Politics and Religion

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1793 reads

1.) His big economic stimulus package.

2.) He's black, you know.

3.) He's half white too, but lets keeping calling him black (see #2).

4.) He has Ross Perot's ears and nobody ever says anything about them.

5.) He has been consistently wrong on the war, but he is at least consistent, which makes him a "new" democrat.

6.) He talks a lot about hope.  That's usually a good thing, when it isn't just the name of your home town.

The status quo corporatocracy has made sure of that. All we have left is a Republicrat in a blue-state pantsuit and an extremely intelligent; but largely naive young statesman on the left.
On the right we have a very long-in the-tooth, hair trigger tempered war hawk and an over privileged GQ manikin that changes his stand on major issues more frequently than I change my BVDs.

Not a single one of these 4 bozos has brought up truly reforming the campaign auction (oops; I meant "election") process. All of them would rather further "tweak" the current tax system rather than rid us of this wholly unfair and corrupted Income tax and IRS.
So far I've only heard Obama mention fuel mileage minimum requirements to auto makers that would be worth a damn to the public at large, and his campaign by in large was done through smaller private donations. Whether Obama could bring his intellect and idealism to bear before the power structure allows some simple, socially retarded, racist cracker from putting a bullet through his head would be interesting to see.

Ben Dover1835 reads

I'll throw away my vote on Huckabee knowing full well he'll lose by AT LEAST a 2/3rd margin to any Democrap candidate.

However if McCain wins, I'll throw away my vote by writing in Gore as a protest-vote against the entire current election as a whole!

Likely this will be our last free-election in this country, as I fully expect we'll be under Marshall law before the next 4 years is up, regardless of who wins...

Maybe my best hope should be to pull for McCain, even though I cannot defile myself by voting for him, at least If he were to win, I could be comforted by the fact he's old, in poor health and cancer could take him out soon... I wonder who the Rep-VP will be? That could play a bigger part in the election decision than usual this time around...

1.) His big economic stimulus package.

2.) He's black, you know.

3.) He's half white too, but lets keeping calling him black (see #2).

4.) He has Ross Perot's ears and nobody ever says anything about them.

5.) He has been consistently wrong on the war, but he is at least consistent, which makes him a "new" democrat.

6.) He talks a lot about hope.  That's usually a good thing, when it isn't just the name of your home town.

kerrakles1212 reads

I like # 6.

All the reason for voting for him. He brings hope to the White House and that strategy should work very well.

I learned some where in school that "Hope is not a strategy". It must have changed with "the change"

Due to the personal destruction one has to go through and the amount of money one has to raise no rational and intelligent human being will ever run for any office. Sad state of affairs we have created.

Wish could say the same about you.

Keyboard_Jockey2053 reads

he hasn't already fucked anything up as bad as the rest have.

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