Politics and Religion

Ahhh! Yes, the poison pill!teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 383 reads

"Protects the unborn by ensuring no federal funding of abortions."

Expensive that is! More so than other countries. And, despite their attacks on ACA, still have not proposed anything to remedy it. Why?

-- Modified on 4/17/2014 9:42:15 AM

Pimpathy591 reads

The government shouldn't do anything to remedy "it"

Sign up for Medicaid, if you want government health insurance.


Matt, don't you receive Medicare, and or use VA medical facilities?

JackDunphy430 reads

When Obama visited the House Republicans a few years ago, Mike Pence actually had to hand him a leather bound list of Republican proposals b/c Barry kept running around saying the R's only want the "status quo." Pence pointed out that the R's had submitted many proposals to the WH previously and the WH never responded to any of them.

Want examples? Buying insurance across state lines, making HC premium payments tax deductible like corporations do, tort reform, etc etc etc. All great ideas. All shit canned by Obama.

The R's passed the "If you lie your HC plan you can keep your HC plan" act in the House. Reid is blocking that from the Senate floor. Why? If Obama DIDN'T lie about it, you would think he would want to fix it, right?

My question to you is, why won't Obama let DEMOCRATS in the Senate allow bills to come to the Senate floor for a vote?

He is always out there b.s.ing the American people saying he is open to "any idea" that will help. Really? He won't even take ideas from his OWN party, why in the world would he listen to R's ideas???????

What bills have the Republican house passed, and what does it matter if they intentionally put in 'poison pills' they know the Senate won't pass, and/or the president will not sign?

Pimpathy533 reads

Your entire post is in violation of logic.

Posted By: mattradd
What bills have the Republican house passed, and what does it matter if they intentionally put in 'poison pills' they know the Senate won't pass, and/or the president will not sign?

JackDunphy374 reads

Your circular logic sucks bro. Obama isn't interested in ANY remedies from anyone. That's the point you keep skipping.

And, what you keep skipping is that if the Repubs. and Bush had fixed a broken system, we wouldn't have ACA today. Let me see, I guess they didn't see it coming, right! Yes, Bill and Hilary failed the first time around. Were Bush and the Repubs. just content to sit on their hands, and count on any attempt by Obama and the Dems, to fail again! And, once they she he's serious, and just may get his way, then the Repubs come up with some suggestions.  ;)

JackDunphy572 reads

If your point is that the R's left a HUGE void for O-care to come steaming thru, we agree! The R's talked a great game AFTER O-Care was passed.

There were SO many free market ideas that could've helped our failing HC system. I listed some earlier in this thread.

But that being said, just b/c Obama came along and filled that void, doesnt translate into this being a good law. It's horrific.

I say junk the whole thing, start from scratch, and have a bi-partisan group get together and hash out all the issues to make better HC policy. Everyone needs to be represented at the table, the docs, insurance co., patient rights advocates, libertarian ideas, business people, etc.  

HC was a big problem before O-care, i will freely admit that. But will Dems do whats right or will they be the little boy in the room who declares the game is over b/c he is taking his ball home?

Yep! Those were good suggestions. But, just like the Repubs. say they won't work with Obama, because they don't trust him. why would he and the Dems. trust the Repubs?

Dems passed the ACA with zero R votes and utilized reconciliation for the first time ever in a case like this. Why would R's ever trust O'bama?

Posted By: mattradd
Yep! Those were good suggestions. But, just like the Repubs. say they won't work with Obama, because they don't trust him. why would he and the Dems. trust the Repubs?

THIS is one of a few huffypoopoo does'nt want you to see.


Or maybe you don't know how to use the google machine????

"Protects the unborn by ensuring no federal funding of abortions."

JackDunphy524 reads

You just can't fix stupid, no matter how hard you try.

yes, I'd prefer to put my money on the woman, who along with her doctor, makes a decision not to carry to full-term a fetus she believes she will not be able to support financially nor emotionally, than putting my money on the woman who carries to full-term, and raises a child she can't support, and who in very good likelihood, I may also have to put money on due to him or her being on welfare, on other special services, and in a correctional facility of some sort during his or her lifetime. Which do you suppose you will be spending more of your tax dollars on?  ;)

"And, despite their attacks on ACA, still have not proposed anything to remedy it. Why?":)

Women and pasty white liberal patsie men whine about "It's a woman's choice and its her body"!!!!! and yet when she makes shitty decisions by excercizing her free will and fucking some low life or being the low life herself, they want me to pay to kill her baby. Fuck you guys!

Once again, talking out of both sides of your neck!! No surprise here!!!:):

Yes! The Repubs have made proposals, though too little and too late to stop ACA from happening. But, when it comes to the woman who "makes shitty decisions by excercizing her free will and fucking some low life or being the low life herself," and they want to keep it, though they can't support it, I'll let you pay their bills!   ;)

they wanna fuck, they make a baby, they wanna keep it,  

they need to pay.

what is it about responsibility don't you get?
her right, her responsibility.

instead of talking about broccoli, maybe mrs obama should be talking about not spreading your legs for losers...

heaven forbid he talk to men about getting a backbone and taking responsibility!!! just easier to break out the vaccum and suck out the little human and flush it with  all the other biohazardous waste....what's the harm in that? right?  

it's "cheaper" is your argument.

Pimpathy487 reads

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
they wanna fuck, they make a baby, they wanna keep it,  
 they need to pay.  
 what is it about responsibility don't you get?  
 her right, her responsibility.  
 instead of talking about broccoli, maybe mrs obama should be talking about not spreading your legs for losers...  
 heaven forbid he talk to men about getting a backbone and taking responsibility!!! just easier to break out the vaccum and suck out the little human and flush it with  all the other biohazardous waste....what's the harm in that? right?  
 it's "cheaper" is your argument.

"should be!" But, you are footing bill for all those low-life irresponsible men and women, and their off-spring right now! Keep flappin your jaw and keep paying the piper!  ;)

the more you subsidize something, the more you get.

keep doing your bean counting or your "charitable work" with OPM.

Some interesting data there.

One has to wonder why the countries are changed up from point to point. A little cherry picking going on maybe?

Regarding pharmaceuticals, virtually everyone but the US has imposed government price controls. The end result is that we are now subsidizing the majority of R&D costs. We could follow suit and then be left with diminishing new technology in drug research. Or leave it to the government to totally decide where the R&D dollars are spent. The US for the most part is still willing to pay more for end of life support than other countries although with ACA we are following suit; remember Obama’s suggestion that maybe grandma should take a pain pill rather than get the procedure? There does seem to be some issues when large sums of money are spent for a new drug that increases longevity on average 3 to 4 months at a cost of tens of thousands. What you don’t hear about are the minority of those cases where the patient is cured. It gets down to what people are willing to pay. Some can afford it, some can’t. If everyone can’t have it then should everyone be denied?

But free enterprise is the key to keeping costs down. Look at your data for services rendered. The US data includes a range of prices but not for other country data. Why? Probably  because it doesn’t exist for non US data. Once again, price controls. Price controls inevitably results in one form or another of rationing. What is very telling is that in several cases the low price data in the US is the same or even less than other countries. What does this mean? It means there are places where market forces are allowed to function that resulted in a satisfactory service rendered at a globally competitive price. The answer is more of this not less. If health care dollars were to pass through people’s hands (regardless who is originating the dollars) then costs would be driven down because there would be millions of free market watch dogs in play (instead of a handful of insurance companies or one government agency, CMS).

When dealing with our healthcare problems everyone conflates the delivery system with the payment system. We’ve got the best delivery system in the world, regardless what the naysayers point to, e.g. life expectancy and infant mortality. It’s our payment system that’s all messed up and the way that Obamacare is changing things we are on a path of ruining the delivery system as well (but that’s their goal)

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