Politics and Religion

Adios amigo! I was hoping to be there tonight, but
mattradd 40 Reviews 899 reads

things didn't work out. Wish I could have said good-bye in person.

Hope, despite the doom and gloom in the world, you find, and maintain sources of happiness and meaningfulness.

... and yet there was barely a mention of it anywhere.

Forty-One years ago yesterday, the world celebrated the first man walking on the moon.

Whatever happened to the promises of my youth? We could easily have had working moonbases by now, scientific advances that we can only speculate, and possibly even manned mars missions by now.

Instead, we are a society in chaos, a species of living thinking beings in an apparent hurry to obliterate ourselves from existence.

Days like July 20, should be permanently celebrated for its achievements, not forgotten and consigned to history like just another political maneuver of past leaders.

Days like yesterday amplify in my view everything that has gone wrong with our people, our country, our civilization. Certainly our government.

Days like yesterday make it easier for me to accept my days are numbered and dwindling rapidly.

I love my country, and the principles on which it was founded. I despise and utterly loathe the metamorphosis that this country has undergone during my lifetime; the priorities of the government have become odious and self-serving, and so many people would like nothing better than to see the total annihilation of everyone else, leaving us in a complete dystopia from which there is no escape, only destruction.

As for me, I'll be attending the meet n greet events in LA and Las Vegas this week, but then, its farewell, at least for the forseeable future. I might be back, I might not. It's not like in the past where I was pissed off at one or another of the other Jew-haters and took a break. This one feels permanent. I hope not, but just in case, I'm leaving you all a note:

Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen.

Priapus531526 reads

whatever your ultimate decision, I wish you good health & the best of luck.

We are trying very hard to go back wards. I would also add, we should at peace with each other instead, people are blowing up people in the name of ludicrous beliefs.

Greed and selfishness has taken over personal, social and political spheres.

Thanks Doc, well said.

Puck_1113 reads

The real culprit is Business. With the Supreme Court decision on the Citizens United case, multinational corporations are now free to flood the airwaves with political 'free speech'. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are now beholden to them for their continued existence. Oh, they'll leave Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson and a few others so it can look like a close race, just for a 'bread and circuses' sop to keep the plebes occupied, but the great Democratic Experiment is officially over. Democracy is dead, and we now have Fascism pure and simple.

Boy, do I wish it wasn't so.

things didn't work out. Wish I could have said good-bye in person.

Hope, despite the doom and gloom in the world, you find, and maintain sources of happiness and meaningfulness.

Recall the state of the world and the country during the Apollo days. Hundreds and even thousands dead each month in Vietnam. Political assassinations every other year. Racial tensions high and violent. An economy controlled by the military industrial complex and Madison Avenue. Wage and price controls because we were terrified by 3% inflation. The US and the Soviet Union were deep in the throws of the Cold War and we were on the brink. And less than a month after Neil Armstrong took that step there was a thing called Woodstock. And 1969 was arguably the kickoff of the sexual revolution.

And there I was, a 15 year old kid, oblivious to almost all of it. We’d moved to Tennessee only 4 years earlier and I was going to school with black people and I never realized that it was a BIG deal there. That year was the year their schools, MY school, had desegregated. Having spent the previous years in the North, I never even realized what was going on around me.

But I DO remember very well that moment in the summer of 1969. It helped launch me (pun intended) into the direction that became my present career. Heck, I even got to work on a piece of the Space Shuttle project along the way. I had an internship working for an aerospace company that designed the hydraulic rudder speed control surfaces and systems.

No, Doc. I’m more optimistic than you and maybe most others. Things may not have progressed as you think they should have but are they really any worse? Different? Yes in many ways. Worse in some, better in others, but on whole we are still the same people. Due to what I see as all sorts of mistakes over the past many years, we are in for some hard times ahead I fear. We are at the point of paying the piper. But my level of fear is no greater than many had in 1969 and there’s people oblivious today.

We’ll get through it. Don’t give up. And I do wish you all the best and hope to see you again some day.

Priapus53828 reads

Good points,& one of the few times I'll agree with you. Btw My dad was an aerospace engineer,&
worked on the Space shuttle & B1 & B2 bombers. Also, a WW2 combat vet.

Now, about that edited Breitbart/Sherrad video on Fox News------LOL !

I would have to say that was a totally awesome post that Ed wrote..Very stimulating and thats coming from a eternal optimist..Great words Ed.

Speaking of stimulating Pri..Thank for telling me about the Transvestites.. I had no idea some of them were so hot.

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