Healthcare, North Korea, and hurricanes victims he gets on his fake tough guy act for what?
Politicians should stay out of sports, it's my sanctuary to get way.

sports, music, entertainment, arts, shopping.  It's also invaded Facebook where evil can be spread far and wide and overcasts any expressions of love.  I am so sick of this self righteous President and I blame him being the leader.  

Can someone please explain to me what the expression of kneeling during our anthem means to them?

Think about the billions and billions of hours spent  watching professional Football and Basketball with practically the same result every week, teams lose, teams win, teams rarely tie.  
     If  ten percent of football fans decide they will no longer take the time out of their leisure hours to watch their favorite teams,  suddenly there's  millions of  people looking for something to do on Sunday afternoon, Monday and Thursday night.  
   Consider the gains before you stand by your game.  

 If one tenth of one percent of ex football  fans decide to raise Honey bees with their new found spare time..........  
 If one tenth of one percent of ex football fans decide to  ------------------------- with their new found spare time..........  
 If one tenth of one percent of ex football fans decide to  ------------------------- with their new found spare time..........  
 If one tenth of one percent of ex football fans decide to  ------------------------- with their new found spare time..........  
 If one tenth of one percent of ex football fans decide to  ------------------------- with their new found spare time..........  
 If one tenth of one percent of ex football fans decide to  work overtime  with their new found spare time..........  

  Think of  the health benefits, looking for Ginseng  on Sunday afternoon is usually more healthy than drinking Gin.  

Statistics on drunkards killing innocent people on the roads after the game  might go down.  
  I've never asked a famous sports, music, movie person or anyone I've met, for their autograph and I would fail to find one, even if I met every  famous person  from the last two thousand years.  
    It's easy for me to quit watching entertainment I no longer care to see when they add programming I don't consider as entertaining.  

   If  leisure time movies I buy are suddenly filled with political messages I'll quit buying those movies.  
   If  music I buy is suddenly filled with political messages I'll quit buying that brand of music.  
   I have no reason to  spend money or time on something I completely disagree with.  
   I watch movies but I don't listen to the actor when they are not in their scene.  
   I would never look for advice from someone that makes a living acting anymore than I would have a DR. who moonlights as a mortician.  
   I rarely watch a TV show.  
   I've never watched the award shows  for more than five minutes, last time  was over twenty  years ago.
   If the band I paid to hear their music live decided to give me a political show I'd feel ripped off.   
   I've  never been a Springsteen orTed Nugent fan so it's always been easy not contributing to their delinquency.  :-D

    I've always been a fan of  America, Our Flag, Our National Anthem, Our Pledge of Allegiance,  and I certainly don't care to waste my time watching someone showing disrespect to anything or anyone I respect .  
Looking at it from my  perspective, when sports figures refuse to stand for Our National Anthem before the game they are dissing our men and women who fought and many died for our right to do as we please.  
  With a little imagination, a Sunday's  worth of time without football and  a bar or two  of word play,
   here's  your clue for a new country song.  

        Football stars won't miss me while I'm  forgetting everything  I don't see in them.  



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