Politics and Religion

Article: Gov. Walker Opponents Plagued by Death Threatssad_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 4536 reads
Priapus531767 reads

If current polls are any indication, Walker's toast-----------we'll see.

even if their claims are true. It is actually quite the opposite.
What this recall idiots don't realize is that even if they were successful in reclaiming the governorship and the senate they still can not repeal or change any of the reforms enacted.
Most of them are very misinformed and ignorant and are pissing of the general electorate.

Remember all the outrage from the left when a movie was made about  assassinating the previous POTUS?
Neither do I. Hypocrites.

Priapus531300 reads

I have my doubts-----perhaps this will give you the time to look up some
"on-line real estate surveys".


Seems to me that you post several times a day every day.

By your own "standards" the poll you post is not valid. That makes you a hypocrite. (what's new)

And you are wrong about polling standards and techniques and their so called validity.
But I have yet to see the facts get in the way of any of your stupid troll posts.

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 9:50:28 AM

Friend_of_PP1416 reads

Almost all of his "opinions" are based on polling data?

And most of those "opinions" are are expressed using cartoons borrowed from other people as well.

...that comp spends a lot of his time "talking to himself"? Of course, that is verboten on this board, and I'm sure GaG will pull them. Of course, he's unbiased, lol!

bitching and moaning about the governor of Wisconsin.  

The recall efforts in Wisconsin have nothing to do with you.  Save your collective bitch sessions -- and I know that both of you have tons of them in storage -- for matters that pertain to you.

And you're absolutely right, Sir! The fate of public sector workers and their right to collectively bargain shouldn't matter at all to another public sector worker who lives outside of Wisconsin, Sir!

Is it possible that the reason why you don't like Wisconsin being discussed is because your side is losing and losing big? Is this why you don't like retards like Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin discussed, because they're an embarrassment to you and the Republican party?

Priapus532561 reads

"crossdresser" is a loser who got his ass kicked here, so naturally he'll talk to himself; insignifcant gnat not worth bothering with.

Of COURSE the Walker recall has natl implications
just like '03 Gray Davis recall that ushered in Schwarzenegger.

Wow-----someone making analogy between me not caring what people think of me & political polling ?!-------LMFAO ! Retarded.

Lastly, PW, for someone who whines as much as you
talking about bitching is the HEIGHT of irony-------------;)

and quoting faulty, unreliable polls, exactly how did I get my ass kicked?
You really live in a delusional world, little man.

At best the real polls show Walker at a 50/50. His reforms are working and even if the lefties
could take back the gov and senate they can do nothing to change the law because the assembly is overwhelming Republican. Those are the facts your little polls don't state.
The best the union lefties can hope for is they take back everything at the next election cycle which will never happen.

And quit thinking about my ass.

Priapus532005 reads

Wisconsin State Senate has 1 vote majority , which can be quickly overturned in an election; all accurate polling ( including conservative Rassmussen ) is done over the phone;several have pointed this out to you before, but your premature Alzheimer's keeps forgetting these facts.

Now, go peddle your ant farms door to door, "businessman"--------;)

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 10:54:42 AM

as it would take all three branches to repeal or change the reforms. The assembly is overwhelming Rep and that majority will not change in the next election. The electorate has not  suddenly swung left since the mid terms. But I wouldn't expect you to understand the real world, little man.

Ask any of the recallers and most are not aware of that fact. It is largely pointless, will fail and accomplishes nothing.

So you admit you are posting unreliable polls. Several have pointed this out? Wrong again, only you and your twisted little self importance. You really are pathetic.

Friend_of_PP2136 reads

When you DO share a self derived opinion it is usually nothing more than an Ad hominem attack.

I don't live in Wisconsin so I really don't care what happens up there. If the people wish to recall the Governor and get the votes to remove him, then more power to them. At least they would finally bedding it the right way by using the laws that are on the books. It would sure beat their mindless and ineffective marches on the capital that we all were forced to watch ad nauseum on the news last winter.

And Pri, I haven't whined about one single thing on this board ever.  Obviously you don't know the definition of whining.

And the Gray Davis recall had national implications???? How so?  Certainly didn't change the life of anyone I know that lives outside of California.

The Wisconsin recall effort has national implications because it will send a warning to all public officials that trying to strip workers of their collective bargaining rights could cost politicians their jobs.

And what was the alternative? Laying off thousands of workers and an unbalanced budget that will bankrupt the states.

Public unions are a money laundering scheme for the democratic party and can not be sustained.
It is pretty simple.
Look at what is happening in California, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc.

My point is what happens in Wisconsin is relevent elsewhere.  As to the alternative, it was discussed endlessly on this board months ago and I have no interest in reviving that debate.  Please try to understand the actual point I was trying to make and respond to that.

I really don't think that too many politicians -- nor too much of the public in general -- really gives a fuck about anything that goes on in that hellhole and God-forsaken land of Wisconsin.

and in the middle of lunch in a private dining room a waitress came around with a tray full of glasses of milk.  I asked a local colleague, "WTF is up with that?"  I was told it's SOP there in the Land of Dairy.

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