Politics and Religion

dncphil 16 Reviews 1474 reads


Snowman394689 reads

The Wisconsin House has passed the bill which would curtial out of control Unions and help to bring the budget back under control.

One Step Closer!!!!


The Assembly passed the bill at 1 in the morning, without any prior notice that they bill would be voted on, and they closed the voting on the bill in seconds. With the exception of the few Republicans voting on it, nobody knew what was going on until it was passed.

The reaction in the video speaks for itself. Think the politics of this is working out for you Republicans? Keep going. Please.

-- Modified on 2/25/2011 11:31:44 PM

Snowman39880 reads

so I assume you hate that legislation as well....

The health care bill was debated for a year and a half, and watered down until it was virtually meaningless, while this bill was unheard of until 2 weeks ago and wasn't watered down at all.

Beyond that, yeh, plenty of parallels.

Snowman391203 reads

they did not need to debate that long means it OBVIOUSLY had more support.

BTW, I have not heard of any sweetheart deals being offered as bribes to get votes for this like we did with healthcare, so I would argue that it actually passed in a more HONEST fashion...

Ass Facts Users Society (AFUS) for short. Your continuous use of "Ass Facts" has granted you a lifetime membership to the AFUS. Keep up the good work.

Snowman391198 reads

Can't debate so has to resort to name calling....

Life must be tough with an IQ as low as yours, but then again, that would explain your rabid support for unions. If someone paid you what you were really worth, you would probably owe them money ;-)

What makes you think that I am a "liberal"?

"BTW, I have not heard of any sweetheart deals being offered as bribes to get votes for this"

Really? Is that why Gov. Walker accepted an invention from "David Koch" to be flown out to Cali and be wined and dined?

Snowman391094 reads

Go but a lottery ticket.

BTW, some people believe that it is more important to do good than to worry about a second term. Unlike Obama, who folded like a cheap suit when caving to giving tax cuts to high income earners


If Walker wanted to do good things he wouldn't be a capitalist's lackey. Why you insist on making a distinction between Obama and Walker is a mystery to me. They are both capitalist's lackeys. Given the correct political environment, Obama would abolish all collective bargaining fo everyone.

Snowman391472 reads

Maybe because so many of the protestors are wearing Obama shirts and hats!! I just like to point out hypocricy when I can :-)

BTW, capitalism is where JOBS come from, wo shat's so bad about that ???

Snowman391635 reads

Maybe because so many of the protestors are wearing Obama shirts and hats!! I just like to point out hypocricy when I can :-)

BTW, capitalism is where JOBS come from, wo shat's so bad about that ???

Until now, I have not responded to you in a long time, unless it is in response to your comments regarding my posts.  However, when you were not responding to me, I left you alone. Now, if you will excuse the pun, I am dogging you.

You seem to be a little perturbed by my following you, and I would be happy to quit.

If you want, I will ignore you in the future.  I would ask you to do the same thing.

Let's call it off and go our own ways - you don't comment on my posts, and I won't comment on yours.


topics in your  posts in a manner critical of communism I will ignore your posts.

4. foreign governments
5.The US constitution
7.places that you have visited
8.people that you know
9.people that you dont know
10.places that you have not visited

And no more "ass Facts" Phil, or twisted logic or pompous self-righteous pronunciations.
Also no harping on petty news items supported by "ass facts" .

Do we have a deal or what?  

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 7:24:18 PM

I am being serious. Until now, all you have done is kind of snide comments.  "ass fact," "banal," etc.

That is why I went to "bark."

However, until now, I did not comment on your posts.  Now, I have been doing that, as you can see from above.  I will stop.  But I won't limit myself.  

In effect, you are banning me from the board.  YOur terms are I can't post about politics or economics on a board for "politics and religion."

I if you don't take the deal, I am going to do to you wnat you do to me,.  In other words, if you post something on Wisconsin, for example, I am going to reply with something like, "Wow. Deep analysis, a reference to the ruling class." "Gosh, heavy thinker here.  Look at the lackeys."

I have sensed that you are bothered by "bark."  You have had "don't hump my leg," "get back in the crate," etc. My guess is if I start doing to you what you do to me, you will like it less.  

The deal is we ignore each other. Take it or leave it.

Posted By: charlie445
topics in your  posts in a manner critical of communism I will ignore your posts.

4. foreign governments
5.The US constitution
7.places that you have visited
8.people that you know
9.people that you dont know
10.places that you have not visited

And no more "ass Facts" Phil, or twisted logic or pompous self-righteous pronunciations.
Also no harping on petty news items supported by "ass facts" .

Do we have a deal or what?  

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 7:24:18 PM

As you wish.

Posted By: dncphilsdog

dncphilsdog1339 reads

Made ya look!

You have to look to reply.  But you hadn't figured that out yet.

If you reply I made you look.

Ok Phil , you can post anything that you want to post. The barking has no effect on me. I thought it was sort of innovative. It shows that you have a sense of humor. The recent alias postings are not mine.
My guess is you have some new fans. I will respond to your posts in the spirit of détente  or I won't  respond at all. But remember Phil , you are dealing with a "commie" so be careful or I will slip into "gangsta capitalist" mode LOL

But if there is any real change during the Obama administration, it will have to be despite of him, not from him.  

Also, the picture would be much more realistic if the 4 guys were smoking Camels and protected by a road sign that doubles your speeding fine.  

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 8:57:13 AM

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