Politics and Religion

All true but I think it's also true that Pence isnt just along for the ride.
JackDunphy 177 reads

As he did with Carrier, I think Trump LOVES to delegate all the "get your nose dirty" stuff and then he comes in at the end to dot the i's and cross the t's and culminate the deal.

Pence is perfect in that role. He can play good cop to Trumps bad cop at times and Pence doesn't seem like an attention getter at all, so he will gladly give all the props back to Trump, stroking the Donald's ego at the same time, which is something Trump needs in a VP.

I think Pence is going to be extraordinarily busy compared to past VP's. Trump expects everyone to work hard and he certainly doesn't believe in the accepted norm that the VP is much like an appendix in the human body

...eating the most Nathan's hot dogs...Christie broke the record for being the most unpopular governor in the 20 year history of the Quinnipiac poll.  A whopping 77% of New Jersey citizens disapprove of Christie.  Looks like he's not the type of "winner" that Trump likes.  Christie and Trump have been friends for a long time but Fairweather Donny will now drop him like a hot rock.

GaGambler260 reads

I just love these situations where no matter what he does he is going to get criticism from his haters.

Like it or not, it appears that Trump is going to be a very effective POTUS and after listening to Paul Ryan speak on CNBC this morning, it appears that he is going to hit the ground running with a lot more support behind him than anyone could have predicted.

Yes, it does disappoint me a bit that Trump appears to actually remember his campaign promises and most likely will end up caving into his base on the social issues like abortion rights, but when the only other choice was Hillary Clinton, I suppose I will learn to live with that fact.

... was what ultimately swayed Trump to look elsewhere for his VP.  

Christie got his comeup-"pence". And at the same time, Trump gets his "Quayle". Not a bad chess move, politically speaking. Too bad the Chinese, Iranians and George Soros are all playing "Go".

If you catch my drift.

Just a thought

GaGambler246 reads

The GOP was in almost complete revolt and Trump had to not only throw them a bone, but a big juicy meaty bone in the form of Mike Pence or Trump's campaign never would have survived the convention.

What I really find laughable is that the naysayers like Matt are still clinging to this ridiculous idea that Pence is going to be the de facto POTUS and Trump just a figurehead. Have you been watching the news lately, Trump is everywhere, Trump is acting like he is already POTUS, not just PEOTUS. There is ZERO doubt about who is in charge and it's not Pence.

He is calm, dignified and reserved. He handles the MSM with ease yet plays their nice guy game. He is excellent at sticking up for Donald when Don steps in dog shit and he steps in it a lot. lol

He is loyal, looks Presidential and gives off a steady, even handed appearance which is in sharp contrast to Trumps hysterical style.

Say what you want about him being a "thumper" but a rust belt state guy with the interpersonal skills and experience he has, along with his demeanor and managerial experience, made him the perfect ying to Trump's yang.

GaGambler173 reads

My point was twofold. One that Trump had no choice, he made his VP choice at the point of a gun. Secondly, a lot of the stupider people here, the one's still waiting for Trump to "quit" have been hanging on to this ridiculous belief that Pence is going to be the "real" POTUS and Trump is going to be just a figurehead, They still cling to this belief despite the growing mountain of evidence that Trump is undeniably the man in charge, even before he's been sworn in.  

and Pence IS a thumper and I disagree with him on virtually every social issue, I will agree he is rather polished, but that doesn't change the fact that, yes he is a thumper, and no, he is NOT in charge.

I know I am most likely the only one who leaves CNBC playing on my TV virtually all day long. (a holdover habit from my days as a trader), but Paul Ryan was on early this morning and his turnaround regarding Trump was nothing short of amazing. He of course did have to admit that Trump was going to be an "unconventional" POTUS. Talk about an understatement. lol

I predict and fervently hope that we will be seeing less and less of Pence as Trump settles into office, hopefully about as much, or even less than we have seen of Crazy Uncle Joe over the last 8 years which has not been a lot.

As he did with Carrier, I think Trump LOVES to delegate all the "get your nose dirty" stuff and then he comes in at the end to dot the i's and cross the t's and culminate the deal.

Pence is perfect in that role. He can play good cop to Trumps bad cop at times and Pence doesn't seem like an attention getter at all, so he will gladly give all the props back to Trump, stroking the Donald's ego at the same time, which is something Trump needs in a VP.

I think Pence is going to be extraordinarily busy compared to past VP's. Trump expects everyone to work hard and he certainly doesn't believe in the accepted norm that the VP is much like an appendix in the human body

GaGambler143 reads

Time will tell if Pence isn't shuffled off to Antarctica.  

Your point about Pence not being an attention getter is well taken.

I am not so sure if I am predicting or simply wishing that Pence will simply go sit in the corner, but I will concede that his bible thumping aside, I find myself agreeing with Pence on the issues I find more important. I just hope he doesn't try to distract Trump with stupid shit like protecting the "rights" of Christians to run roughshod over people who don't share their faith in an invisible man in the sky.

many folks out there would be screaming that Trump was corrupt because he associated himself with a governor that had a lot of questionable ethical baggage.  
Saw commentator on TV recently that was slamming Trump for taking meetings with such a wide variety of people. "He was all over the map" in their opinion.  On the other hand, if he was only taking meetings with rock rib Republicans, then this same person would be slamming him for being narrow minded.  
Can we say hypocrite ?

just one more corrupt crook in Trump.s arsenal of rich lapdogs..

.........someone who most likely supported Hillary write "crook in Trump.s arsenal".  (FYI:  Trump's)

RogerGoodellsanus158 reads

-- Modified on 12/7/2016 8:40:20 PM

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