Politics and Religion

An "independent thinker" who says "GOP all the way." Not...
followme 1131 reads
1 / 7

That is the dumbest, most stupid, moronic and idiotic thing in the world. (well except for obama himself). Who the fuck is she trying to appeal to, 3 year old children? O wait..... she is trying to get the dumbocrat vote. OK that makes sense now !

I wonder if hilwhorie realizes that while she is away bill is riding around in Cheech and Chong’s van?

She is almost as entertaining as some the lefties here.

 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 292 reads
2 / 7

I'm curious what you see in her?  
  Do you believe she is honest?
  Do you believe she is trustworthy?
  Do you believe she will keep our troops out of major war,  like President Obama has done?
  Do you believe she is a good debater?
  Do you believe she is healthy?  
  Do you believe she is rational?
  Do you believe she is mentally stable?  
  Do you believe she will get the youth vote?
  Do you believe she will get the Black vote?  
  Do you believe she will get the Hispanic vote?
  Do you think she would be a politician if she hadn't rode her husband's coattails?  
  Who do you believe are her largest group of supporters?  
   Will you be disappointed if Jim Webb comes from behind and knocks her off her imaginary throne, like President Obama did ?    I won't.  :-D
   If you don't feel like answering my questions about what you see in her, do you mind if I view you as just one more  clown  lunatic,  like Ted Cruz?  

Posted By: Laffy
 I bet you're a Cruz groupie, aren't you?  
 She's going to wipe the floor with whoever comes out of your clown car so you might as well accept it now.  
 After you guys BRAGGED for two years Obama was going to get his butt kicked, your hearts might not handle it when she wins in a landslide.....especially if the Dems take back the Senate on her coattails.  

marikod 1 Reviews 152 reads
3 / 7

In fact, he is by far the most intellectual of all the GOP candidates. I guess Rand Paul is the closest to him in intellectual firepower.  

       But that is what makes Cruz so dangerous. All of his “lunatic” acts are carefully calculated to achieve a specific goal. Shut down the government in an effort to repeal Obamacare? He wasn’t really trying to do either – he wanted to generate headlines to rise from obscurity as a first term senator.  Be the first entry into the race? He had no money – he needed to lock up those tea party donors before someone else did. He knows the first entrant never wins -remember Mike Gravel?

        And he is not running for 2016. I mean the guy cannot even cite a single piece of legislation that he has passed.  He is positioning himself for 2020 and beyond when he will move to the center and bring his ultra right base with him.

So don’t be fooled by this guy

Timbow 224 reads
4 / 7


Posted By: followme
That is the dumbest, most stupid, moronic and idiotic thing in the world. (well except for obama himself). Who the fuck is she trying to appeal to, 3 year old children? O wait..... she is trying to get the dumbocrat vote. OK that makes sense now !  
 I wonder if hilwhorie realizes that while she is away bill is riding around in Cheech and Chong’s van?  
 She is almost as entertaining as some the lefties here.  
  2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

followme 209 reads
5 / 7

Any bleeding heat liberal for president, like obama, who will raise taxes on the honest hard working people  so you can continue to be a leech on society and live for free in a welfare motel, get food stamps, be on medicaide and collect welfare and any and all free government handouts.  

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

BTW you are wrong, as always, I'm not for Cruz

followme 196 reads
6 / 7

I see you overdosed on ex-lax again

Nothing has changed you are still dishonest and distort facts that do not fall in line with your socialistic way of thinking.
I never said hilwhorie is a liberal. I did mention that you are looking for a bleeding heart liberal so you can continue MEDICAID and mooch of the rest of us who are paying tax, and you can live in a welfare motel etc.  

Unlike you I an independent thinker I am not supporting anyone yet. I am waiting to see who will be running. I will then listen to what they have to say, (their position on all the issues) and analyze it.  Along with other things to consider.

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Wa

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 209 reads
7 / 7

...much independent thinking going on there.  Not much thinking going on there at all.  Where are all the "original thoughts?"

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