Politics and Religion

Batshit crazy???? Angry???
dncphil 16 Reviews 770 reads

Look at the photos from the Occupy Crowd. Shitting on police cars, smashing windows, throwing bricks, setting fires.

And it is the GOP that is angry.

Look at old photoage of any liberal demonstration and people shout and scream.


Posted By: willywonka4u
...judging how batshit crazy the GOP has gotten, and how endlessly angry they are, you gotta think they're dropping like flies every day from heart attacks alone.

Sweet Jesus, it must be hard to be that pissed off all the time. If only they rolled up a fatty once in a while, they'd realize they shouldn't take life so damn seriously.

come to think of it...legalizing it may be the only way to save the Republican party....from a stroke!

Priapus535514 reads

As I've stated earlier, the GOP is comprised 74% of White Christians. They should change their moniker from GOP to WCP ( White Christian Party )

According to excellent New Yorker article found below, GOP is casting this election in apocalyptic terms because White Christians are poised to become a minority in 10-15 years & GOP is trying to halt the inevitable cultural changes
to become a 19th Century theocratic political party.

Not only minorities that are casting GOP aside, but, with attacks against contraception for women & ridicule against the college educated, the only dominant demographic GOP will have will be White Christian males, which is surely a losing bet for upcoming electoral success.

-- Modified on 2/27/2012 6:02:56 PM

The rich are more likely to be Dems. If you look at the voting in the richest districts, upper east side, Bel Air, Bevery Hills, the richest sections of every other big city, the Dems have more of the rich.
The seven richest Senators are all Dems.

As for women, you would be amazed at how many women are closer to pro-life than pro-choice.  The Dems have the big majority on abortion for rape or to save the life of the mother, but on most other abortions, women are not as pro-choice as you may think.  Many do not like abortion "for convenience."  Very few approve of abortion "for any reason."

The Dem base is the uber rich, government workers, and those dependent on federal hand outs.

The real threat to the GOP is when 51% of the country pays no federal tax and receives benefits.  

Finally, I have been a member of the GOP for 15 years, and I have never met anyone who has said anything racist.

I am college educated, well-traveled, highly "multi-cultural," as are many GOP that I know.

salonpas924 reads

Here's an approx breakdown of the two parties by wealth class:

Top 1%:=======> 90% Republican, 10% Democrat
Top 5%:=======> 40% Republican, 60% Democrat
Top 25%:======> 30% Republican, 70% Democrat
Middle 50%:====> 50% Republican, 50% Democrat
Bottom 25%:====> 70% Republican, 30% Democrat

In the United States, traditionally, the Republican Party has been the party of business, and thus attracted the majority of wealthy business owners and others interested in maintaining the status quo.

However, over the past 30 years since the Republican Party discovered the power of the Religious Conservative movement, their membership has swelled with heavily socially conservative voters, who tend to be considerably poorer than the typical "average" Republican of before. At the same time, many Republican Party policies have soured (particularly) small businesses owners, who have left. If I had to break it down on class levels, the Reps now are mostly Upper Upper Class (superrich), Upper Class (rich), Lower Middle Class, and Upper Lower Class folks.

The Democratic party has long been heavily represented by blue-collar union workers, and the urban poor (typically, minorities). Over the past 30 years as the Republican Party has turned to social conservatism and pro-Big Business policies, the Democratic party has attracted two new constituencies: the middle/upper middle class highly educated, and the socially liberal wealthy.

A substantial portion of the truly wealthy class in the US cannot support the social conservatism of the Republican Party, and thus have moved to the Democrats (even though it might not be in their own self-interest, economically). Similarly, a very large portion of those with a high level of education have become Democratic due to social policy, and these folks make up the Professional class (doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.).

In a similar generalization, I'd say the Democrats are now the majority in the Upper Middle Class (well-off), and the Middle/Lower Lower Class.

Do you really believe that this is the makeup of the GOP?

Are there any decent members of the GOP or are the all old, rich, racists, hicks, morons, etc.

Is it possible that I look at what happened to NYC and Chicago and think that it is a road to disaster?  Can't I look at the destruction of the black family and think it wasn't good to rely so much on the state?

Can't I honestly look at the public school in L.A., NYC, SF, Chicago, and every other city with a lock on the school board by the Dems and say, "Maybe that didn't work."

Is it too much to believe that after Greece and Italy, I have an honest fear of the European nanny state?  (If you think I am changing the subject, I ask you to name 3 areas where the Dems disagree with the policies of the European "social democrats.")

Your chart is just all bad faith, evil, stupid people.  Do you believe that is most of the GOP?

If so, I have no response.

Posted By: Priapus53
As I've stated earlier, the GOP is comprised 74% of White Christians. They should change their moniker from GOP to WCP ( White Christian Party )

According to excellent New Yorker article found below, GOP is casting this election in apocalyptic terms because White Christians are poised to become a minority in 10-15 years & GOP is trying to halt the inevitable cultural changes
to become a 19th Century theocratic political party.

Not only minorities that are casting GOP aside, but, with attacks against contraception for women & ridicule against the college educated, the only dominant demogrpahic GOP will have will be White Christian males, which is surely a losing bet for upcoming electoral success.

-- Modified on 2/27/2012 4:02:08 PM

Priapus531574 reads

As the Dems have let down liberalism/progressivism to a certain degree.

To me, Conservatism has some appealing features :
it rails against affirmative action & political correctness ( 2 things that I despise ) & it's reliance on "personal responsibility" is also a great asset .

That being said, the fouding fathers of Conservatism ( Edmund Burke, Wm F Buckley, Barry Goldwater, hell, even Reagan ) would be appalled at current pitiful crop of GOP candidates & how the party has morphed into a far right, reactionary 19th century theocratic party.

You've been out of the country for awhile, phil-------catch the news & see what if what I say doesn't have SOME validity. At times you can be a more reasonable voice for conservatism, phil, but, voices like yours are being drowned out in the party.

Phil, there's an old joke: not all Republicans are bigots, but all bigots are Republicans. A humorous exaggeration, of course, but it's getting closer to the truth.

I know you said it was an exaggerated statement, but is it even worth you regurgitating again and again?

If it is the case, when did I miss the "Welcome to the Republican Party" party for the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

I was only gone for three weeks.  And you are telling me that in 3 weeks the GOP was taken over by racists, morons, hicks, etc.

In all seriousness, not all bigots are GOP.  The racism of the Dems is astounding.  I have a friend who is a teacher in S. Central L.A. and the things blacks say about Hispanics is enough to make you puke.

She gave them a book about Irish being indentured.  SOmeone said, "Slavery isn't bad if it's only Irish." Not one student in the class dissented.

The things Hispanics say against Blacks is just as bad.

And ask blacks about Koreans.  You want racists.  Hell, the greatest hate crime of the last 20 years was hundreds of blacks burning out Korean businesses after Rodney King.

You want racism. How about signs at SF rallies, "Kikes get out of Lebanon," AND NO ONE OBJECTED.  Or "Jews + Nazi."  That's nice.

How about occupy signs about "Jew Bankers.

But when one person carries a sign at an SF rally it doesn't reflect on the movement, but one nut at a Tea Party Rally, and it shows what they all are.

I know many conservatives.  They are seriously concerned about the deficit.  4 years ago, Hillary Clinton said the deficit was a national security problem.  

Now when a republican says we have to control it, he is a closet racist.  

Can't he just be an honest Hillary follower on the deficit?

Nope. Rich, hick, racist, hate women......

Posted By: Priapus53
As the Dems have let down liberalism/progressivism to a certain degree.

To me, Conservatism has some appealing features :
it rails against affirmative action & political correctness ( 2 things that I despise ) & it's reliance on "personal responsibility" is also a great asset .

That being said, the fouding fathers of Conservatism ( Edmund Burke, Wm F Buckley, Barry Goldwater, hell, even Reagan ) would be appalled at current pitiful crop of GOP candidates & how the party has morphed into a far right, reactionary 19th century theocratic party.

You've been out of the country for awhile, phil-------catch the news & see what if what I say doesn't have SOME validity. At times you can be a more reasonable voice for conservatism, phil, but, voices like yours are being drowned out in the party.

Phil, there's an old joke: not all Republicans are bigots, but all bigots are Republicans. A humorous exaggeration, of course, but it's getting closer to the truth.

so you can throw that blanket statement you just made right in the garbage with the rest of the bones left over from your last meal at the buffet.

Just how many generalizations can you make in one post?  

...judging how batshit crazy the GOP has gotten, and how endlessly angry they are, you gotta think they're dropping like flies every day from heart attacks alone.

Sweet Jesus, it must be hard to be that pissed off all the time. If only they rolled up a fatty once in a while, they'd realize they shouldn't take life so damn seriously.

come to think of it...legalizing it may be the only way to save the Republican party....from a stroke!

Look at the photos from the Occupy Crowd. Shitting on police cars, smashing windows, throwing bricks, setting fires.

And it is the GOP that is angry.

Look at old photoage of any liberal demonstration and people shout and scream.


Posted By: willywonka4u
...judging how batshit crazy the GOP has gotten, and how endlessly angry they are, you gotta think they're dropping like flies every day from heart attacks alone.

Sweet Jesus, it must be hard to be that pissed off all the time. If only they rolled up a fatty once in a while, they'd realize they shouldn't take life so damn seriously.

come to think of it...legalizing it may be the only way to save the Republican party....from a stroke!

Wow, Phil. I didn't think you were the sort that took Andrew Breitbart's word as the Gospel.

It wasnt just on Drugde.  But anyway, they had a picture.  

Of course, even though you apparently didn't see the picture, you will be able to discredit something you never saw.

And apart from that, how about the guy that knocked over the motorcycle cop. They had video.
How about the rocks being thrown. Video.
How about buildings burning. Video.

How about that last foray in Oakland, smashing city hall and burning flags. Video.

How blind do you want to be.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Wow, Phil. I didn't think you were the sort that took Andrew Breitbart's word as the Gospel.

Here's a picture.  It took about 12 seconds to find a dozen references with photos. Yeah, Crapping on cop cars.  Pretty.


The weakest response is an ad hominem attack the source.  What you have to do is disprove it. To scoff "Brietbart" doesn't show anything but you don't know what to say.

I know you people have a bug about Breitbart, but the vast majority of what he posts is from main sources.  Today he has posts form the Detroit Free Press, Sydney Herald, Chicago Trib, BBC.  I have seen NY Times, LA Times, SF Chronicle.

You can scoff when something comes from his, but you would be better to disprove the fact, not attack the reporter.


...remember those Wendy's commercials from the 80's?


I gotta ask...where's the shit? Looks like a guy is mooning a cop to me.

As for the "trash", it looks like camping supplies to me.

About those "sources" Breitbart references...see the link below. I gotta say, it takes a lot of balls (and no moral compass, apparently) to call rape victims rapists. As a lawyer, I'd wonder what you'd lay the odds of Shirley Sherrod winning her lawsuit.

Oh, one last thing...did you happen to catch Breitbart's drunken mad rant against the occupy protesters? Comedy gold.

Breitbart's last rant has nothing to do with it.

Here is another Occupy person crapping on the street.  


If you think the guy in the other one is mooning the cops, I don't know what to say

Camping supplies. On fire. Broken windows.  I never took broken windows when I used to go camping.

Why don't you google Occupy and Oakland City hall?  Lovely people. And you say the right is mad.


Posted By: willywonka4u
...remember those Wendy's commercials from the 80's?


I gotta ask...where's the shit? Looks like a guy is mooning a cop to me.

As for the "trash", it looks like camping supplies to me.

About those "sources" Breitbart references...see the link below. I gotta say, it takes a lot of balls (and no moral compass, apparently) to call rape victims rapists. As a lawyer, I'd wonder what you'd lay the

Google oakland

What does Sharrod have to do with this.  Gosh, let's talk about the left. Mao killed people. Stalin did too.  You are a master of changing the subject. From photos of crapping on police cars to Sherrod. Wow.

Google Occupy and Oakland City Hall.  Then tell me how nice they are.

-- Modified on 2/28/2012 3:32:30 PM

I post a light-hearted comment, and you change the subject by bringing up Occupy. Then you charge me with the epithet of changing the subject when I demonstrate the sources you were using (while not referencing them, mind you) are lying.

I'll leave it at this: the people criticizing Occupy, who all seem to be taking notes from Breitbart, seem to be quite obsessed with shit. Now, I'm a live and let live sort of fella, and if someone wants to have a poo fetish, hey, whatever floats your boat. But it's a little creepy when someone obsesses about your poo against your will. Just sayin'.

I would also note that I have been to many, many a protest in my day, and there's often been police on horseback at such events. Horses seem to poo all willy-nilly (or should I say all willy-neely?), and no one bats an eye at that shit.

Growing up with a pet labador who did her business frequently in the back yard, I noticed something. Unlike the industrial waste of the Koch brothers, poo is, well, bio-degradable.

Even human poo is. Once as a teenager, I snuck out into the back yard at 3 in the morn and laid a loaf on the ground just to see what would happen. When I woke up at 8 in the morning, I decided to look at what happened to my gift to the world. The weird thing is that it was gone! I guess someone, or something wanted it for some reason. I pray it wasn't my labador.

One last note: you do know that the purpose of these Occupy protests is to disrupt business-as-usual, right?

Snowman39915 reads

SO what happens if the GOP does collapse, REALLY ??

This one is easy, it spells the doom of people like Willy and Priap. You live off the good graces of your betters. The top 10% of tax payers pay 70% of the taxes. The GOP voters ARE YOUR MEAL TICKET!!

Do you really imagine these people would continue to bust their asses to make the money they do if it is simply going to be taken away. Do you think these people will sit by while their savings are confiscated.
They will either drop out or move out. Don't believe me, it happened in France. The fact is so many have left they are now having to beg them to come back by adjusting their taxes. I know how you both feel, but there are just hard facts, that are proven.

I at least know Willy has a job, but again, government, funded by taxpayers, 70% of that money coming from the top 10%. Priap, have no idea what you do, really don't care.

BTW, while I am in the top 10% (3% to be exact, just like to say that because it pisses Priap off), I don't think I am anything that special. I owe my living not only to hard work and education, but also the fact that a multi-billionaire took a risk, started a company, and gave me the chance to make the nice income I do.

Oh, and if he leaves, I am right behind him. He will be GREAT, I will be FINE, my house keeper, SCREWED, my yard guy, SCREWED, my pool guy, SCREWED.

As I've said before, no matter what you do, the top 10% will always win in the end. The problem is, unlike you I suppose, I don't want to see the little guy get SCREWED so liberals can feel good about themselves.

-- Modified on 2/28/2012 4:54:56 AM

Priapus53942 reads

& you decide to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

A hollow threat, just like Kerry voters issued in '04.

Snowman391517 reads

I show you PROOF of where it happened in France, and you still stick your head in the sand. Obama getting elected to a second term is not the end. The end will be when the tax rates and government programs get to the tipping point where the affluent (people like me, HE HE HE), lose so much of our wealth that we decide it is time to go. Like I said, France is PROOF!!

But of course, you are a liberal, so proof only counts if it is in your favor.

Priapus53902 reads

Another memorable quote from the "empty threats" hall of fame----

Snowman39901 reads

Besides, I have offered proof, you have offered nothing, so easy to say I already won this one :-)

Whatever would we do without vulture capitalists and overpaid bankers who's profession is to throw Americans out of their homes claiming property they don't even own!

And he has been so brave to accept that challenge and show us all just how great a mind can work under that product's influence.

nuguy46759 reads

what is it called when the occupier of 1600 penn avenue goes to a black church and asks for their vote 'cause he is (oh my)  black????

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