Politics and Religion

More evidence H.L. Mencken was right...
inicky46 61 Reviews 4506 reads

...when he said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intellgence of the American public."

Priapus531657 reads

RR was most overrated POTUS of 20th century & a senile moron, IMO.

He was better POTUS than Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR & Ike ?!

Welcome to the "dumbing down of America".

Two years ago, they were so smart for electing Obama. Before that, when Bush had terrible ratings, they were just too smart.

Now that they disagree with you, they are dumb.

And you wonder why we think you have contempt for regular people.

So, let me get this straight.  Do you really believe Ronnie was our greatest Prez?  Greater than Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, and Ike?  I don't want to put words in your mouth but that's the implication.  Nor did I say they were so smart for electing Obama two years ago, so please don't put words in my mouth.  I bet you'd agree a fair number of stupid people voted for him, too. As for the American people being dumb, well, sorry to say it's a very long tradition. The lack of an understanding of history is really quite frightening and it goes all the way up to major political figures like Michelle Bachmann and her recently revisionist (and ignorant) statements about the Founding Fathers position on slavery.

-- Modified on 2/19/2011 4:27:04 PM

no. I don't. But when they vote for Kennedy, I don't think that makes people dumb.  He was a flop. Lucky for the family he got his brains blown out. And I was a Kennedy fan then. I have a ticket for his convention on my office wall that my parents attended. Good momento.

You miss what I am saying so much.  The left doesn't just say they are wrong. That would not bother me. It is "they are stupid."

I have studied history seriously for about 40 years. I know the presidents very well and Abe and Geo are way above RR.

But I dont' think people are stupid.

I know you didn't said they were smart two years ago. How much can you not understand?  I was saying that is what the left said, that people were smart then.

I don't think any more dumb (or smart) people voted for RR than they did for Obama. I may disagree with those who voted for Obama, but I don't think dumb is the word.

Yes, you think there is a long tradition of Americans being dumb.  That is my point. Contempt for the average person.

I agree with Buckley.  I would rather have the US run by the first 1,00 people in the Boston phone book than by the facutly of Harvard.  The faculty at Harvard may know more facts, but they ain't any wiser.

And changing the subject: Was Obama dumb when he fucked up his hero (purportedly Abe) by saying we can "Become" the last best hope."  Abe would roll over in his grave.  He thought we were.

Posted By: inicky46
So, let me get this straight.  Do you really believe Ronnie was our greatest Prez?  Greater than Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, and Ike?  I don't want to put words in your mouth but that's the implication.  Nor did I say they were so smart for electing Obama two years ago, so please don't put words in my mouth.  I bet you'd agree a fair number of stupid people voted for him, too. As for the American people being dumb, well, sorry to say it's a very long tradition. The lack of an understanding of history is really quite frightening and it goes all the way up to major political figures like Michelle Bachmann and her recently revisionist (and ignorant) statements about the Founding Fathers position on slavery.

-- Modified on 2/19/2011 4:27:04 PM

That statement is about as crassly repugnant as anything I've read on this site.  You are beneath contempt.  Reagan (who nearly died from a would-be assassin's bullet) would be ashamed of you.  I have nothing but contempt for Bush but never would have celebrated if he'd had "his brains blown out."
And, by the way, my comment has nothing to do with Kennedy's record, which I agree was less than stellar.  His accomplishments were the programs LBJ was able  to push through after the assassination. You are a sick, sad excuse even for a monger.  I won't dirty myself by communicating with you again.

First, that was one of the big traumatic days of my life. I was in school and the P.A. system announced he was shot.

With that said, I am amazed at how the left always allows for shock humor until their icons are mocked.  I could not list the offensive humor of the left, some of which I find funny.

I didn't celebrate JFK, so don't pretend I did. It is easy to debate if you exagerate the other side's argument.

Finally, it was tragic for the country and for JFK. But the family milked it for decades.  How did Patrick get his job. Or Ted.

Even a couple years ago, Caroline wanted the NY Senate seat that became vacant, and people as prominent as Lawrence O'Donnel were saying there was no one more qualified in the state than her.  What had she done beside become head of the - you guessed it - Kennedy Center.  Gosh. How did she get that job.

It was crass, but a lot of humor is.  And for the family, while it is a tragedy, they milked it for 45 years.

Posted By: inicky46
That statement is about as crassly repugnant as anything I've read on this site.  You are beneath contempt.  Reagan (who nearly died from a would-be assassin's bullet) would be ashamed of you.  I have nothing but contempt for Bush but never would have celebrated if he'd had "his brains blown out."
And, by the way, my comment has nothing to do with Kennedy's record, which I agree was less than stellar.  His accomplishments were the programs LBJ was able  to push through after the assassination. You are a sick, sad excuse even for a monger.  I won't dirty myself by communicating with you again.

Priapus531332 reads

As I've said previously, I've regarded JFK & RR as 2 of the 20th century's most overrated POTUS's
However, I wished NEITHER of them harm. For you to say "lucky for the family he got his brains blown out" is TRULY sick. I would be deservedly excoriated on this board for saying the same thing about Reagan.

Phil, you were previously one of the few conservatives I respected on this board ;no longer. You need help.

This is like cross-hairs, etc.

Do you need a list of how many thousand times the left (and right) have used shock humor?

And jokes about death are common.  "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Really, I don't spew mindless obscenities and insults.  So, why is this icon different.

Finally, it has the ring of truth.  Would you deny that the only reason Teddy kept his seat for years after his little swim party was because of the blood of the older brother.

If it were not for JFK's image, which includes his death, would Caroline have been considered for senate, having never held a job for 40 years apart from the Kennedy Center.

Yes, it was shocking.  But humor often is.  Jokes and crass comments about death are not that unique. Why is this so out of bounds 50 years later?  Is the scar still that deep.  The vast majority of people here don't even remember him.

Think about it for a bit.  This board allows people to duck questions.  Look at these questions and thnk again.

Posted By: Priapus53
As I've said previously, I've regarded JFK & RR as 2 of the 20th century's most overrated POTUS's
However, I wished NEITHER of them harm. For you to say "lucky for the family he got his brains blown out" is TRULY sick. I would be deservedly excoriated on this board for saying the same thing about Reagan.

Phil, you were previously one of the few conservatives I respected on this board ;no longer. You need help.

Kerry's hero was JFK.  If JKF had not been assasinated, that would not be. He got us into Vietnam and was weak on civil rights.  He was a little more liberal than Ike.

The only reason Kerry was so enamoured was the martyr aspect.

Please, don't get  me wrong. It was very upsetting to me at the time. It was the "Pearl Harbor" of my youth.  I think he was a pretty good president.

But can you honestly say his high regard in history would be the same if he served out his term.

I am sorry if I offended, but shock humor for the truth is not so beyond the pale.

Posted By: Priapus53
As I've said previously, I've regarded JFK & RR as 2 of the 20th century's most overrated POTUS's
However, I wished NEITHER of them harm. For you to say "lucky for the family he got his brains blown out" is TRULY sick. I would be deservedly excoriated on this board for saying the same thing about Reagan.

Phil, you were previously one of the few conservatives I respected on this board ;no longer. You need help.

nuguy461389 reads

..so what's wrong with asking to see the president's?????
is he better than all of us?

nuguy46999 reads

just bash the questioner!
the politics of personal destruction now being carried out by the masses..like lemmings, follow the 'leader'

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