Politics and Religion

Are you joking??? If not, you should be. Here's what I said...
inicky46 61 Reviews 1259 reads

..."There's a long history of mobs controlling unions."  What about this statement did you not understand?

If you think that what is happening in Egypt doesn't have anything to do with what is happening in Madison, take a looky at the video below.

Are you really suggesting that the masses of Egypt who forced out a corrupt and brutal dictator have anything in common with the Gov. of Wisconsin?  Talk about tortured "logic."  Hmmm, to carry this out to its "logical" conclusion, this means the public employee unions are like Mubarak.  Right?  Now I suppose you'll say they've held dictatorial sway over the public coffers of Wisconsin for decades! LOL! After that you'll complain about how I've put words in your mouth!

-- Modified on 2/25/2011 4:09:21 PM

The Arab world is taking on the status quo. The status quo is being challenged here. The rest of your fantasy is humorous but those are your stretched words. I stand behind what I actually said.

Posted By: inicky46
Are you really suggesting that the masses of Egypt who forced out a corrupt and brutal dictator have anything in common with the Gov. of Wisconsin?  Talk about tortured "logic."  Hmmm, to carry this out to its "logical" conclusion, this means the public employee unions are like Mubarak.  Right?  Now I suppose you'll say they've held dictatorial sway over the public coffers of Wisconsin for decades! LOL! After that you'll complain about how I've put words in your mouth!

-- Modified on 2/25/2011 4:09:21 PM

...but the comparison is unavoidable.  Sure, it works on the very basic level as you've re-stated it, but my interpretation is no more tortured than the original analogy.

Years of misguided socialism crumbling. TEAR DOWN THE WALL!

The only drawback I see is a lot of organized crime members will be pissed. But you gonna break a few eggs to make an omelette. Maybe they can find some other pension funds to embezzle.

Posted By: inicky46
...but the comparison is unavoidable.  Sure, it works on the very basic level as you've re-stated it, but my interpretation is no more tortured than the original analogy.

Instead of the President demanding it come down, he's trying to prop up the old order.  

Yeah right, change we can believe in.  Sounds like when it comes to change, Obama's an atheist.

There's a long history of mobs controlling unions, but I haven't ever heard of that extending  to public employees unions.  Do you have any evidence to support your claim or are you just trying to smear all unions with the Jimmy Hoffa brush?

Try pissing off your garbage man and find out.  Next thing you know you are going to deny the socialist agenda of unions.

..."There's a long history of mobs controlling unions."  What about this statement did you not understand?

You implied its history when its current.  Everybody knows the score with garbage collection.  You can't possibly be that dumb.

So how about if you answer my original question before you distort my answers: what evidence do you have that civil service unions are mob influenced?  Stop evading the question and slinging bullshit.  Where's your evidence that any public employee union is mob controlled or influenced?  Especially those in Wisconsin?  Are the police and fire unions mob controlled?  The teachers?  The corrections officers?  Put up or shut up.

The one that starts off with "There's a long history of mobs controlling unions, but..."

If you don't like the response, don't ask the question.

Otherwise, how did you miss the point?  It was incredibly simple, and if you'd really read my OP you'd have gotten it.  I simply pointed out that, while it was true that historically unions like the Teamsters (and others) had been mob controlled I did not believe unions of public employees were mob influenced.  I asked anyone to give evidence that was true.  And all you continue to do is blow smoke and not answer the question.  I assume that means you don't have an answer...but I'll try one more time.
Answer that question or STFU.

-- Modified on 2/25/2011 8:24:03 PM

alleged corruption of the cement and concrete union in New York. There apparently is still plenty of mob involvement in the building trades.

       But I've never heard of organized crime involvment in a public sector union.

Finally, someone actually tried to answer my basic question from the very top of the thread.  But please note it was not the person of whom I asked the question.  A reading comprehension problem, presumably.

Actually, the only good thing one can say about Gadhafi is he's not in hiding.  He actually popped out today wearing his Snoopy headgear to rant and rave at his "supporters."
But here's a point that needs to be made about the Wisconsin Democrats.  It's fair to accuse them of being obstructionist, and of blocking majority rule.  Just explain to me how it's different from what Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans have done over the past to years of "just say 'no?'" Of course, the Republicans didn't flee the District.  They didn't have to because they had the filibuster rule, so they could block any legistion they didn't like with only 41 votes.  The intent -- and the result -- is the same.

-Hmmm953 reads

As far as "The intent -- and the result -- is the same, you are correct. Everyone in your examples is following the rules. But I bet there is also a rule that will allow at some point in time for the voters to hold a special election to replace legislators that are AWOL.

...but then I apparantly went too far and tried to make a serious point.  Excuse me!

Snowman393102 reads

the filibuster rule has been in the Senate for years and is part of the legislative process.

Show me in the Wisonsin rules of debate it mentions fleeing to another state.

Dude, you are so blinded by your partisanship you have not credibility on this subject. Do yourself a favoe and get out of this thread before you make a bigger fool of yourself...

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