Politics and Religion

Lovin this spike in gas prices!!
LostSon 43 Reviews 191 reads

How bout that? Plus I love that prices are STILL rising on food stuffs I’m buying 👍

Go Joe GO 👍👍👍

Printing billions out of thin air to give to those ass hats in Ukraine. Blowing up oil pipelines just to screw with Russia. Putting an embargo on Russian oil. Need we go on? Illegals are now getting $10,000 free credit cards, free health care, free hotel rooms, free food. Where do you think that money is coming from?

RespectfulRobert33 reads

Lost is referring to the very recent run up in gas prices and I am sue I don't need to tell you the oil market is traded on a global scale, not just in the U.S. Every economist and oil related expert would tell you the President doesnt affect oil/gas prices but its an election year so Rs throw those facts out the window as well.

Any decrease as “ Joe’s makin progress “ but when it goes the other way “it’s not joes fault!” As Willy pointed out we are here Because of this administration’s policies writ large and you know it!

RespectfulRobert34 reads

You have also clearly demonstrated that you dont know oil is traded on the world market and NOT the U.S. one.
And I have no idea who "you cats" refers to as I didnt blame Joe for the inflation on the way up and dont give him credit when it has fallen.  
I have always blamed Covid and the federal policies of many nations, including the U.S.  
It is YOU that attacked Joe when inflation rises and then give him no props when it falls. My position is an intellectually honest one while yours wreaks of crazed and delusional hyper partisanship.  
Wanna try again?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: I see you dodged my question.
You have also clearly demonstrated that you dont know oil is traded on the world market and NOT the U.S. one.  
 And I have no idea who "you cats" refers to as I didnt blame Joe for the inflation on the way up and dont give him credit when it has fallen.  
 I have always blamed Covid and the federal policies of many nations, including the U.S.  
 It is YOU that attacked Joe when inflation rises and then give him no props when it falls. My position is an intellectually honest one while yours wreaks of crazed and delusional hyper partisanship.  
 Wanna try again?
Ok here’s the deal everyone on the left can claim that the president doesn’t do anything to affect inflation.  

That’s BS and you know it. Joes started this land slide with the 2  Trillion dollar American rescue plan. First and foremost they printed the money for it out of thin air. Anytime you increase a money supply the individual dollar becomes less valuable.  

2nd the wide open boarder has flooded the nation with unskilled workers that will work for peanuts at jobs displacing legal immigrants on work visas. Also the mass spending as Willy mentioned on the illegal immigrants plus the cost of moving them around the country by jet is another blow. Most of the meager wages they are able to earn and not get scammed off by their cartel extortion masters goes right the fuck back to whatever country they came to. That doesn’t help.

3rd Ukraine spending! I know what billions of dollars in defense spending looks like and where ever this money is going, it isn’t making it to the front line soldiers in Ukraine. I have friends and family in the fight over there and they aren’t seeing it. The talk of all the 155 guns (taken from the Marine Corps) all the ammo (taken from propositioned stores in Israel) M1 Abrams (again taken from the Marine Corps) are all assets long ago bought and paid for. A handful of Patriot missile batteries? Again all long ago bought and paid for. Where’s the billions disappearing to?

The whole thing is the perfect storm.  

This blip in gas prices is Because Joe Joe has created a situation where a sneeze in the supply (or in this situation just the hint of one) results in price spikes. Most of the gas in the tanks of every gas station in America is the same gas from a few days ago. The overnight surge in prices is from perceived instability in the supply.

So again thank you Joe for making yet another bad decision years ago that’s having unintended consequences years later!  

PS God help us if there is an actual Hiccup up in the actual supply.

You lefties don’t get that we are living in a virtual house of cards. “Everything’s fine look at what a great job the democrats are doing!” 🙄🙄🙄

Houthi terrorists have choked off one of the main places oil flows: a little thing called the Suez Canal. Meanwhile, a lack of water to operate the locks of the Panama Canal has cut traffic there by about a third..
But blame Joe. Sure.

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