Politics and Religion

Are you intentionally broadening your brush strokes to paint ALL the GOP
Rutabaga_Baggins 173 reads

Are you intentionally broadening your brush strokes to paint ALL the GOP with the bad behavior of a couple of people?

Do you really believe your hype or are you knowingly carrying Obama’s dishonest water?

"The GOP debates boo'ing gay soldiers and wishing for sick people to die."

The "debates" boo’ed? Ignoring the improper grammar for the moment I still understand your intent, but is was just a couple of people. Not surprisingly Obama also tried to claim it was the “crowd” that booed. It was a couple of people clapping as well.

"Case in point: The GOP convention calling a black woman a 'animal' ".

The entire convention? REALLY. Again it was two people and you leave out the part where they were summarily ejected by the GOP.  

And your last assertion regarding "Jesus Freaks, white supremacists, and conspiracy theory lunatics" is nothing other than repulsive.

No willy, your use of illogical flat assertions, dishonest broad brush strokes and vast exaggerations plays a most important role in the "disagreeable" assessment.

Yes, it is a joke.

But does it really have to have a noose?

Do you really believe we want to lynch people?  (If not, why the noose.)

The hatred in this is so blatant.  You can't see any honest disagreement. Just greedy people wanting to lynch, etc.

So much for "no red America, no blue America....."

Only a "Good [dem] American and a bad [GEP] America.  How far we have come in four short years.

nuguy46137 reads

racists....haters....stupid,,,idiots...ignorant.....if you can think of an adjective that promotes extreme connotations, the lefty trolls on this board use. facts be damned. diificult if not impossible to have a decent discussion.

Priapus53209 reads

Your party has morphed into a White Christian conservative/theocratic/racist party----not all-------brings to mind a joke : "not all republicans are racist, but all racists are republicans"

Sorry----but the way the party is headed, that's the perception of myself & fellow libs/progressives who are not lying down this time against "voter suppression" & other "tactics". We're gonna play political hardball of the roughest sort, pioneered by the GOP & if they don't like it, tough.

Regrettable that it's come to this, but that's the way it is; if you feel similar sentiments about the Dems you can exercise your 1st amendment rights here on that subject.

St. Croix166 reads

but if he does, do you really think the unemployment will drop back to historical norms of 5%, or GDP will one day be growing again at a clip of 5% or 6% per year? You and the rest of your progressives can jump up and down, be angry, shrill, yell at the top of voices for an egalitarian world, but at the end of the day you need corporate America, you need small business. You may not like them, but without them, you're kinda screwed.

I'm sure there will be gains on some social issues. And that will be a good thing, and this from a fiscal conservative. But that is about it pria. At the end of the day the economy trumps all other issues, and the masses that tend to be your constituents, will be asking you for jobs. Good luck.

Priapus53173 reads

The Non-partisan Simpson-Bowles commitee recommeded entitlement cuts & tax increases to get us out of the economic ditch. Dems went along with entitlement cuts----GOP REFUSES to increase taxes by a cent------thats how your "1% corprotocracy" is running & ruining the country.
But no more.

I'm non violent, but watch the "masses" stock up on guillotines,( or something like that ) unless big business/corporations
start unloading that 2 trillion they're sitting on with their fat asses, start employing people & stop using the "business regulations/Obamacare" bullshit excuses.

St. Croix196 reads

are the DEM defacto heads. No doubt you are very proud of those 3.

FYI, Obama is NOT a supporter of Simpson-Bowles.

That's funny about the masses rising up with pitchforks. I'm sure they can pick up a few of those at Home Depot or Lowes. I think the first reaction of the masses will be to kick Obama to the curb. The only ones that will be demonstrating will the usual young, white, bad skin, long hair. You know, the ones you see demonstrating at the G7/G8 type meetings.

Like I said, GOOD LUCK!!!!!

P.S. You know what is really funny. Obama wants to release oil "AGAIN" from the SPR because gas prices are too high right before the election. Hint, there is plenty of oil. The problem is there are not enough refineries. Probably the reason Obama reached out to the Carlyle Group (private equity firm no less), to help buy a closing refinery in Philadelphia.

You guys just don't get it.

Priapus53158 reads

Romney ,Limbaugh, Norquist, Adelson, The Koch Bros, etc. Days of the "1% oligarchy" that have been around since the election of that senile fuck Reagan, appear to be coming to a close. Big Business/Corporations/Wall street aren't supposed to be running the country-----the people are. I'm looking forward to the days when the artists & writers ( people that you seem to hold in contempt SO much ) can throw pies in the faces of "corporate lackeys". Hell ---it beats the guillotines-----;)

followme221 reads

board laughingstock.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

-- Modified on 8/29/2012 9:28:34 PM

Priapus53417 reads

I'm sure your family & friends ( if you have any ) feel the same way. They must feel it's a fucking drain to hang around a "snippy old sea skeleton" like yourself.

Tell ya what------whenever you choose to split the "TER scene", I can assure you this: you won't be missed.

-- Modified on 8/29/2012 8:38:25 PM

I know, I know, FM has never been very civil around here, but c'mon Pria. You're better than this.

You and I and the rest of the board knows that you're the better man, so just ignore this clown and move on.

Priapus53211 reads

"What makes you think the country as a whole wouldn't be better off if all the pro-life xenophobic, gay bashing SOB Jesus Freaks were killed?"

So much for board civility.

If I recall, you've been pretty rough on nuguy yourself.

Tell ya what----maybe from now on, maybe I'll ignore FM, ok ?

followme174 reads

Ignoe me , Ignore me. Nothing would make me happier than for you, pripussy, to ignoe me.

But alas even if you say you put me on ignore I know you will be lying (true I could not prove it) however with your track record of lying you cannot be believed, and you have proved you have no honor or integrity.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

You'll notice that when I said, "What makes you think the country as a whole wouldn't be better off if all the pro-life xenophobic, gay bashing SOB Jesus Freaks were killed?", you'll notice that I didn't direct this at any particular board member. :)

So, I've been civil. C'mon Pria, I know you can too. Just ignore that clown, FM.

followme256 reads

I’m getting to you  ha ha ha, you cannot handle it, and that special project is a failure too ha ha ha

I keep playing you like a fiddle, I’m pushing the buttons, and pulling the strings, I’m clearly in control and you pripussy are coming un-glued, which is very funny to watch

You are nothing, you got caught and called out trying to welsh on a bet, and you have no honor, no integrity. You are just spending your pathetic life on your continuous search for more stupid, childish and at times racist cartoons.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Not taking you r advice , so what next just more talk talk talk  ….more threats…..more stupid cartoons…….you’ve got nothing else.


Priapus53209 reads

in your "senile vendetta". Apparently, I've distracted & enraged you SO much that I've accomplished my mission----now WHO is in control of who-------;)----LMFAO !

Watch him join the similarly addled nuguy run off the boards with their tails between their legs.

After that, you'll have more time on your hands;
I suggest you google " Neptune Society"

followme149 reads

I never did post dumb political OP's

But I am posting political and bitch slapping you and putting you in you place so you see you are the loser and failure, just that you are not man enough nor do you have the honor or integrity  to admit it, but that' nothing new for pripussy the attempted welsh.
If it is your mission to be the laughingstock of the board then yes you did accomplish it.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

I see you are not ignoring me ...Talk talk talk

...because whenever your side gets together in a group they behave like a lynch mob.

Case in point: Sarah Palin speaking at campaign rallies during the '08 election.

Case in point: The GOP debates boo'ing gay soldiers and wishing for sick people to die.

Case in point: The GOP convention calling a black woman a "animal".

Case in point: The rucus caused by the Ron Paul delegates, and the rucus the Romney crowd in return.

This is your party, Phil. Filled to the brim with fucking crazies. The party of Eisenhower, of William Buckley, of Barry Goldwater is gone. It's been replaced with Jesus Freaks, white supremacists, and conspiracy theory lunatics.

But of course, they don't really exist, because you don't see them at Starbucks in L.A.

Rutabaga_Baggins174 reads

Are you intentionally broadening your brush strokes to paint ALL the GOP with the bad behavior of a couple of people?

Do you really believe your hype or are you knowingly carrying Obama’s dishonest water?

"The GOP debates boo'ing gay soldiers and wishing for sick people to die."

The "debates" boo’ed? Ignoring the improper grammar for the moment I still understand your intent, but is was just a couple of people. Not surprisingly Obama also tried to claim it was the “crowd” that booed. It was a couple of people clapping as well.

"Case in point: The GOP convention calling a black woman a 'animal' ".

The entire convention? REALLY. Again it was two people and you leave out the part where they were summarily ejected by the GOP.  

And your last assertion regarding "Jesus Freaks, white supremacists, and conspiracy theory lunatics" is nothing other than repulsive.

No willy, your use of illogical flat assertions, dishonest broad brush strokes and vast exaggerations plays a most important role in the "disagreeable" assessment.

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