Politics and Religion

Big Moron says this...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 32 reads

…while he probably keeps robbing taco trucks.

Somehow I think Biden’s open border policies are going to start to make even Democrats question their support for the party.

Predator illegals can even get jobs as public school teachers

I suspect there are a ton of these incidents that aren’t being reported in the news!

Poor girl is not only disabled but won’t be a legal adult for several years. Boston just declared itself a sanctuary city. Illegals are sleeping at Logan airport.

How can you possibly understand scientific papers when you can't read simple English, you moron.

Your own link says this type of crime has been going on for DECADES, you idiot:
"The FBI has warned about such South American theft groups for decades, and in December said they believed such burglars are exploiting tourist visas to travel in and out of the United States and facilitate the theft and transport of stolen goods internationally."

These crimes have NOTHING to do with borders. It's called "crime tourism."  They fly in and out on airplanes.  Do you know what an airplane is, dumbass?!

Gawd you're dumb.  No wonder the only job you can hold down is working for the gubmint.

…while he probably keeps robbing taco trucks.

The crimes in your OP had absolutely NOTHING to do with Biden's border policy, but since you're a gutless little punk you can't admit it.

Speaking of which, are you in this country legally?

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: The madness that never stops.  
The age of the victim. 😠😠😠
This sanctuary jurisdiction Bill shit needs to stop!

Hey lefties? How many of you think that sanctuary jurisdictions are part of your inclusion? Do tell, your amount friends here 😐

I wonder if this trans prostitute will vote for Trump now.

An illegal shot a trans prostitute who is also an illegal. Now that the trans prostitute illegal knows that the illegal who shot Zer is also in a violent Venezuelan gang, the trans prostitute illegal is not talking about the took a shot illegal and so now both these illegals get to freely engage in other illegal things like illegally trying to murder someone while being illegal in this country because they’re both illegals.

I see these illegal Venezuelans daily here in Chicago panhandling at intersections and outside grocery stores! Pure sewage these people are and you better believe I confront these savages every time I see one of THEM! Only President Trump will secure OUR border! If you want 20 million NEW illegals in the next four years Biden is your man...you have been warned.

According to FBI crime data:
Properly crime - DOWN 4%
Violent crime - DOWN 6%
Murder - DOWN 13%

Fox News ran nearly 400 weekday segments on "migrant crime" in the first 10 weeks of 2024.  
Change the channel, willy.

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US-born Americans.

92% of Republicans believe crime rose from 2022 to 2023 while only 58% of Democrats believe crime rose.

Democrats to push Trump over the top in November.  It's like when the crowd shamed Joe into say Laken Riley's name at the SOTU, and Biden's comeback was, ". . . . but what about the thousands of murders committed by legals."   Good point, except those are on Joe's watch, too.  

The problem the left has is that they think they can just fabricate or fudge any numbers they want and turn talking points into a reality. But it’s not going to work.  

I’ve always rather liked The Young Turks. I was watching them on Election night in 2016. They were talking as if the world was coming to an end.  

Wow have times changed. This is what Ana Kasparian recently had to say about what Democrats have done on crime.

followme40 reads

Unlawful/illegal entry into the United States
Is a crime, Therefore 100% of illegal aliens are criminals. So they have all committed one crime already.  The NPR article uses the term immigrants and conveniently and dishonestly does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. If they are talking about legal immigrants only then the numbers may be true. But what about the Illegal Aliens, bet that crime number has and is increasing.  

under bidens policies more and more illegal aliens are coming in every day making this country less and less safe every day.

From one of the linked articles:

“Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.

“Illegal Re-Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1326 makes it a crime to unlawfully reenter, attempt to unlawfully reenter, or to be found in the United States after having been deported, ordered removed, or denied admission. This crime is punishable as a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison. Higher penalties apply if the person was previously removed after having been convicted of certain crimes: up to 10 years for a single felony conviction (other than an aggravated felony conviction) or three misdemeanor convictions involving drugs or crimes against a person, and up to 20 years for an aggravated felony conviction.






Let's Go Brandon

his own statistics. The FBI crime data does not measure crimes committed but only crimes reported to or observed by LE. So most illegal entries are not counted at all. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. DOJ surveys suggest 75% of sex assaults are not reported; 50% of violent crimes not reported; and 70% of property crimes.

If the reporting error is consistent over time, the trend is still the same.  
Time Period 1: 120 actual crimes; 50% reported, 50% not reported = 60 crimes
Time Period 2: 100 actual crimes; 50% reported, 50% not reported = 50 crimes
Actual crimes down 20/120 = 17%; reported crimes down 10/60 = 17%

Posted By: marikod
Re: Very good point. He does not understand  
his own statistics. The FBI crime data does not measure crimes committed but only crimes reported to or observed by LE. So most illegal entries are not counted at all. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. DOJ surveys suggest 75% of sex assaults are not reported; 50% of violent crimes not reported; and 70% of property crimes.

which is certainly not true with respect to Followme’s illegal entry example and is Duran’s point.

           Illegal entry apprehensions  during the Biden administration skyrocketed compared to Trump years. I think 2022 was the worst ever until 2023 when there was a 4% increase over 2022. This is not to say that it is all Joe Biden’s fault. He has limited tools. But it is certainly the fault of Joe Biden AND Congress.

              And, of course, who knows whether the overworked Border Patrol accurately counts illegal entries and, if it does, if they even make full reports to the FBI.     If, God Forbid, the Texas “show your papers” law is upheld and state police report, the actual crime numbers will skyrocket for 2024 as well.  

            …sign… as much as I have ridiculed Trump’s border wall idea, I am starting to think this may be the only solution. Certainly better than arresting families with children  who cross and putting them through the criminal justice system. Did you know Texas prisons and many jails do not have air conditioning? It is 100 plus degrees all summer. Yet the governor wants to pack them with illegal immigrants.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: What do you think?
Could he be Irish?
Where’s big F (Failure) to scream “your racist?”

These theft groups aren’t even here illegally. They come with legal tourist visas, commit the robberies and go home. Oh, and Willy’s own article says they’ve been doing it for years.. In other words also when Trump was Prez. How embarrassing for poor Willy.

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