Politics and Religion

AND I'm calling YOU stupid . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 14 reads

because you seem to have your head buried in the same when it comes to Real Liar Joe.  Have you stopped watching the news completely?  Even the biased news media is calling Joe out.  YOU seem to be the only one that doesn't know it.  How stupid does that make YOU?

Trump/ Pompeo surrendered to Taliban and crowned an Al Qaida as the president of Afghanistan!

These two mother fuckers should be locked up.

Biden just said at his presser a few days ago that there is NO MORE AL QUEDA in Afghanistan.  Are you calling Joe a fucking liar?  

You stupid because you don’t know who your Trump/ Pompeo signed the surrender to!!!

Screw those two suckers!

because you seem to have your head buried in the same when it comes to Real Liar Joe.  Have you stopped watching the news completely?  Even the biased news media is calling Joe out.  YOU seem to be the only one that doesn't know it.  How stupid does that make YOU?

because you’re a righty and dumb like a door knob! Because you believe all the lies and fictions spread by Trump and Faux news!

is a personal attack.  Thanks for surrendering on this subject.  You have no comeback, so all you can do is name-call.  How pathetic.  

The whole country will collapse under it's own weight within 6 months..The Taliban have no cash and are clueless when it comes to running a viable and stable government..

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