Politics and Religion

Arkansas legislature bans abortion after 12 weeks. It's no...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1414 reads

...coincidence that this bill was passed shortly after the House and Senate of Arkansas both gained Republican majorities for the first time since Reconstruction.

The law clearly flouts Roe v. Wade, which set the legal limit at 24 weeks (Casey amended it to 22 weeks max).  Lawsuits are already being prepared to challenge the constitutionality of the new Arkansas law.

Maybe Arkansas thinks they can prevail if and when the law is challenged all the way to the S.Ct.  But in these days of Republicans calling for spending cuts, it is a tremendous waste of taxpayers' money to tilt at windmills.  Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I'm so sick of these politicians acting like a bunch of dictators doing whatever they damn well please knowing full well they have no right to enact such legislation.  They seem to just roll the dice on our dime hoping they will slip something through.

Why can't the government stay the hell out of the bedroom and the homes of its citizens.  Oh, I know, because the average Joe keeps re-electing these same damn people time after time without regard to what they do.  Lest you misunderstand, this example involves republicans, but there are just as many examples of the dems doing the same thing.  Wake up America... boot them all before it eventually becomes too late to be able to do anything about it.

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