Politics and Religion

Been coming in waves since the Pilgrims.Social media wasn't around in the past. Doubtful it is...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 111 reads

... in any way connected to this campaign

Can't recall if we had, in the past 30 years, this many incidents of police shootings of Blacks within a short time frame. Is this a just a coincidence that one of the ugliest presidential contest is nearing the decision day?

GaGambler145 reads

Not of black people or any other group for that matter.  

I think this type of thing has always gone on, but it wasn't till EVERYONE had a camera, plus body cams and dash cams on the part of LE that these shootings have come under such scrutiny. Back before video evidence the cops were just "presumed" to justified when a police involved shooting occurred. That obviously is no longer the case and quite the contrary the police are rightly or wrongly presumed guilty until and sometimes like in Ferguson even "if" proven innocent of any wrong doing.

I will say our current "racist in chief" has made things even worse, He has been fanning the fires of "blame the police" Especially and "only" when a black man is shot since the beginning. I would love it if just once our "racist in chief" would come out and be even handed in matters of race. but no, he is as consistent as our own resident racist black man and in his mind and by his actions it's plain the white man is always guilty and the black man always innocent.

but to answer your OP. NO I see ZERO correlation between police shootings and the admittedly ugly presidential campaign currently underway. Just how do you see the events connecting?

Looks like some unaware of the Clinton camp trying to paint Obama as un-American to his core and foreign values or as Matt would say, making Obama into "the other."

Btw, did I tell you RIP moved in with me? lol

Give me time. LOTS of time. Miracles don't happen overnight bro.

Hoping JFSF could feed him and take him for a walk when I got to work?

My ONLY concern is that they are justifiable or not.

These cases, when fully examined and when all the facts are in, time after time after time exonerate the police and show us how brave they are and how often they get it right.  

Of course there are bad cops and they should be removed and of course they need more training, a given in almost every occupation.

But I don't blame you for possibly having a slanted view of how many blacks get shot because the lib media never seems to concern itself when cops shoot whites, and the evidence shows they are shot/killed at twice the rate that blacks are

Please present the evidence that whites are being shot or killed by the police at twice the rate at blacks are.

I don't blame the media. People on the streets are reacting to the killings and showing their outrage. People, black and white and all races and ethnicities, are demanding accountability and transparency.

Posted By: JackDunphy
My ONLY concern is that they are justifiable or not.  
 These cases, when fully examined and when all the facts are in, time after time after time exonerate the police and show us how brave they are and how often they get it right.  
 Of course there are bad cops and they should be removed and of course they need more training, a given in almost every occupation.  
 But I don't blame you for possibly having a slanted view of how many blacks get shot because the lib media never seems to concern itself when cops shoot whites, and the evidence shows they are shot/killed at twice the rate that blacks are.  

They do things to gin up their ratings. How often do you see Anderson Cooper ever do a story on whites being shot by cops? Ever?  

The media would lead you to believe, by implication, that all those shooting are justified and that only cops shooting blacks are not justified.  

I also find it odd you asked for my link, which I have provided, but you didn't provide a link for your OP that black shootings by cops had increased and then somehow tried to tie that to the election.

First, I did not say the incidents of police shootings of blacks have increased. I said I could not recall if there a period like this. I wasn't making statement. Rather, I was asking others and some have given informative replies.

Secondly, the link you have provided for the news story does not support the statement you made. When adjusted for population figures, blacks are killed 2.5 times more often than whites. Of course, there are some obvious reasons such as poverty and higher violent crime rates among black men.

Posted By: JackDunphy
They do things to gin up their ratings. How often do you see Anderson Cooper ever do a story on whites being shot by cops? Ever?  
 The media would lead you to believe, by implication, that all those shooting are justified and that only cops shooting blacks are not justified.  
 I also find it odd you asked for my link, which I have provided, but you didn't provide a link for your OP that black shootings by cops had increased and then somehow tried to tie that to the election.

Then your first sentence mentions blacks. You never provided any evidence of increased shootings.

And yes, blacks kill 4 times the population they represent.  

The problem in the inner city isn't white, racist cops looking to gun down poor, unarmed innocent young black males. The problem is blacks killing blacks but the media does not want to discuss that obvious truth.

I wonder why.

Just said police shootings with no mention of the race of the cops.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Then your first sentence mentions blacks. You never provided any evidence of increased shootings.  
 And yes, blacks kill 4 times the population they represent.  
 The problem in the inner city isn't white, racist cops looking to gun down poor, unarmed innocent young black males. The problem is blacks killing blacks but the media does not want to discuss that obvious truth.  
 I wonder why.

JakeFromStateFarm119 reads

1) The officer who killed the man in Charlotte is black.  So is the Charlotte police chief.  So much for racial bias.
2) The "liberal media" seems to have ignored at least the first part of that.
3) The officer in Tulsa was a white woman, and she's been charged with 1st degree Manslaughter.  There have been no riots there, even before the charges were brought.
So all these situations need to be looked at individually.  For example, the Ferguson shooting that caused so much chaos last year was, upon investigation, justified.  The facts clearly showed the officer was attacked and injured by a man who had just committed an offense.
The killing of Eric Garner on Staten Island was clearly Manslaughter by the cops, at a minimum.  His offense was selling Loosies and he was choked to death for it.
Again, each circumstance needs to be looked at individually.

GaGambler125 reads

Every one of those were "good" points,  

Once again, what the fuck happened to Jake, is he locked up in the barn with that other guy?

JakeFromStateFarm110 reads

Unlike krowns who rook rike Wu.

Posted By: GaGambler
Every one of those were "good" points,  
 Once again, what the fuck happened to Jake, is he locked up in the barn with that other guy?

GaGambler128 reads

The REAL Jake is locked up in the barn along with a certainbenchpressing fool and you have hijacked his account like I had suspected.

There just isn't enough evidence to convict either the Tulsa cop or the NC one at this point. My gut feeling and experience tells me neither will be convicted of a crime, but all the facts are not yet known so we shall see.

Re: Eric Garner...coroner said his poor physical health (bad heart, asthma, high blood pressure, morbid obesity) was a major contributing factor to his death.

He wasn't choked bc he was selling looses, he was choked because he resisted arrest after numerous requests, then demands, to put his hands behind his back.

He had been arrested 31 times previously and his wife had begged him not to have any more altercations with police. He didn't listen to her.

The grand jury did not indict the cops in the case and they heard all the evidence and watched the tape.

Not really contradicting you, just adding context and a few more details.

...as he was running away, and then planted evidence next to the body.  That should be easy for a cop apologist.

I am already on record, as GaG as my witness, that that cop should face the death penalty or be in jail for the rest of his life.  

In fact, I told him that TODAY.

Yeah, SOME apologist I am. lol

bigguy30126 reads

This comment he made back in July sums up his feelings and hypocrisy.
So you really can't go by what he is saying now.

Posted By: JackDunphy
I am already on record, as GaG as my witness, that that cop should face the death penalty or be in jail for the rest of his life.  
 In fact, I told him that TODAY.  
 Yeah, SOME apologist I am. lol

bigguy30107 reads

So you stop your racist bullshit!

Posted By: stucaboy
-- Modified on 9/26/2016 9:58:40 AM

I don't think the liberal media has ignored. They have repeatedly shown interviews with the black police chief.  

People of all races are demonstrating on the streets by reacting to numerous incidents of black men shot by the police, whether the policeman is white or black. So, this is not white vs black.

The Minnesota incident was especially disturbing.

If there is greater transparency of the investigation and a perception that justice has been done regardless of the race of the perpetrator and the victim, people may not react so emotionally.


Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
1) The officer who killed the man in Charlotte is black.  So is the Charlotte police chief.  So much for racial bias.  
 2) The "liberal media" seems to have ignored at least the first part of that.  
 3) The officer in Tulsa was a white woman, and she's been charged with 1st degree Manslaughter.  There have been no riots there, even before the charges were brought.  
 So all these situations need to be looked at individually.  For example, the Ferguson shooting that caused so much chaos last year was, upon investigation, justified.  The facts clearly showed the officer was attacked and injured by a man who had just committed an offense.  
 The killing of Eric Garner on Staten Island was clearly Manslaughter by the cops, at a minimum.  His offense was selling Loosies and he was choked to death for it.  
 Again, each circumstance needs to be looked at individually.

...an "us against them" mentality.  The color of their uniform is more important than the color of their skin.

Spike.Mulrooney126 reads

...than white cops do.  Just a movie, you say?  Walk a mile in a black man's shoes.


-- Modified on 9/24/2016 6:30:46 PM

bigguy30124 reads

So sometimes some former or current cops speak out.
I understand your points but everything in "Boyz n the Hood" movie.
The issues of police and how they treat people of color differently is being exposed by video now!

Posted By: Spike.Mulrooney
...than white cops do.  Just a movie, you say?  Walk a mile in a black man's shoes.  

-- Modified on 9/24/2016 6:30:46 PM

FatVern122 reads

My assumption is they believe black people who organize are a threat.

bigguy30129 reads

Posted By: FatVern
My assumption is they believe black people who organize are a threat.

FatVern96 reads

LE does not like any group who organizes, it cold be the KKK, the NBP, or any other organization. Look what happened in Waco TX.

You are free to give your answer as to why LE views blacks as a threat.

What's your answer?

bigguy3096 reads

Since you call yourself a racist.
I am not surprised, you don't get it.

Posted By: FatVern
LE does not like any group who organizes, it cold be the KKK, the NBP, or any other organization. Look what happened in Waco TX.  
 You are free to give your answer as to why LE views blacks as a threat.  
 What's your answer?

What's the latest in the investigation of police shooting deaths of Philando Castile and Alston Sterling?

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