Politics and Religion

And, really; is Trump the antidote for chrony capitalism??? ;)
mattradd 40 Reviews 131 reads
2 / 5

beholding to anyone, because of his money!  ;)

I'm going to float a possible scenario. It's possible for me to imagine that Trump's comment about how he could shoot someone and not suffer any loss of support, and his bowing out of last nights debate, may be in preparation for him to bow out of the race all together. It's difficult for me to see why he wants to be president. Ya, it's great on the ego, but hard on the pocketbook. He will have to divest, or put into trust, most of his wealth and assets.   ;)

HONDA 153 Reviews 138 reads
3 / 5

I just can't see Donald Trump staying in this race, if he were to lose both Iowa and New Hampshire. His HUUUUUUGE ego just won't allow him to do so.

Posted By: mattradd
beholding to anyone, because of his money!  ;)  
 I'm going to float a possible scenario. It's possible for me to imagine that Trump's comment about how he could shoot someone and not suffer any loss of support, and his bowing out of last nights debate, may be in preparation for him to bow out of the race all together. It's difficult for me to see why he wants to be president. Ya, it's great on the ego, but hard on the pocketbook. He will have to divest, or put into trust, most of his wealth and assets.   ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 183 reads
4 / 5

And, perhaps he's an alchemist who can change lead into gold. As president, that could be quite helpful.  ;)

86H13LTP 151 reads
5 / 5

sees it. She was only the 1st lady of Arkansas , 1st lady of the U.S. a Senator and Sec of State. Filthy lliar ! I'd trust sleeping in a camp full of ISIS fighters all carrying sharp knives before I'd trust her.  

The Saudis like Chinese and the rest of them are just afraid of a guy who they can't jerk around like they have the clown the past 7 years

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