Politics and Religion

And I agree with you. I would have been a better emissary than Kushner...
JakeFromStateFarm 670 reads
1 / 7

Jared, you're Jewish, right?  Why don't you deal with this Middle East peace thing?  You'll be great.

JackDunphy 47 reads
2 / 7

Where in the story does it say Kushner "blew" anything and what proof did they provide?  

The Palestinians REPORTEDLY, from unnamed sources, ahem, were "disappointed" and said that the meeting was "tense." OMG  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like an epic scandal and a breach of every protocol, Jake. LOL

JakeFromStateFarm 52 reads
4 / 7

Please stop huffing glue.  You're starting to sound like nufool.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 53 reads
5 / 7

... especially during the eight years of the Muslim Brotherhood Administration, and now here's this upstart, a young American JEW who wasn't even born when Abbas was killing Jewish children in child care centers, telling him to stop paying the families of terrorists who have killed Israeli's. And with ABBAS calling this demand an obstacle to peace. You expected a breakthrough? Abbas is a rancid meat sack full of lies who led a far more experienced diplomat around by his blue blooded Beacon Hill nose and farted his way into a 23 million dollar palace paid for by American foreign aid.

Yes, this is outside Kushner's area of expertise, and I don't expect any miracles, but the idea of Abbas licking Kushner's boots appeals to me.

JakeFromStateFarm 57 reads
6 / 7

At least you know some history, even though I may disagree on the interpretation of it.  And, no, I didn't expect a breakthrough, but Kushner and Trump, naive dunces that they are, probably did.  How naive can Kushner possibly be to go to a meeting with Abbas -- who is what he is -- and present Natanyahu's talking points expecting anything but a frosty response?  What a fool. And his boss is a dunce, too, expecting Kushner to get something done just because he's a Jew.
You may not like Abbas -- and all I'll say is he's at least not as loathsome as Hammas -- but what's the point of going to see him hauling Bibi's water instead of trying to establish yourself as an honest broker?
I guess the answer is, in New Yawk/ Noo Joisey real estate there ARE no honest brokers.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 51 reads
7 / 7

... but would not have gotten any farther than Kushner did.  

Abbas is no better or worse than Hamas. They are barbaric terrorists; the lowest forms of life.

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