Politics and Religion

JakeFromStateFarm 39 reads


you keep us safe and protect the rights of selfish others with no clue , that they may kneel and disgrace the very thing you stand for .  

“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.” - Ronald Reagan  


going to war and killing is the only way to contribute?

Send them to war, right out of high school, get them killed or severely deranged and throw them on the street. Do you even realize, how many homeless vets are there pandering?

Completer hypocrisy.

It's an ugly world out there and we need our Marines and others to take care of the bad guys before they get to our shores.  Oh, and by the way, most of them come back and return to productive civilian lives.
Complete idiocy, as usual.

Who created the ugly world?

Suppose, you send solders to other countries to stand around and look pretty.  

Understand, you don't have the ability to look beyond your nose.  

Ever tried to post something without calling other names? Are taking the idiot in the WH, who has a penchant for calling everyone who doesn't agree with him names? Suppose, you have the IQ as the idiot in the WH.

Your post above is one of the worst-written messes seen lately on this board.  The one person who's happy about your return is Fatty, whose ignorantly-written posts you make look good by comparison.
You have also broken the deadlock in the Stupidity Quotient between lefties and righties here.  It had been a tie but you have single-handedly tipped the stupidity factor to the left.  As a lefty myself I'm really pissed.  But at least you used the word "penchant," so there's that.  
You've given us hope that you'll make a late run at the SPOTY.

-- Modified on 11/11/2017 9:12:59 AM

With all that claptrap you did not address  the question in the subject line.


Joe_the_Plumber18 reads

For all of you who understand, God bless.  For those who don't I have a question.  Have any of you seen the  
receiving end of a bullet.  Semper Fi

But, in a bar fight, we always have each other's backs! ;)

The bar fight is usually between the squids and Marines when navy yells “what color is shit”?

someone jumped a squid or jarhead; neither Navy, nor Marine! ;)

Steffi,  I love your enthusiastic love and respect for Marines, our Military  and our country.  


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