Politics and Religion

And I still don't believe the election wasn't rigged.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 85 reads

And it's not because of Fox News telling me so. It's because the left kept insisting until they were blue in the face that the election was the most free and fair election that there ever was. This after they burned down half the country and locked people in their homes to get Trump out of office. And it was revealed that the censorship wing at the FBI kept ordering Twitter to censor Americans who said the election was rigged. He doth protest too much.

Apparently they are… 🤣

The democrats are correct:
Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.
Good call guys. 👍

“Nothing shady is going on with Hunter Biden and his overseas business.”

“Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation.”

“Okay, the laptop is real but it doesn’t prove anything.”

“There is no proof who ‘the Big Guy’ is.”

“Okay, the Big Guy is Joe Biden but he still didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Joe Biden never got paid for Hunter’s overseas business dealings.”

“Okay, Hunter Biden said Joe got paid but there is no proof.”

“Joe Biden had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.”

“Okay, Joe knew about the dealings but he didn’t partake in them.”

“Okay, Joe took business calls with Hunter but they were just talking about the weather!”

You are here 👆

The excuses keep piling up:

“Nothing shady is going on with Hunter Biden and his overseas business.”
“Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation.”
“Okay, the laptop is real but it doesn’t prove anything.”
“There is no proof who ‘the Big Guy’ is.”
“Okay, the Big Guy is Joe Biden but he still didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Joe Biden never got paid for Hunter’s overseas business dealings.”
“Okay, Hunter Biden said Joe got paid but there is no proof.”
“Joe Biden had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.”
“Okay, Joe knew about the dealings but he didn’t partake in them.”
“Okay, Joe took business calls with Hunter but they were just talking about the weather!”
You are here 👆
We were there, now we are here 👇
“The memo doesn't show a direct payment to Joe Biden

followme49 reads

A low life, a scum of the earth, and a Pervert  

Let’s Go Dark Brandon

on a thread like this was to highjack it to talk about someone completely different, I would have remained silent and just ignored it.  Admire the Chutzpah, but it just looks like even more of a failure when you try to deflect like this.  Lol

...then all they'd have to do is demand a proper investigation. When you have clear evidence that the President's son has been used as a go between with the President to engage with international bribery schemes that also involve hookers, crack, stolen laptops, and god knows what else, then it's not unreasonable to ask why the DOJ is not investigating and is in fact helping to project Hunter Biden from being prosecuted for multiple felonies.

1) Hunter Biden is a dirtbag, but the prosecutor investigating him was appointed by Trump.
2) Said prosecutor has uncovered evidence Biden violated tax and gun laws but NOT "international bribery" rules.
3) Said prosecutor has NOT uncovered any evidence the President participated in any bribery schemes, only that he was on the phone when Hunter had business associates in his presence. But there's no evidence the President said anything to them, did anything for them or received any money from them.
4) On the other hand, Jared Kushner got $2 BILLION from the Saudis while still employed by the White House. And Trump himself took $15 MILLION from a Chinese account and no one knows where it came from.
So there's that.

BigPapasan would look at a post like this, so full of falsehoods, and cry “MISINFORMATION!!” while simultaneously reporting it to the mods. I’m not going to do that. I’m just going to characterize it as more bullshit from Nicky.

1. The Left loves to parrot the talking point that the prosecutor investigating Hunter was appointed by Trump. They always ignore the fact that had previously served in that role in an acting capacity under President Obama.

2. “International bribery rules”? Try the Foreign Agent Registration Act, for which he’s still under ongoing investigation.

3. VP Biden did not discuss business on the “innocent” phone calls held with him, Hunter and Hunter’s overseas biz partners??? An unbelievable claim. Especially when you consider Hunter Biden brought VP Joe to dinner with shady business partners.

4. Nicky needs to get his timelines straight. The Saudis put $2B into Kushner’s investment fund 6 months after he left the White House.

Your point 1. in no way rebuts what I said. All you did was add some info. So when you call everything I wrote to be a "falsehood," you utterly fail. In fact, you lied.
Your point 2. simply fleshed out my "international bribery rules." But again, citing the act simply added more info but did not rebut what I said. So "MISINFORMATION?" Nope. You failed.
Your point 3. you simply state "An unbelievable claim." That's not evidence. And I don't find it unbelievable. So another failure by you.
Your point 4. FINALLY you made a valid point. So only 75% of what you wrote is bullshit and lies.
Still, being right once out of four tries is a HUGE improvement for you.

Hunter Biden is a dirtbag. So why do you keep defending him? Trump’s dumb ass son in law has nothing to do with any of this.  

Joe Biden explicitly said he had no dealings with Hunter Biden’s business activities. Can we now conclusive say Joe Biden lied when he said that?

Why on earth would anyone have business dealings with a crack head to begin with? The answer is simple. It’s so that Joe Biden could do favors for them in exchange for money. That’s called bribery.

I didn't. I defended Joe Biden and there is as yet no evidence he did anything wrong. You have seriously stretched the truth when you said/assumed "It’s so that Joe Biden could do favors for them in exchange for money. That’s called bribery." At this point there's no proof of that. None. You are believing what you want to believe with no actual evidence. Believe it if you want. Writing that, however, is called lying.
Please stop lying, Willy.

…of a Ukrainian oil company because he knows so damn much about oil and Ukraine. Gimmie a break, Nicky. Now if we found out that Hunter Biden sat as a member of a company that produced crack and crack pipes, then maybe that wouldn’t be so unusual. If he ran a lost and found for reuniting owners with their lost laptops, that would totally be believable. Even if I found out he ran a strip club and knocked up half the employees. Very believable. But a Ukrainian oil company? No fucking way something shady isn’t going on.

Willy has no substantive response so he throws up a bunch of non-germane bullshit.
Now, here's what probably IS true: Hunter "Dirtbag" Biden used his father's name to get on boards and do deals. That puts him right in the mainstream of Washington corruption. But nothing you've said proves Joe Biden did anything at all.
Keep it up, Willy.

Nothing to see here, move along. Ain't that right, BIG GUY? Need your 10%? We share the same checking account, don't we?

What Hunter Biden did on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
Hunter was working for a firm that provided consulting services to Burisma. Burisma than hired Hunter to join their Board.  
"During his time on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Hunter Biden, the son of former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, was regarded as a helpful non-executive director with a powerful name, according to people familiar with Biden’s role at the company. ...
"Interviews with more than a dozen people, including executives and former prosecutors in Ukraine, paint a picture of a director who provided advice on legal issues, corporate finance and strategy during a five-year term on the board, which ended in April of this year [2019].
"Biden never visited Ukraine for company business during that time, according to three of the people.
"They also said that his presence on the board didn’t protect the company from its most serious challenge: a series of criminal investigations launched by Ukrainian authorities against its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, a multimillionaire former minister of ecology and natural resources. The allegations concern tax violations, money-laundering and licences given to Burisma during the period where Zlochevsky was a minister. ..."
A Trump super PAC paid Melania Trump $155,000 in late 2021 for “design consulting” for an event. According to a representative, “her responsibilities included choosing tableware, arranging settings and picking floral arrangements.”  
Trump political PAC paid Melania’s hair stylist at least $132K for ‘strategy consulting’: report
"Former President Donald Trump's Save America leadership PAC paid at least $132,000 to Melania Trump's former hairdresser in 2022, dubbing the expenditure as payment for "strategy consulting," according to a report from the group.
"The political PAC reported the expenditure in its year-end filing earlier this week. The report details payments to the stylist, Herve Pierre Braillard, with eight installments of $18,000 and $6,000 labeled "Strategy Consulting," amounting to $132,000.
"The California Target Book, a data watchdog, found Pierre had received a total of $152,500 from the PAC, but the FEC's data did not match that amount. ..."
“It’s a Grift”: Kimberly Guilfoyle Made $60,000 for Her Jan. 6 Rally Speech.
"... Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host turned Trump campaign lackey (and Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancée), was paid $60,000 [by a Trump super PAC] for her short but infamous speech at the rally outside the White House on January 6, ..."
Trump Paying Ivanka “Consultant Fees” Is Tax Fraud, Says Watergate Prosecutor
"Trump illegally paid consulting fees to his daughter, Ivanka, while she was already an employee of his organization. ..."
Trump Scammed Supporters Out of $250 Million for Nonexistent Fraud Fund
"Supporters who thought they were donating to "election integrity" instead saw some of their money funneled to Trump hotels. ..."
"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony.
"The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6. ..."
How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business.
"... The best part about all this, according to Eric Trump, is the charity's efficiency: Because he can get his family's golf course for free and have most of the other costs donated, virtually all the money contributed will go toward helping kids with cancer. "We get to use our assets 100% free of charge," Trump tells Forbes.  
"That's not the case. In reviewing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities, it's clear that the course wasn't free--that the Trump Organization received payments for its use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization. Golf charity experts say the listed expenses defy any reasonable cost justification for a one-day golf tournament.
Additionally, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization. ..." [The Donald J. Trump Foundation has since been shut down for fraud and fined $2 Million.]
Alleged China-Fighter Donald Trump Has Secret Chinese Bank Account
"... The Chinese bank account belongs to Trump’s subsidiary firm, Trump International Hotels Management. While in previous years the firm has reported small sums, in 2017 — Trump’s first year in office — it reported $17.5 million in revenue, a large spike. ..." [Trump has never disclosed what that $17.5 million was for other than various fees. Fees for WHAT??]  
And the Trump grifts and scams and mystery payments go on and on and on and on ....

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Sure. Because Hunter Biden sat on the board…
…of a Ukrainian oil company because he knows so damn much about oil and Ukraine. Gimmie a break, Nicky. Now if we found out that Hunter Biden sat as a member of a company that produced crack and crack pipes, then maybe that wouldn’t be so unusual. If he ran a lost and found for reuniting owners with their lost laptops, that would totally be believable. Even if I found out he ran a strip club and knocked up half the employees. Very believable. But a Ukrainian oil company? No fucking way something shady isn’t going on.

Why, yes, he did. Lord help us if anyone brings up Hunter’s crack addiction. We’ll get 10 pages on the tax breaks Trump got on those little shampoo bottles that he puts in his hotel rooms.

It was proven 7 years ago that the $15,000,000 was deposited BY Trump in a Chinese Bank to show he had the money to construct a building he had proposed.  When the deal did not get approved, he closed the account and took HIS OWN money back.  I can't believe you are trying to peddle this leftie lie here this many years later.  Shame on you.  

The $17.5 million reported in 2017 was REVENUE (income), not a held over balance.  And activity in Trump's business account BEFORE becoming POTUS was very suspicious.
"Trump paid China $188,561 between 2013 and 2015 through a Chinese bank account controlled by his company Trump International Hotels Management L.L.C.,  ... Despite the account being used to pay a relatively large tax bill, the Trump International Hotels Management reportedly only declared a few thousand dollars in income. [MISSING, UNREPORTED CHINA INCOME???] The IRS requires Americans to report income from foreign countries. It is not clear how much money flowed through the soon-to-be president's foreign accounts ..."
"Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten told the Times that Trump opened a Chinese bank account "in order to pay the local taxes" on business ventures he had hoped to take advantage of in Asia. ... "No deals, transactions or other business activities ever materialized and, since 2015, the office has remained inactive," Garten said. "Though the bank account remains open, it has never been used for any other purpose." ..."
"The year after Trump was elected, THC China Development experienced an "unusually large spike" of $17.5 million in revenue [REVENUE], described on [TRUMP'S OWN REQUIRED] public disclosures as "management fees and other contract payments" and amounting to more than the combined total income [INCOME] of the five previous years. The same year, Trump reportedly withdrew $15.1 million from the company's capital account. ..."
First you buy into the lies and then you spread them. PLEASE STOP.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Just how desperate are YOU? . . . .
It was proven 7 years ago that the $15,000,000 was deposited BY Trump in a Chinese Bank to show he had the money to construct a building he had proposed.  When the deal did not get approved, he closed the account and took HIS OWN money back.  I can't believe you are trying to peddle this leftie lie here this many years later.  Shame on you.  

the same as provable crimes and that's why NONE of the prosecutors unleashed on Trump over the past 7 years ever pursued any investigation on this alleged Chinese account.  As the Biden family activities are slowly unraveled, you will be able to see the difference between "suspicious" and "criminal."

Still in denial DESPITE having your lie exposed about the purpose of the $15 million in Trump's Chinese account. You really are allergic to taking your well-deserved L. But, like it or not, you've lost.

definitively proved the purpose yet, and the prosecutors seem to think there is nothing there, or they would have gone after him for it.  It would be low-hanging fruit and Biden's Chinese buddies would cooperate fully, so it's a nothing-burger and it's not a lie from me until proven false.  Suspicious is not necessarily illegal, which is what the Dems are arguing in favor of Hunter Biden, although that excuse is wearing a little thin in Hunter's case.  

What, exactly, do YOU say the purpose was that has been proven by hard evidence?

From your response you either never read it or failed to comprehend it.
As far what prosecutors have or have not "done about it," don't you think they've got enough on their plates with 91 counts of criminal activity against Trump? The point simply is that there's enough to suggest Trump is more likely than Biden to have been involved in foreign corruption.

None of the 91 charges against Trump have anything to do  with foreign money. All of the Biden tax charges involve foreign money.

1) Re the 91 charges, that's exactly what I said above. You have a miraculous grasp of the obvious.
2) We were talking about JOE Biden. You are talking about HUNTER Biden. Do you understand the difference? (rhetorical question alert).
3) The fact that Trump has yet to be charged re the Chinese $15 million is hardly an exoneration.
Unless you're a partisan hack.

The irony of the intellectually inferior Nicky questioning my mental abilities is humorous, to say the least! 😂

The “whatabout  Trump’s $15 million from a Chinese bank?” story has been repeatedly debunked.

If you’re talking about bribes sent to Hunter Biden, you’re also talking about Joe. At the end of the day, it’s Joe who is going to be impeached.

it's utterly droll for you to call anyone else "intellectually inferior."
1) The issue of Trump's $15 million from a Chinese bank has NOT been debunked. Once again, you seem to have simply not read or understood imp's post above. And, of course, you offer no proof. Because you are an intellectually bankrupt political hack.
2) What proof do you have that Joe Biden benefitted from a single dime Hunter received? NONE. So, again, you have proven yourself an intellectually bankrupt political hack.

Newsweek's article is some sort of "proof" of criminal activity by Trump?  That explains a lot about why you are consistently misinformed.   If it's true where is the special prosecutor on this one?  Democrats are famous for connecting dots in way where you still don't know what the picture is supposed to be.  Lol

I get it. When you can't win an argument, that's what you do. But it's not just Newsweek and you know it. And I never used the word "proof" and I was not the one who quoted Newsweek.
Now go and apply the same standards to charges of corruption against Joe Biden.

I should read IMP's post, where HE cited Newsweek.  That sounds to me like an endorsement by you.  

Who said that the Newsweek, NYT, Reuters or other articles reporting the same information available from publicly available records (filed by Trump himself!) are "proof" of criminal activity? No one.  It is evidence of SUSPICIOUS activity and Trump will not explain the source of the $17.5 M beyond calling it "fees." Fees for WHAT? According to Trump, it is none of your, our, the public's, or the electorate's business.  
There is the suspicious $188,000 tax payment to the Chinese "IRS" (or whatever they call it over there) despite reporting income of just a few thousand dollars to the US IRS. Now THAT is highly suspicious. Trump Organization is a conglomerate of over 500 LLCs owned by Trump. Trump money transfers between the LLCs have been used to hide payments and their sources for decades. Trump has been accused of money laundering for Russian and Chinese interests for decades. Russian and Chinese buyers have been overpaying for condos at Trump Tower and other properties for years. WHY?  
Back to $188,000 of Chinese taxes on a few thousand dollars of declared income: US investigators, IRS or others, do not have access to necessary financial information from the Chinese "IRS" or banks or other governing agencies and institutions. At this time, the IRS can only trust that Trump's income was just a few thousand dollars, as declared on his tax forms. IF US agencies could get the info, Trump's claims might be proven to be false and to be criminal in nature. Without the info, we just don't know for sure.  
cks posted something like, "The “whatabout  Trump’s $15 million from a Chinese bank?” story has been repeatedly debunked." SOURCE, PLEASE. The numbers and sources came from Trump's own official financial disclosures while he was POTUS.  Are you saying that Trump lied on his financial disclosures? SOURCE, PLEASE. Trump received $17.5 M into his Chinese bank account. Trump withdrew $15 M almost immediately. What, exactly, has been debunked?
While on the subject of income and taxes, if Trump continues his quest to be POTUS again, WHEN WILL TRUMP RELEASE HIS POST-POTUS TAX RETURNS? Does he have more multi-million dollar Chinese, Saudi, and Russian income to hide? (He's already made millions from the LIV golf grift.)

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: So you are saying that leftie-rag . . . .  
Newsweek's article is some sort of "proof" of criminal activity by Trump?  That explains a lot about why you are consistently misinformed.   If it's true where is the special prosecutor on this one?  Democrats are famous for connecting dots in way where you still don't know what the picture is supposed to be.  Lol

The only publication in the world that within the span of 2 hours, destroyed it’s reputation forever. BLM rioters weren’t “super spreader” events, but Trump rallies were.  

This is what happens when someone cites Newsweek. I roll my eyes and ignore everything that was said because I already know that each and every single word of it is nothing but bullshit.

So all any news source needs to do in your book is to make one mistake and you are free to ignore everything else they write. Talk about ignorance.
But Trump can blatantly lie hundreds of times and you still worship him.
The truth is you believe any source that agrees with your pre-existing opinions.
Remember what Daniel Patrick Moynihan said: "You are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts."

I suppose anyone can fall victim to confirmation bias, I know it’s happened to me plenty of times. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why you think the default position here should be “believe everything the media tells you unless proven false.” Nicky, bro. That ship sailed decades ago. My default is “assume everything the media says is lies until proven otherwise.”  

Now you may think that’s crazy, but let’s think about this for a moment. Each one of us have a model. One model will have better predictive results than the other. Mind you, I should add the caveat that my model says, “since the news media always lie, there is no point in consuming their content. A 100% boycott of the news is preferred to consuming any news at all.” The only news I ever encounter is usually when imp posts a link to some propaganda mill like Newsweek. So when I encounter the rare “news” article, typically on this board, I just make the assumption immediately that it’s all bullshit.  

So which model is superior? Which model has greater predictive power of what is true?

How many articles were posted on Iraqi WMDs? Or the terrorist threat color code system? Or Saddam’s connection to Al Qaeda? Or of the underground cave systems they were supposedly hiding in? How many articles were posted on Russia stealing the election? Or that Covid couldn’t have come from a lab? Or that masks worked? Or that it made sense to lock people indoors but close down parks when Covid only spreads indoors and sunshine, fresh air and exercise is one of the best natural ways to prevent Covid? How many articles on how ivermectin not working when it does? How long does this list need to be?  

The fact of the matter is that the media has always acted as a sense-making mechanism. We understand the world around us by consuming their product. But when the media lies. Not makes mistakes, outright lies. Over and over and over again, and no one gets fired for this, then you can no longer trust it AT ALL to make sense of anything. You’re better off boycotting it completely.  

No journalist today at any major news publication has any loyalty or allegiance to the truth. All of it is about lies and spin. Fox News, CNN, MSPMS, none of them are in the news business. They’re in the propaganda business. Their job isn’t to inform, their job is to act as public relations for the Democrat and Republican parties.  

No one ought to pay any attention to them. And fewer people pay attention to them by the day. They are putting themselves out of business. And doing so at a furious pace. There’s a reason for that. They earn it with each and every lie they tell, which grows larger by the minute.  

Ignore them, Nicky. You’ll be the better for it.

Fox News recently settled a lawsuit for $787 million. Fox News was shown to have KNOWINGLY and PURPOSELY been spewing lies about the 2020 election fraud. They had ample evidence of the truth (that there was no fraud) but intentionally suppressed it and spread false and defamatory stories about the election. There are other related lawsuits still pending against Fox and the $787 million will likely more than double.  
Did that not happen? The Dominion lawsuit was a fake media construct? Does Dominion really exist? How deep do you have to go?
Trump had this to say about the Dominion lawsuit, in all caps:  
You can fact check the Newsweek story (which was carried and verified by other news agencies) for yourself. As POTUS, Trump had to file periodic financial declarations that are accessible to the public. Many were surprised when he reported receiving $17.5 million INTO a previously UNDISCLOSED Chinese bank account. That led to further investigation. Did the media really contact Garten and ask him questions about the China businesses? Does Garten really exist?  Was it all made up?

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: It wasn’t a mistake. It was done on purpose.
I suppose anyone can fall victim to confirmation bias, I know it’s happened to me plenty of times. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why you think the default position here should be “believe everything the media tells you unless proven false.” Nicky, bro. That ship sailed decades ago. My default is “assume everything the media says is lies until proven otherwise.”  
 Now you may think that’s crazy, but let’s think about this for a moment. Each one of us have a model. One model will have better predictive results than the other. Mind you, I should add the caveat that my model says, “since the news media always lie, there is no point in consuming their content. A 100% boycott of the news is preferred to consuming any news at all.” The only news I ever encounter is usually when imp posts a link to some propaganda mill like Newsweek. So when I encounter the rare “news” article, typically on this board, I just make the assumption immediately that it’s all bullshit.  
 So which model is superior? Which model has greater predictive power of what is true?  
 How many articles were posted on Iraqi WMDs? Or the terrorist threat color code system? Or Saddam’s connection to Al Qaeda? Or of the underground cave systems they were supposedly hiding in? How many articles were posted on Russia stealing the election? Or that Covid couldn’t have come from a lab? Or that masks worked? Or that it made sense to lock people indoors but close down parks when Covid only spreads indoors and sunshine, fresh air and exercise is one of the best natural ways to prevent Covid? How many articles on how ivermectin not working when it does? How long does this list need to be?  
 The fact of the matter is that the media has always acted as a sense-making mechanism. We understand the world around us by consuming their product. But when the media lies. Not makes mistakes, outright lies. Over and over and over again, and no one gets fired for this, then you can no longer trust it AT ALL to make sense of anything. You’re better off boycotting it completely.  
 No journalist today at any major news publication has any loyalty or allegiance to the truth. All of it is about lies and spin. Fox News, CNN, MSPMS, none of them are in the news business. They’re in the propaganda business. Their job isn’t to inform, their job is to act as public relations for the Democrat and Republican parties.  
 No one ought to pay any attention to them. And fewer people pay attention to them by the day. They are putting themselves out of business. And doing so at a furious pace. There’s a reason for that. They earn it with each and every lie they tell, which grows larger by the minute.  
 Ignore them, Nicky. You’ll be the better for it.

And it's not because of Fox News telling me so. It's because the left kept insisting until they were blue in the face that the election was the most free and fair election that there ever was. This after they burned down half the country and locked people in their homes to get Trump out of office. And it was revealed that the censorship wing at the FBI kept ordering Twitter to censor Americans who said the election was rigged. He doth protest too much.

No one "burned down half the country."
Please stop lying, Willy.
And what's "the censorship wing" of the FBI.
Please stop lying Willy.

…was revealed in The Twitter Files. Try reading some of the few journalists left who still care about doing their jobs correctly.

Those fucks are propagandists, not journalists.
Please stop lying, Willy.

I mean if that’s what you want to think, that’s fine by me. But my first clue would be the nature of the material they reported on, it’s specificity, the details that match up with my experience and others as a Twitter user, and the various ways each reporter reported on the story.  

But yeh, it’s certainly possible they made it all up. Just like the story of Iraqi WMDs.

The NY Times stories by Judith Miller about Iraqi WMDs are probably the worst reporting the Times has ever done. She was totally in the tank for the Bushies. And what did the Times do? They FIRED her. So don't try to indict the Times for one mistake, cuz there have been VERY few others.
Does the Times have a left-wing bias? Yes. But it's mainly the headline writers who (I'll bet you didn't know) don't write the stories themselves, which are usually spot on.

…the entire US media fell for the WMD narrative. She certainly helped, but ever since then the US media has just acted as a public relations arm of the US government. They have zero obligation to inform, and every impulse to manipulate.

I mean, he lied more times in office than any other President, EVER. But at the time of the Iraq WMD scam we (and the press) were used to the government telling the truth. Or at least refusing to comment if the truth wasn't convenient. But the Bushies, led by "Darth" Cheney and "Rummy" Rumsfeld desperately wanted a war with Iraq. So they blatantly fabricated the "evidence" and even bamboozled Colin Powell into believing it and then lying to the UN Security Council. Same with the CIA's Tenant and the fake "Yellowcake" investigation by Joe Wilson, another Republican they tried to dupe.
This massive fraud worked for a while, just long enough for us to get sucked into the wrong war.
The press can almost be forgiven for being fooled because such blatant lying on such a massive scale had not been foisted on the American people since the famous Gulf of Tonkin Incident was lied about by LBJ.  And then Trump made it official policy.
All the media has done is wise up.
So why does Willy all of a sudden believe out government's lies when it suits him? Because he WANTS to be lied to by Republicans. Just not by Democrats.
Please stop lying, Willy.

they have stopped counting with Biden.  It's not presidents so much as the Deep State bureaucrats.  Most have jobs for life, and often choose the language for what Presidents say to us.  Biden is an example.  He reads a speech written by someone else at a press conference, and then can't answer any questions about what he said.  There was another example on Friday at the summit with Korea and Japan.  Both of the other leaders answered press questions.  Biden read his statement and then just sat there with a silly grin on his face while he ignored the press questions ABOUT his statement.  Total incompetence.  Can't wait for a debate with Trump or DeSantis.

Biden isn't even close. No one. Ever. Has lied as much as Trump.
But since like his lies, you believe them.

READ THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE to find out about the people counting and documenting Trump's lies.  
News organizations all over the world, including Fox  (not just the Washington Post and the New York Times who have the staff and budgets to dig deeper into Trump's false claims) have exposed Trump's lies. Historians, scholars, unaffiliated journalists and authors, court documents, private foundations, psychiatrists and psychologists, Trump's own associates and staff members (Bannon said that "the way to deal with [the press] is to flood the zone with shit [lies]."), AND YOUR OWN LYING EYES all help to establish Trump's record as a prodigious and nefarious liar.  
As I have asked before, "How far down do we have to dig to reach at least one uncontested fact??"

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Yeh but the people counting those lies…
…look like this.  

at least ONE of these wrong, maybe more.  This one . . . .

"In his 2016–2020 financial reports, he claimed that the Trump Hotel in the Old Post Office Building in Washington, D.C. had revenue of over $150 million. In 2021, the House Oversight and Reform Committee revealed that, to the contrary, the property had a net loss of $70 million during that period."

This is NOT a lie.  Revenue does not mean profits, it just means cash flow.  You can have lots of revenue and still lose money.  Check out financials of Amazon from their beginnings, which had billions in REVENUE over many years before it had its first year of PROFITS, which is exactly the same scenario as this Trump hotel.  I hope this is one that the prosecutor brings up at the NY trial.  They can bring in a CPA as an expert witness and prove there is nothing false about Trump's statement. I'm surprised that a guy like you with purportedly a keen business sense would agree Trump's statement was a lie.  Wikipedia is just flat wrong.  Some of the other "example" are questionable as well because they appear to be taken out of context.  

CDL is correct that REVENUE is not the same as PROFIT and that it is true that the Trump hotel had REVENUE of ~$150 M and it is true the same Trump hotel had losses of ~$70 M despite that much revenue.  
[Hotel industry experts criticized Trump's bid on the property and were proved to be correct by, for example, THE $70 M IN LOSSES!!! CDL subscribes to Forbes, so I'm sure he read this:
Trump's D.C. Hotel Officially Opens, But Trouble Has Dogged The Iconic Property Since The Start.
"... Soon after, rival bidders complained to the GSA, alleging that Trump’s promise to spend up to $200 million on renovations (reportedly $60 million higher than competing bids) and pay $3 million in yearly rent is financially unfeasible. “A properly conducted price reasonableness analysis would have resulted in the conclusion that the minimum base lease proposed by Trump would require Trump to obtain hotel room revenues which are simply not obtainable in this location based on the concepts for the redevelopment,” read a Hilton team lawyer’s letter to the GSA. ..."
The same criticisms came up again when Trump was trying to sell his lease.]  
But the wikipedia entry is only two sentences and can't go into all of the book-length (or indictment-length) details. I.e., Trump's disclosure of REVENUE to the GSA was DELIBERATELY MISLEADING. The GSA is the "landlord" of the property that Trump was leasing. The GSA had a responsibility to make sure that the leaseholder was operating the property responsibly (and honestly) and could fulfill its obligations as lessee.
Will CDL report the rest of the story about Trump's lies and misrepresentations about the DC Hotel? No, he won't. So here you go:  
* Former President Donald Trump’s luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., lost more than $70 million from 2016 to 2020, according to newly released filings that his accountants submitted to the hotel’s landlord, the General Services Administration.
* While the hotel was losing money, Trump’s annual financial disclosures reported only its revenue, which amounted to $156 million over five years.
* The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee alleges in a new report that Trump hid more than $20 million in loans to the struggling hotel.
"... According to a new report issued Friday by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the effect of the discrepancy between what Trump publicly reported and what he privately disclosed was to ****mislead the public**** about the president’s financial situation. ..." [because Trump is known to be such a real estate genius who only claimed bankruptcy 6 times.]  
"The committee also alleges that Trump hid more than $20 million in loans that his real estate holding company made to the struggling hotel, another attempt to conceal the true state of the president’s finances. ..."  
" "In deciding to conceal the Trump Hotel’s true financial condition from federal ethics officials and the American public, President Trump hid conflicts of interest,” wrote Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., the committee chair and the chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, respectively. ..."
"The committee also alleged that Trump received an unreported and surprising loan modification from Deutsche Bank halfway into his presidency, one that potentially saved the then president and his struggling company tens of millions of dollars. ... It is unclear, the committee says, how the loan modification was negotiated, or by whom. The change to the loan terms was never publicly disclosed, according to Trump’s annual financial disclosures. ..."
"The new findings are in keeping with Trump’s decades long pattern of allegedly inflating his income, assets and net worth, while hiding his losses and liabilities. That pattern is currently the subject of a probe by New York state authorities, who are investigating whether Trump’s company inflated the value of his properties on insurance forms, and undervalued them on tax returns. This could amount to insurance fraud. ..."
**Don't worry, CDL.** Letitia James is certain to know a lot more than you or me about Trump's financial statements and misstatements. I don't think that Trump's CPAs want to go to jail for covering up for him.  
Former US President Donald Trump "grossly exaggerated" the profitability of his Washington DC hotel, a probe by a congressional committee has found. It also said he appeared to hide "potential conflicts of interest".
"The report also found Mr Trump seemed to have "concealed potential conflicts of interest" related to his ownership of the hotel and his roles as its lender and the guarantor of third-party loans. Newly obtained documents show that the hotel received $3.7m in payments from foreign governments - enough to cover 7,400 nights at the hotel on an average daily rate, according to the committee.
"The lawmakers said that the amount raised concerns about potential violations of constitutional regulations aimed at preventing foreign influence on federal officials. The oversight report found that during the four years of his administration, Mr Trump also received "significant financial benefit" from Deutsche Bank.
"The Democrat-led committee said this allowed Mr Trump to delay making payments on a $170m loan for six years, and that he did not publicly disclose this benefit from a foreign bank while president. ..."
In one of funniest statements I've read in a while, "In a statement sent to the media, the Trump Organization called the report "*****intentionally misleading,***** irresponsible and *****unequivocally false"***** ..."
Wow! Trump complaining about something being INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING and UNEQUIVOCALLY FALSE.  
Trump's D.C. Hotel Hemorrhaged Money As He Claimed Otherwise & Took Foreign Cash
New documents released by the House Oversight and Reform Committee reveal a struggling business.
"... According to an analysis by the committee, foreign governments were spending millions of dollars to rent rooms at the hotel, totaling 7,400 nights from 2017 through 2020 at the average daily rate, bringing in roughly $4 million. While Trump ***claimed*** to have donated the foreign payments to the Treasury, the committee said Friday that the donations represented only a small portion of the actual figures. Neither the Deutsche Bank deal nor the foreign cash was properly reported, the committee said. ..."
"The documents released Friday further show that Trump lied in his 2011 application to lease the building by failing to give an accurate accounting of his debts. According to the committee, financial statements from 2009 and 2010 provided to General Services Administration concealed hundreds of millions of dollars in debts. ..."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Sorry, but wikipedia got . . . .
at least ONE of these wrong, maybe more.  This one . . . .  Revenue does not mean profits
CDL: Do you know how to edit a wikipedia page? You can log in and correct the article. Be sure to include some of the info I added above.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Please stop lying, Willy
Those fucks are propagandists, not journalists.  
 Please stop lying, Willy.
Matt Taibbi is a propagandist fuck?

I love how the left will turn on its own SOOOO quickly. Nicky Nicky Nicky, he's one of yours after all. This right here, is proof that you are as morally bankrupt as it gets.  

"You're the type of person who would fuck someone in the ass and not have the common courtesy to give them a reach around!"  

Bonus points if you can name the movie but since it deals with Vietnam (you know that place you ran away from?) I doubt you will have ever seen it.  

the 2020 election was "...was the most free and fair election that there ever was."  It was Chris Krebs.  Who is Chris Krebs, willy?  I'll have to tell you since you don't know and blame "the left" as a typical righty simpleton would do.

Chris Krebs served as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the United States Department of Homeland Security from November 2018 until November 17, 2020.  As CISA's director, Krebs was the TRUMP administration's most senior cybersecurity official responsible for securing the presidential election.  Who appointed Chris Krebs, willy?  DONALD J. TRUMP.  Is Donald J. Trump "the left," willy?

Chris Krebs created a CISA website to debunk election-related disinformation, much of which was being promoted by Trump and his toadies.  On November 17, 2020, Krebs said in a tweet that "59 election security experts all agree, 'in every case of which we are aware, these claims (of fraud) either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.'"  Trump fired Krebs via Twitter the same day, because the "recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud".  Trump provided no evidence of this fraud.  Neither have YOU, willy.  You blame "the left" like a typical righty zombie, walking around mindlessly parroting "the left" that Trump has taught you to say.

Please stop lying, willy.

-- Modified on 8/18/2023 5:01:24 PM

-- Modified on 8/18/2023 6:39:25 PM

It’s “look at this guy. He’s super credible and impressive. Plus Trump picked him. And he says the election wasn’t rigged. Believe it wasn’t rigged now?”

No, no I don’t. The election was totally rigged. Do I know all the ways they rigged it? Nope, but I know they rigged it.  

If you think I’d be convinced by Trump’s judge of character? Nope. Trump is a pretty fucking awful judge of character. And a moron to boot. And a thin skinned blow hard. And man oh man is he ever a goddamned idiot. But he was the legit winner of the election.  

Do I wish Trump would win re-election? Holy fucking shit balls, no. Even if his heart is in the right place, which I think most of the time it is, he’s too old, too stupid, too overly sensitive to do the job well or effectively. At best Trump is like a good Rottweiler. When you need a big scary dog to make a lot of noise when asshats want to break into your house, a Rottweiler is a nice dog to have. But you wouldn’t want that Rottweiler paying the bills, paying the mortgage, cooking dinner and keeping the house tidy. It is just a fucking Rottweiler, after all.  

But that dog legit won the election.

You wrote this: "The election was totally rigged. Do I know all the ways they rigged it? Nope, but I know they rigged it."

Those idiotic sentences are straight out of a COMEDY bit by Bill Maher that mocks people like you who say stupid things:

You could even see the election crew on CNN and MSPMS predict the future before it happened. They all kept saying the same thing. A bunch of Democrat votes are going to come in from out of nowhere in the middle of the night. When no one was looking. And then, despite that Democrats cried that every election they lost since 2000 was stolen from them, suddenly everyone in the media suddenly acted like that kind of talk made you worse than Putin himself. And then the FBI made sure to keep getting people censored and banned on Twitter when they said the obvious: the election was rigged. The reason why they didn’t want anyone talking about this is so painfully obvious that it’s shameful that it even needs be said. They didn’t want people saying these things because they all participated in the crime.

The Dem votes didn't "come in from out of nowhere in the middle of the night." They were mail-in ballots that needed to be opened and counted by hand, which takes time. Since more Democrats voted this way, the late votes swung the count to Biden. Remember Trump had been bleating at Republicans not to vote by mail, so it was largely his fault. Also, because of Covid more people stayed home and voted by mail.
As for CNN and MSNBC, they actually lagged Fox News in calling Arizona for Trump. Fox had installed a new system for calling the vote that turned out to be quite accurate.
None of this is complicated, unless you're a toxic, conspiracy-crazed lunatic.
Please stop lying, Willy.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: More lying bullshit from Willy.
The Dem votes didn't "come in from out of nowhere in the middle of the night." They were BALLOT HARVESTED FROM THE DEAD, THE SICK, THE INFIRM, BASICALLY ANYWHERE THE DEMS COULD SCRAPE THEM UP AND STUFF THE DROP BOXES WITH THEM and they needed to be opened and counted by hand, which takes time. Since more Democrats voted (read help steal the elections) this way, the late votes swung the count to Biden.
Fixed it for ya!

You're a joke, looooooser. A freakin' joke. Even Willy is too embarrassed by you to thank you for your "support."
Go crawl back under your rock, looooooser.

What do you mean you "don't know" how it was rigged? You have been told time and time and time again how it was rigged. You just have to pick one (or more) conspiracy theories from the list and embrace it fully.
1. Tens of thousands of dead people voted.  
2. Tens of thousands of underage teens voted.
3. Anti-Trump election workers ran ballots through the counting machines multiple times, as many as 10 times.
4. QAnon
5. Fake ballots from China voting for Biden were added to the ballot total.  
6. Italian Satellites changed the votes inside the machines.
7. Jewish space lasers changed the votes inside the machines.
8. QAnon
9. http://www.npr.org/2023/02/20/1158223099/fox-news-dominion-wackadoodle-election-fraud-claim
The 'wackadoodle' foundation of Fox News' election-fraud claims.
[Note: Fox employees were calling the claims and claimants "wackadoodle" internally. The press did not make it up.]
""The machine ran an algorithm that shaved votes from Trump and awarded them to Biden. They used the machines to trash large batches of votes that should've been awarded to President Trump. And they used the machines to inject and add massive quantities of votes for Mr. Biden."" - Sidney Powell
10. QAnon
11. http://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-legal-team-false-claims-5abd64917ef8be9e9e2078180973e8b3
Trump legal team’s batch of false vote claims
"Trump attorney Sidney Powell spun fictional tales of election systems flipping votes, German servers storing U.S. voting information and election software created in Venezuela “at the direction of Hugo Chavez” — the late Venezuelan president who died in 2013. She also said Trump beat Democrat Joe Biden “by a landslide,” which he decidedly didn’t — Biden was the clear winner."
12. Sharpie markers invalidated Trump votes in Arizona. (But not Biden votes? I never got that.)
Pick ONE! Or two. Or as many as you like. Then investigate them.  
13. Was Raffensperger in cahoots with Biden?
14. Were the Cyber Ninjas who found additional votes for Biden in cahoots with Biden?
15. The two private companies that Trump hired to look for fraud in the election were Simpatico Software Systems and Berkeley Research Group. Were they in cahoots with Biden?
A second firm hired by Trump campaign found no evidence of election fraud
"... Ken Block, founder of the firm Simpatico Software Systems, studied more than a dozen voter fraud theories and allegations for Trump’s campaign in late 2020 and found they were “all false." ... "No substantive voter fraud was uncovered in my investigations looking for it, nor was I able to confirm any of the outside claims of voter fraud that I was asked to look at,” he said. “Every fraud claim I was asked to investigate was false.” ..."
Should Trump demand a refund?  
This seems like a good time to remind people of Ginni Thomas's cultish embrace of the QAnon and other conspiracy theories.  
Ex-cult member Ginni Thomas may have fallen back into old habits with QAnon-backed conspiracy theories.
"* Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is a former cult member.
* Her history as an anti-cult activist raises questions about her alignment with conspiracy theories like QAnon.
* Cult experts told Insider why Thomas might be taken in by far-right conspiracy theories."
""Ginni Thomas was in a cult, and anyone who has ever been in a cult is vulnerable to another cult if they haven't properly counseled and done their homework," Hassan said."
"... Thomas' embrace of QAnon-esque conspiracy theories has perplexed many who knew her as an anti-cult activist. She blamed the "deep state" when her allies weren't hired onto Trump's administration and made several written attempts to overturn the 2020 election. In text messages to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, she'd even claimed that Trump watermarked mail-in ballots to track voter fraud and that politicians were being arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. ..."

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: You guys keep using the same tactic.  
It’s “look at this guy. He’s super credible and impressive. Plus Trump picked him. And he says the election wasn’t rigged. Believe it wasn’t rigged now?”  
 No, no I don’t. The election was totally rigged. Do I know all the ways they rigged it? Nope, but I know they rigged it.
I post links to articles that you can read and analyze yourself. You seem to be rejecting ANYTHING that challenges your belief in the Big Lie. How far down do we have to dig to reach at least one uncontested fact??

(Late reply, but it's hard to keep up.)
Twitter is rife with false and misleading information.  
How misinformation spreads on Twitter.
Your link is to a Twitter post by Dan Bongino, a diehard Trump supporter. From wikipedia, "He has frequently appeared on Fox News' opinion programming and on the conspiracy theory website InfoWars.[2] He guest hosted Hannity's Fox News show in December 2018."
Bongino's tweet is evidence of his own biases and delusions. There is "NO Evidence" there that is admissible in court. If that tweet leads to illegal acts down the road, it may be admissible in court as evidence of Bongino's own complicity in spreading lies and false claims that provoked such behavior.  
If there is REAL evidence of Joe Biden doing anything illegal, I'm ready to hear it. After 5+ years of Republican investigations, nothing has turned up. The investigation continues. (The DoJ Special Counsel and the House Judiciary Committee are investigating the classified documents found at Joe's home and office at Penn. Let them finish their investigation and report their results and conclusions. The DoJ investigation of Pence's classified document incident -- there was no House Judiciary investigation of Pence -- has been concluded and Pence will not be charged.)

Posted By: cks175

Apparently they are… 🤣
The democrats are correct:  
 Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.  
 Good call guys. 👍

Twitter is filled with (my favorite word in the whole world) “misinformation”. 😂😂😂😂

At this point I think anyone who seriously uses the word “misinformation” likes to eat their corn on the cob vertically.  

But the even funnier part about it is that this is coming from Brookings, which is a professional outfit designed to sell far more sophisticated lies than just some guy who’s making a point on Twitter.  

But then we get our usual “nothing to see here” hand waving nonsense, meanwhile the burning building in the background starts with the President’s kid shares a bank account with his dad, his kid is on crack, he keeps passing out while filming himself smoking crack and screwing hookers, Russian hookers keep stealing his lap top, he’s on the board of a bunch of Chinese and Ukrainian energy companies for no reason, no one understands why because Hunter’s never had a job, and then the President starts selling our strategic reserve oil to the Chinese. You admit any of this in court because it’s such a dumpster fire that the court would have to have the building evacuated. I mean they even found cocaine in the freaking White House and everyone’s like “we don’t know who’s it is.”  
Really? You can’t track down the guy who was doing coke in the White House? I know people who had to get piss tested just to get a job at Home Depot and we can’t check which one of these SOB’s is doing coke in the White House? From the same administration that got caught giving away tax payer funded crack pipes?!?!?

Luckily the IRS whistleblowers spoke out.

“Earlier this year, The Times found, Mr. Weiss appeared willing to forgo any prosecution of Mr. Biden at all, and his office came close to agreeing to end the investigation without requiring a guilty plea on any charges,” The New York Times reported.

“But the correspondence reveals that his position, relayed through his staff, changed in the spring, around the time a pair of I.R.S. officials on the case accused the Justice Department of hamstringing the investigation. Mr. Weiss suddenly demanded that Mr. Biden plead guilty to committing tax offenses.”

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