Politics and Religion

Ah, Now there's the old jacko we all know,
RightwingUnderground 1626 reads

Although I can't quite yet discern between assholejacko and idiotjacko. I'm leaning toward idiotjacko having a bad day.

BTW, He was only ONE persona before the marriage and she WAS instrumental in helping him merge his his personalities after he presented.  Ultimately, they divorced now that he's nowhere near the person she married.

Got any other smartass questions? I guess we'll have to wait for the idiotjacko to resurface before you can answer though.

If someone else shows up I fear this will just head off into some other wild ass direction.

majorly changed his meds and aliases.

Either way, this place has become boringly quiet.

Now I've excused one rightwingie as too simple for words, and the other won't talk to me because he knows I'm gonna embarrass him.

Looks like my work here is done.

 You quit working because you think your work is done????.If we didn't have so many people like you Toyota wouldn't be dogging our Auto workers . As for boring ..Only boring people get bored .. Everyone else finds something to do...And its not usually talking to you.

incompetence, quad, along with your alias Twuk.

And mental incontinence as well.

RightwingUnderground2109 reads

But he DOES have at least 23 identifiable and distinct identities due to his MPD/(DID) multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder).

Many if not most of his individual identities usually show up on threads he visits. We are hoping for the day that they each consider themselves unique enough individuals so he can give them each a name. Today they all steal his.

BTW, I thought you were leaving? Oh ya sorry. That was one of the OTHER Jack0s making that claim.


Say, did you learn all that in your stay at the county psych ward?  Call it OJT.

RightwingUnderground1413 reads

first hand, by spending a great deal of time with a person afflicted with MPD and talking with them at great length. I also learned a great deal from their spouse, who also happens to be a family member and a licensed psychologist.

This is why I felt quite confident in diagnosing your affliction. Which Jack0 are we talking to today?

as compared to an internet psycha-what-is-it-now?

I'm so FUCKING impressed.   I'm impressed that being related to you didn't get their license lifted.  They surely taught you how to do in absentia psych dx.

BTW, this teacher of yours, how come they couldn't recognize this problem before they were married, or solve it afterwards?  Was it part of the divorce settlement, or are they just another FUCKING QUACK??!!

Oh yeah, you can diagnose people over the internet, ya fuckin idiot.   Learnt it off a matchbox, I'm sure.

Now, I dare ya ta dig deeper.  Double fuckin dare, ya little goat turd, I mean Republican.

RightwingUnderground1627 reads

Although I can't quite yet discern between assholejacko and idiotjacko. I'm leaning toward idiotjacko having a bad day.

BTW, He was only ONE persona before the marriage and she WAS instrumental in helping him merge his his personalities after he presented.  Ultimately, they divorced now that he's nowhere near the person she married.

Got any other smartass questions? I guess we'll have to wait for the idiotjacko to resurface before you can answer though.

If someone else shows up I fear this will just head off into some other wild ass direction.

do you really not understand how fucking silly you are?

Do you even know how psych dx are identified, let alone this one?!  

So let's see if we can get this straight.  This poor schmuck is normal.  He marries this shrink of yours, who obviously thinks he's worth marrying.

Then POOF!  his personalities fragment.  But then somehow, she manages to patch them back together.  

But they divorce anyway. I *wonder* why he might have figured that out.

And of course, she's so perceptive that she didn't see any of this coming.  She was probably too busy  qualifying you for your license to make dx over the net - how many weekends & cereal box tops did THAT take?!

How do you morons get SO GULLIBLE?  Is it something in the water?

RightwingUnderground1813 reads

You obviously don't realize how silly you sound, passing judgement on a diagnosis with only the very limited third and fourth hand information I've provided. But since you're so clearly an expert on MPD it can only mean that you gained your vast knowledge through first hand experience. But since you aren't a psych doc, you must have been a patient at some point.

BTW, it is entirely logical that while of course he wasn't "normal" before the marriage, since he didn't present any multiples, diagnosis would be difficult if not impossible. There WAS a strong trigger that created a "POOF" of sorts. But it didn't fragment his personalities. They were already present. The trigger allowed them to surface.

Reading comprehension is a very good thing, buddy.  HOWABOUT GETTING SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st, I'm asking questions about your silly-assed assertions, which you pointedly FAIL TO ANSWER.

2nd, where THE FUCK do you get off with your amateur dx of people OVER THE NET!!!

At some level, you really seem to mean this.  Which is a good measure of how STUPID you are!

BASIC research will show you that psych dx are NOT OBJECTIVE, and NOT VERIFIABLE, and HAVE NO INDEPENDENT organic markers, and therefore are not medical or organic in any commonly held sense; and in fact become "disorders" when somebody (preferably an authority, but self-admission works too) complains that the victim is disruptive.
Indeed, much as Leo Brezhnev found Andrei Sakharov disruptive.

Nominal research shows that disassociative personality disorders seem to be a North American phenomenon (indeed, as most psychiatry is) and are fucking questionable in fact.  But don't let MERE FACTS get in your way!!

YOU of course, being a Republican and excellent arm-chair label-monger, can know these things ACROSS THE INTERNET, THROUGH YOUR LOWER INTESTINE, just like Mike Chertoff.

Get some Ex-lax and get rid of that gut feeling.

So this woman marries this guy, and tells everybody that his personalities fragmented, but she put them back together, but then she divorced anyway because he 'wasn't the man she married'.  Well no shit.  She, on the other hand, was probably the same crazy bitch HE married, only now he figured it out, once the hard-on died.

IOW, your shrink is easily as likely crazy as her ex.  


RightwingUnderground1397 reads

You have absolutely NO sense of humor. At least none that includes self depracation. Any levity invloved in your mind is always at someones elses expense. There are several words that come to mind describing that trait, but asshole pretty much sums it up. Your 4th sentence hints at a glimmer that you get it, but your inner self just won't let you admit it.

Another BTW, before going through this with my brother in law, I was an EXTREME skeptic. Probably a disbeliever. He probably went through a dozen top notch psych hospitals ranging from the VA to top universities, each with different treament regimenes before finding help. I still don't buy into all the repressed memory BS popular of late.

Still, your attempt to belittle me through this even though you only have 0.1% of the facts shows how small a person you really are.

I'll return to ignoring you. My first judgement of you was indeed correct.

but you do buy into whatever other specious BS might be fed to you.  That, of course, is the only way you could or should be a RightWingUnderground.

Your big concern is that people have a sense of humor.  If I was as fucking logical as you, I'd say that, too.   Anybody that doesn't think you're fucking hilarious has sure missed the boat.

Take heart, I'm laughing my ass off at you.  I just find it so incredibly much funnier to point, laugh & slap you around a bit, too.

So you've always been bullshitting us.  What difference does your intention make?  About the same difference as my sense of humor, in mocking you instead of playing fucking Mickey Mouse to your Minnie?

In the words of our immortal VP, go fuck yourself.

That's what I've said all along, you're a fucken joke.   Just part of the hilarity is that it's taken you so long to get it.  I guess the joke's on you.

Fucken conservatives never seem to understand how funny it is to slap people around.  The puzzle is that they always think it's so funny when THEY try it, but they never seem to think it's all that funny when it happens to them.

I guess that's just part of the big cosmic joke (shrug)

article that took me less than 5 minutes to find.   You've been had, and in more ways than 1, it looks to me.


I am not an MD or PhD, merely somebody who has the sense to ask the fucken' obvious questions, w/r/t this and many other issues.

Sadly, my conversions to Republicanism will probably always be transient and solely for laffs, because it seems IMFUCKENPOSSIBLE to stay that stupid while sober.

RightwingUnderground1522 reads

The chances that I've been had are EXTREMELY high. I do indeed reconize that fact. The main purpose of the article is to prove the vast abuse of the DID, it's impossibility to diagnose with certainty and the lack of any proof of causation, expecialy related to childhood trauma. I agree with what I read, especially about the abuse and mis or mal-diagnosis.

Still, they stop short of declaring with absolute certainty that DID/MPD does not exist. And they are just two opinions plus they are Canucks for god's sake.

Anyway, thanks for the article.

"exists", but rather, "what is it?"

The 1st angle suckers you into a philosophical committment before investigation.   The 2nd allows you to put the facts out on the table and move them around.

RightwingUnderground2442 reads

I have first hand evidence and knowledge of knowing someone at great length both before and after. It's extremely difficult to ignore what one has personally seen and heard.

I have absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of these conditions were induced by unscrupulous or greedy or narcissistic doctors, taking advantage of sick and weak people.

Was I fooled? I think not, but you will never know for certain.

Reports of Ben's departure may be premature.

Think of it this way  :  cancer goes into remission, but oncologists wait for a 5-year period before they're willing to pronounce anyone "cured."

Who knows what BenD is up to?  I don't want to imagine.  It could be amusing in a awful way. I expect him to return with a noisy splash at the time of his choosing.

Meanwhile, there are other foils for Jack0....

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