Politics and Religion

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1724 reads

nuguy, perhaps you better reassure us that the 4 billion tax break actually does go to "many small oil exploration firms".

Next, give us some more reassurence that without that tax break those small firms would indeed be decimated.

And finally, give us some idea of how many jobs would be lost with these small firms.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

-- Modified on 4/30/2011 2:13:43 PM

nuguy463117 reads

even the most juvenile mind has got to come up with something better than this....the big "o" solution to climbing gas prices is to eliminate the $4B tax break given to oil companies. hmmmmm that'll fix 'em won't it!!  probably not...look at who gets the tax break...many small oil exploration firms!! so while exxon, etc will continue with huge profits, the 'o' will decimate small business with his problem solving expertise, losing jobs, losing companies while he talks a good game....more of the same, lots of talk not much productive action.....again!

any and every politician will do this, other than Bush, who was in the pocket of the oil industry.  Anyway, with the budget hole  we're in, why would you not fix every loophole there is?  Nothing  should be exempt, including loopholes for the right and loopholes for the left.

I am in favor of cutting every spending line in the Fed budget, NPR included.  By that I don't mean totally defunding NPR or anything else, unless a good case can be made.  I hardly ever listen to NPR so I have no axe to grind.

Its not obama's fault that gas prices are so high. Pres. Bush messed everything up when he stole his elections. He is you know an oil owner he is sitting back getting his pockets fat while we suffer. If we would have ever went to war none of thi BS would be goin on.

HuckFan2039 reads

that I shudder to think what you might say next.  Except for one thing.  You are right when you say it is not President Obama's fault.  But your weak ass claims about President Bush carry absolutely no truth.

Now this is hilarious. Somehow, its still Buhs's fault. Why am I not surprised?

nuguy, perhaps you better reassure us that the 4 billion tax break actually does go to "many small oil exploration firms".

Next, give us some more reassurence that without that tax break those small firms would indeed be decimated.

And finally, give us some idea of how many jobs would be lost with these small firms.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

-- Modified on 4/30/2011 2:13:43 PM

GaGambler1407 reads

also referred to as the "oil depletion allowance" and only applies to "small producers" that produce 1000 Barrels of oil per day, or less.

This subsidy does not benefit "big oil" a single penny and is another example of Willy shooting off his mouth without having a clue.

Sometimes I can't believe I waste my time with people who are so fucking stupid.

R.LeeErmey738 reads

Mineral depletion allowances are analogous to other capital investments that businesses are allowed to expense or deduct gradually over a period of time.

Face facts. The left simply hates oil. Nevermind the ROI for the oil sector is one of lowest. Their size makes them an easy target for dishonest politicians.

PunchingBag807 reads

Seriously, the TAXES are f'ing killing us on the price of gas.  It gets taxed when drilled, it gets taxed when shipped, it gets taxed when refined, it gets taxed when sold, it gets taxed when moved, it gets taxed when delivered to the station and it gets taxed when we buy it.

I would hardly be surprised to find out 2 or 3 dollars of each 4 dollar gallon of gas is taxes!

Want to lower the price?  Don't want to reduce taxes?  Then burn a few billion dollars, get it off the market!  No one wants our money, so the price of oil is going through the roof!  

While you're at it, maybe ban anyone in public office from ever holding public office again, starting immediately, and just start over.

Snowman391891 reads

the price of Gas will go up 5 cents a gallon.


This is another one of those stupid, feel good liberal notions. You know, like investigating those evil "speculators" about the high gas prices...


And how many times have I (and others, who actually know something about the oil markets) told you that not all taxes get passed along to the consumer, especially in a competitive market. The problem is that the oil market is complex and right now is driven by speculation based on the fear of an oil shut-down due to mid-East instability.  Geeeezzz!!

Snowman391174 reads

who makes more on a gallon of gas, the Oil Company or the government.

Then tell me where the REAL problem lies...

Timbow1516 reads

Posted By: inicky46
And how many times have I (and others, who actually know something about the oil markets) told you that not all taxes get passed along to the consumer, especially in a competitive market. The problem is that the oil market is complex and right now is driven by speculation based on the fear of an oil shut-down due to mid-East instability.  Geeeezzz!!
Tied with also the big central world banks and QE2 since dollar based trading for oil .Also ,add the unrest in the Middle East and you have the fear of the future that drives prices up even more.

Exactly!  But this is what happens when someone with an axe to grind limits his thinking and over-simplifies the complex.

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