Politics and Religion

Are you speaking to me or to Charlie?
GaGambler 1355 reads

I posted in response to Charlie, I believe you and I agree on the issue.

To those on the right,

You so often preach to the right to life.  You so often preach to the right of a woman to 'be a mom.'   To be fair you also preach responsbility.  But if there is any talk of controlling or regulating child birth we hear nothing from you.  This was made possible because "she wanted the kids."  Under your policies - this would be promoted - every kid that "could" be born under the ultra right "MUST" be born.

To those on the left,

You offer social programs that promote this type of idiotic behavior.  You fail at your own desire to control the pollution of the planet (Measure the C footprint of this dingaling).  And finally, you force responsible people to pay for the reckless and irresponsible behavior of others.

To all, in no way should this have been permitted to happen.  My solution to keep the taxpayers from footing the bill - the clinic and doctors who participated in this "high school science experiment" from the Bizzaro should have their wages and profits garnered to pay for this.  That would be fair.  This is a breech of ethics - because they care nothing of the kids.

Which brings me to the pathos in this.  The kids.  Help me, what kind of life are these kids gonna have?  the prospect of college is at best dim.  Heck, even good nutrition growing up is gonna be a challenge in that family.  Raising kids - has taught me that it requires your time and energy - especially in the early years and when they begin school... there is homework to guide them through, there are chores to teach the meaning of work... but what guidance are these kids going to receive... they will be well versed in "how to get food stamps,"  "how to stand in a wellfare line," "how to not pay taxes," and my all time favorite "how to not be a responsible person."

IF those on the right believe in individual rights, then they should see this as a threat to individual rights.  Why?  Because by allowing this to happen, it forces the taxpayer to provide equal opportunity to those whose parent fails to provide equal opportunity to their kids.  it is that simple...

If those on the left really believe in protecting the environment - they too would not permit this to happen.

No where should this woman be praised - and IMHO she should be sterilized - and mandated that she not be given any job - except getting these kids to age 18 paid for by the irresponsible doctors that aided and assisted in creating this abomination.

I find the whole thing absurd. How in the heck did she get fertility tx?

I know how. He did it for the $$$$.

When you see stuff like this...you really wonder. How fu%^ed up some people are.

And, the parents, if I understand the story right. My impression is that her parents have supported her attitude of having children without having a responsible father helping in their support. Let me know if I'm wrong.

To anything for a buck, no matter how un-ethical.

kerrakles1932 reads

it won't change irresponsible, greedy behavior. A doctor with a little bit of integrity would not have done this.

Is that the Doctor should permanently loose his license to practice medicine.  Have they published his name?  I'd sure like to know it.  Second, the state of California should sue his ass for compensation for the taxpayers of California.  Third, a court ordered mental evaluation of this woman should be conducted to determine if she is fit to be a mother.

The two victims in this whole mess are these children and the taxpayers of California.  They are the ones who will bare the full brunt of these insane acts.

All you seem to care about is who is going to pay  these children's expenses. 14 children and the FDA says it cost about $2.7M? Thats a bargain compared to what $2.7M will buy these days. You could get about 30 sidewinder missiles , or maybe 6 cruise missiles. You could even build a bridge to no where with the cash. I don't think rearing 14 children at government expense is a very popular pastime so why all of the rhetoric?

This is a common sense issue.

Someone needs to be responsible.

It is not just about how much the taxpayers will have to bail her out....but yet it is. I'm sick and tired of bailing out losers.

What is the problem with this state of the union? It is a mental problem more than anything. Everyone wants more. She probably thought she was going to be a cable tv star.

Forget about more. That is our problem. Live within.
Live without.
Give more than you take.

If I were president I would shake some things up.

It's time to get back to the basics.

Wake up. How many mothers have 14 children? Why do you think this woman's predicament is indicative of a social trend?

The LA Times article did not have enough information in it for me to come to that conclusion, "greed and stupidity".

GaGambler1714 reads

An attitude that you and other Socialists/Communists continue to propagate. An attitude of don't take personal responibility, let the state take care of everything. Who cares? Free health care, do whatever the fuck you want and let someone else worry about the consequences.

I agree with the other posters. The doctors should have their licenses revoked and the mother at the very least should have her tubes tied. This is a prime example why we should not have "free" healthcare, there is no such thing as free.

How did you get to the opinion that I would not hold them accountable.
I think the doctor should be held financially responsible for his actions.

I think that the mother should not have been able to  fertilize any eggs, bear any more children.

Ask my opinion and I will tell you. Don't presume it, please.

GaGambler1356 reads

I posted in response to Charlie, I believe you and I agree on the issue.

So we agree again!!

I'm liking you more every day. But I guess I did disagree about a few things you said. So there!

I'm editing this.

I agree to disagree.
For now on I will post the name..to so and so...Your theory stinks. It looks worse than a pig with lipstick!
I hope this will help me...and you all too!

-- Modified on 2/12/2009 10:20:46 AM

GaGambler2041 reads

It's not actually neccessary to post the name of who you are responding to. If a post is directly below yours it is not directed to you. The responses are indented so you know who is responding to who.

BTW which theory stinks?

You miss the point. The LA times must be having a slow news day. The article was capitalist media trash. It had very little hard evidence to support any of the conclusions that are being posted to this thread.

I gave my opinion about the topic, not the article.
Stop missing my points

Well darn, you should have mentioned that :). Now about those after school activities, perhaps a bit of homework might be in order.

GaGambler8974 reads

that is not appalled. I guess we can chalk it up to the fact that you believe the state is entitled to "ALL" of our money in the first place.

Greedy, lazy people are the reason that Socialism/Communism doesn't work in the real world.

We are talking about one goofy woman here who is apparently pro life ,not an entire society. This woman , if anything , represents the extremes that one can take pro life views to. That is all that I see here.

access to health care, education and housing.
If the government needs to step in to make these civil rights available so be it. But if you expect me to pay for your liposuction, fertility drugs, little blue pills, acne tx, forget it.

I think we should have a max child allowance...used by the state welfare system.


Timbow2117 reads

Basics and you voted for OBAMAMESSIAH a socialist :)

RightwingUnderground1914 reads

The only conservatives that I know that fit your description are some Catholics (part time or quasi-conservatives in my book). As far as I know it’s only the Pope and crew that take the whole “be fruitful and multiply” as literally as they do. Every conservative pundit I’ve heard speak on this topic condemns the mother and especially the doctor here. I and others think this doctor should be brought up on legal charges for child endangerment, or at the least ethics charges. If he doesn’t go to jail he should lose his license. I would be totally in favor of legislation that prohibits clinics from doing this based on a variety of reasons (requiring proof of financial independence, etc.)

The reports on how she paid for this are a little conflicting. She supposedly saved a chuck of money from the total $200K she’d received from disability payments due to an injury. Others claim the doctor kicked in the most. It’s probably a combination.

It’s an entirely different matter to conservatives AFTER she conceived. Once she’s pregnant with 8 new babies the game changes, but WE have NO problems doing MORE to prevent this from happening again.

Here’s an example of Glen Beck’s opinions:


In total fairness, I don’t know any libs in favor of this situation.

RightwingUnderground1895 reads

is a deranged woman with a near psychotic obsession with having as many children as possible, whose compulsion sought out or randomly collided with an unethical doctor who decided to perform, as you put it, a high school science experiment.

Have you seen any evidence that the conspiracy went beyond the women and the clinic? Were there others at the clinic or the “system” that should have known or could have known AND were in a position of power to stop things?

As genetics, stem cell science, and cloning research advances we are going to see more and more things like this as the desires of the public tries to catch up with the science.

to have a child, with no viable means of support, other than the state, and enter them into an "Adopt a Pet" program. That way they could get the unconditional love they desire, and for a lot longer time, and we, the tax payer wouldn't have to pay so much for it.

kerrakles2038 reads

This is misplaced blame game on the right and the left.

This person's irresponsible behavior is all her own.

Do you really think, she pays attention to political parties. I don't believe she is that smart, if she is she wouldn't have done what she did.

Looks you just want blame someone other than culprit. It is just like saying, if there is no alcohol, there wouldn't be drunk drivers, if there are no guns, there wouldn't be murders, so on so forth.

In the final analysis, dumb, irresponsible and stupid behavior cannot be change by political and or other slogans.

You knew that, you are not stupid, don't believe you are.

Timbow1487 reads

Yea she put those 6 embryos  in her body just like this babe has natural tits :)

Sheyla Hershey was denied further enhancement by Houston law. So she went elsewhere for her KKK breast enhancement.

Man, are her kids gonna hate her.  LOL.  It'll be hilarious in about 15 years.

Gotta hand it to her, though.  Her plan worked.  She's everywhere.  She has a top-notch PR firm.  She'll wind up making a mint selling the rights to her story in book and movie form.  

She knows EXACTLY what she's doing.  

She's a cunning little minx with a gigantic, stretched out womb.  Close your eyes and picture the stretch marks in your mind.  Aah...

Is what she is doing any worse than what you do?  Would it be better if the offspring were by 14 different fathers, each paying child support? How else can a woman with few resources afford to have 14 children?

I am not looking for a free ride.  I work my ass off an average of 16 hours a day to support myself and I never brought any kids into this world, let alone any without a father and with 13 siblings.  I guess she's perfectly sane.  I am wrong.  LOL.  She should get knocked up again and again.  If she sets the world record for having the most children she can really make some serious money.  Plus, she can turn tricks as a preggo provider.  With a belly full of a liter of kids, she could make a mint.  Think of the earning potential.  Plus, she could do lactation videos and be a pampers spokeswoman.  Talk about diversifying your revenue streams!

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