Politics and Religion

Are we missing the most salient point of
LasVegan 136 reads

WikiLeaks' dissemination of email?  Admittedly, there was a plethora of private information gleaned by Russian hackers.  And if true, the information that has been shared with the media, reveals how distasteful American politics can be.

But isn't anyone wondering as I am?  We know the GOP is far from ethical.  They are predominantly bigots and were content to block many of the positive things OUR president tried to accomplish even if those things ultimately would have helped the American people.  So it seems improbable that their email messages could have been any more innocent than those released.

As skillful as they are, why weren't these Russian hackers able to acquire any GOP email messages?  

As interested as WikiLeaks is to the free exchange of information, why didn't they release any GOP email messages?

Why didn't the hackers/WikiLeaks release Trump's income tax returns?  We all have a pretty good idea whether or not they could have acquired them, if WikiLeaks wanted!

Even more surprisingly, why hasn't the media made an issue out of these very basic questions?  This is truly a major topic ripe for discussion.

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