Politics and Religion

Business probably sole proprietorship and all the small donations ...
Timbow 387 reads

under $ 14,000 are tax-free gifts. The O'Connor's did nothing to receive them. O'Connor is payee since site said money would be placed into bank account O'Connor's wish to use.
What is considered a gift?
Any transfer to an individual, either directly or indirectly, where full consideration (measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return.
Regardless they will have it worked out to best benefit them.
- We are coordinating with a respected financial advisor, Ed Butowsky, and the O'Connors right now.  

- Butowsky and an accountant are traveling to Indiana Monday morning, pro bono, to meet with the family and set them up so that a blessing doesn't become a burden.

Posted By: GaGambler
I AM a gambler, but not stupid. Of course the income is taxable, you don't really think the IRS is going to allow a million bucks to fall out of the sky without getting their piece, do you?

Now they can mitigate their tax liability to a certain extent by investing their money into their business and putting some of that money into equipment that will generate certain tax deductions and even tax credits, but trust me, Uncle Sam will certainly get a big bite out of the money no matter what they do.


-- Modified on 4/5/2015 3:07:11 AM

Timbow1608 reads

$788,000 and going up. :D They are thanking God that idiot high school golf coach tweeted to burn their restaurant down.

-- Modified on 4/3/2015 9:09:01 AM

Good money in grifting conservatives. Easy money.  Especially religious conservatives.  S.E. Cupp has been quite successful at it.

However I do support the right of any business owner, who does not want to host a same sex wedding reception.  

I can't envision a  same sex couple wanting to have their wedding reception at pizza parlor to begin with. This was just another made up example of discrimination from the psychopaths of the LGBT community.

The media paints the law as a gay vs Christian conflict. This law and others like it in 20 states,simply gives a religious person legal standing. Doesn't mean they win their case.RFRA has dealt with Muslims,Sikhs,Amish and Native Americans,among others.
 So the media distorts the story and these small business owners get death threats from the LGBT gaystapo.
Just like they spread the "hands up don't shoot myth". Pour gasoline on the fire,riots ensue,and the people and business owners in Ferguson pay the price.

...when they don't work for it.  You're happy for the O'Connor's windfall, but not so much for "welfare queens," eh?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the donations were closed at 842k.

nuguy46281 reads

When the Dims and their followers so vehemently attacked a small town pizza joint with scathing bluster and thrust them into the national spotlight and ruined (so it seemed at the time) their family business, it IS a good payback! Maybe some thought before you'all speak?  nah, that will come after a cold day in hell.

With your physical stature unable to labor, your mindless logic, analytical skills and independent thought process at zero, you deserve your welfare check.
  Conservatives believe, people with healthy bodies and minds yet unwilling to work, should not be collecting  welfare.  The truly needy should be helped.

The Free speech opposition  should have  learned after the  Chick fil A CEO fiasco and the phenomenon that followed, when Chick fil A soon after, quickly rose  to # 1 amongst it's competitors.
   When people come under fire and threats for using their free speech rights to express their  feelings about Homosexual  marriage, there will be thousands or  millions standing in line, to help the ostracized.  
  In the case of Mission pizza, they closed due to physical threats by the left, supporters  couldn't stand in line, so donations were sent.

   I believe Homosexuals  should be allowed to marry without repercussions, I also believe someone who feels Homosexual  marriage is against their beliefs, should feel free to express their opinion without becoming subjected to  Hate speech and threats.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...I thought conservatives didn't like people who get money when they don't work for it.  You're happy for the O'Connor's windfall, but not so much for "welfare queens," eh?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the donations were closed at 842k.

followme300 reads

They did work for their money, in fact they worked very hard building the business.

Then some lib comes along and stabs them in the back and tries to ruin all the years of hard work they put into the restaurant.  

Those donations are the result of some good people coming together to help another, but what would one who stabs another the back know about good people doing the right thing for others.

So you see they did work for it but you and your ilk will never understand good people doing good for others.

You’re Most Welcome
For God and Country
2016 = GOP WH, House and Senat

JohnMilton_Esq350 reads

I can CHOOSE to donate MY hard earned money to whom ever I want, (in fact, I made a donation to Memories Pizza).  That is called charitable giving.  Many times (such as in this case) there is no tax benefit to the giver, it is what it is, a charitable gift.

That is far different from the government taxing me then taking that tax money and giving it to people that the governing class think it should go to.

But I think you know the difference BPS.

BTW check out that sweet pic on the front of Dana Loesch's book.  A hot woman with an AR...my dream girl.........  LOL


Posted By: BigPapasan
...when they don't work for it.  You're happy for the O'Connor's windfall, but not so much for "welfare queens," eh?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the donations were closed at 842k.

-- Modified on 4/4/2015 9:49:07 AM

Timbow281 reads


Posted By: BigPapasan
...when they don't work for it.  You're happy for the O'Connor's windfall, but not so much for "welfare queens," eh?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the donations were closed at 842k.

Since when did retail pizza shops qualify for 501(c)3 status?

Considering this is public domain now...those folks might want to report it  LOL

If not, they can contact me and I'd be happy to see if I could get IRS and CID to agree with YOUR assessment.

I'll need a substantial non-refundable engagement fee in advance first.

tonightoutcall339 reads

Deductible and most will be smaller than min gift for reporting.  
       Could be entirely wrong and the total amount might change it. But that's what we were told when we had medical expenses.  


Posted By: Dr Who revived
Since when did retail pizza shops qualify for 501(c)3 status?  
 Considering this is public domain now...those folks might want to report it  LOL  
 If not, they can contact me and I'd be happy to see if I could get IRS and CID to agree with YOUR assessment.  
 I'll need a substantial non-refundable engagement fee in advance first.

If you received nearly a million dollars from strangers for whatever...you better be prepared to show this income.  However, if you've got someone who would be urging you to not declare the income...sure hope they have sufficient funds and resources to argue the merits of tax evasion.

If however you got some "gifts" from your family to pay for medical...sure, they could have used the gifting against their unified credit for the year (for 2014/15 the maximum is $ 14,000 per each donor).

Unlikely that the pizza joint could successfully assert these as "gifts" and not record as income received.  I guess if you want to use that same logic the gals here all ask for "gifts" or "donations".  Are you suggesting that isn't considered income subject to Federal and State taxes?  

If you honestly want to assert that defense (assuming you were representing a gal..or the pizza joint...best to get your fees in advance.  You will lose the case...handily.

Posted By: tonightoutcall
    Deductible and most will be smaller than min gift for reporting.  
        Could be entirely wrong and the total amount might change it. But that's what we were told when we had medical expenses  

Timbow393 reads

Posted By: Dr Who revived
If you received nearly a million dollars from strangers for whatever...you better be prepared to show this income.  However, if you've got someone who would be urging you to not declare the income...sure hope they have sufficient funds and resources to argue the merits of tax evasion.  
 If however you got some "gifts" from your family to pay for medical...sure, they could have used the gifting against their unified credit for the year (for 2014/15 the maximum is $ 14,000 per each donor).  
 Unlikely that the pizza joint could successfully assert these as "gifts" and not record as income received.  I guess if you want to use that same logic the gals here all ask for "gifts" or "donations".  Are you suggesting that isn't considered income subject to Federal and State taxes?    
 If you honestly want to assert that defense (assuming you were representing a gal..or the pizza joint...best to get your fees in advance.  You will lose the case...handily.  
Posted By: tonightoutcall
    Deductible and most will be smaller than min gift for reporting.    
         Could be entirely wrong and the total amount might change it. But that's what we were told when we had medical expenses    

-- Modified on 4/4/2015 6:07:34 PM

GaGambler312 reads

I AM a gambler, but not stupid. Of course the income is taxable, you don't really think the IRS is going to allow a million bucks to fall out of the sky without getting their piece, do you?

Now they can mitigate their tax liability to a certain extent by investing their money into their business and putting some of that money into equipment that will generate certain tax deductions and even tax credits, but trust me, Uncle Sam will certainly get a big bite out of the money no matter what they do.

Timbow388 reads

under $ 14,000 are tax-free gifts. The O'Connor's did nothing to receive them. O'Connor is payee since site said money would be placed into bank account O'Connor's wish to use.
What is considered a gift?
Any transfer to an individual, either directly or indirectly, where full consideration (measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return.
Regardless they will have it worked out to best benefit them.
- We are coordinating with a respected financial advisor, Ed Butowsky, and the O'Connors right now.  

- Butowsky and an accountant are traveling to Indiana Monday morning, pro bono, to meet with the family and set them up so that a blessing doesn't become a burden.


Posted By: GaGambler
I AM a gambler, but not stupid. Of course the income is taxable, you don't really think the IRS is going to allow a million bucks to fall out of the sky without getting their piece, do you?

Now they can mitigate their tax liability to a certain extent by investing their money into their business and putting some of that money into equipment that will generate certain tax deductions and even tax credits, but trust me, Uncle Sam will certainly get a big bite out of the money no matter what they do.



-- Modified on 4/5/2015 3:07:11 AM

tonightoutcall542 reads

Gifts are considered non-taxable income, but if the gift creates income, that income would be taxable. An example would be if someone gave you a bank CD valued at $1,000 and you gained interest of $50; the interest amount of $50 would be taxable income. The following link will provide more information related to what is considered taxable and non-taxable income. https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Taxes-101/What-Is-Taxable-Income-/INF15613.html

Posted By: Dr Who revived
If you received nearly a million dollars from strangers for whatever...you better be prepared to show this income.  However, if you've got someone who would be urging you to not declare the income...sure hope they have sufficient funds and resources to argue the merits of tax evasion.  
 If however you got some "gifts" from your family to pay for medical...sure, they could have used the gifting against their unified credit for the year (for 2014/15 the maximum is $ 14,000 per each donor).  
 Unlikely that the pizza joint could successfully assert these as "gifts" and not record as income received.  I guess if you want to use that same logic the gals here all ask for "gifts" or "donations".  Are you suggesting that isn't considered income subject to Federal and State taxes?    
 If you honestly want to assert that defense (assuming you were representing a gal..or the pizza joint...best to get your fees in advance.  You will lose the case...handily.  
Posted By: tonightoutcall
    Deductible and most will be smaller than min gift for reporting.    
         Could be entirely wrong and the total amount might change it. But that's what we were told when we had medical expenses    

Well, good for them! However, there probably will not be much of the pie left for other who attempt the same thing.

And, where a lot of this nonsense may get tripped up, in court, is where those refusing services due to religious beliefs, pick and choose which sins pass muster, like those ladies in the attached article. How does a Christian legitimize serving an adulterer, which the 10 Commandments condemns, while not serving a gay or lesbian couple? There is no mention of homosexuality in those commandments.  


It's this hypocrisy that will be revealed, thus turning the tide even stronger and sooner against religion in this country. It's already begun. Make no mistake. I'm not relishing in that opinion, nor gloating in the prospect. I have family and friends who are in the ministry, and I support them in their work. Most of us can remember someone in our past that said: "Stop your crying or I'll giving you something to really cry about." Well, there are some very masochistic Christians who are crying about how persecuted they are; how they are being attacked for their beliefs, and their rights to religious freedom is being taken away. Well, it could well be, that they ain't seen nothing yet.

There you go with that hypocrisy argument again, everyone is a hypocrite to some extent.  

After reading your linking article... Chik fila still sells Coke products, why doesn't Coke remove their products from Chik stores?

-- Modified on 4/4/2015 7:25:39 AM

Along with the fact that Chik Fila still sells Coke products make Coca-Cola a hypocrite of a corporation? I'm not Christian or opposed to Gay marriage, am I being hypocritical when I eat Chik Fila?

GaGambler347 reads

If today it's only about gay marriage and most of us think to ourselves, "big deal, I am not gay" how about when it's the adulterer next, the whore mongers after than, Hookers of course, and then how about simply not serving all "non believers" Do any of you start seeing a BIG resemblance to Sharia Law?

How many of you "good Christians" claim to be nothing like the evil Muslims? Well from the sidelines that gap seems to be narrowing.

is the business itself, once they turn away enough customers, they will be out of business. I doubt if many business can afford to turn away paying customers, and when they did it made absolutely no business sense to do so.  

If you took a step back and looked at this so called discrimination issue, you'd see what croc of manufactured shit it all is. I know it's hard for you bleeding heart liberals to do so, I think you guys just want to be victims, and have people feel sorry for you.

GaGambler234 reads

I just got called a "bleeding heart liberal"

Take that, all you lefty motherfuckers that have been calling me a "right wingers" ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!

You overlooked the point of my post...

Business can not discriminate based on any stipulation, including religious freedom. That is if the business's sole purpose is to make a profit. I don't know of any business that exists for any other reason than to make money. The economic climate does not allow business the opportunity to lose money, therefore it is a nonissue.

Go for it!

The Muslims and the Christians won't sell me doughnuts because I'm a witch, adulterer, gay, or a hooker... LOL! what a load of malarkey.

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