Politics and Religion

A nefarious suggestion: If liberals...
zinaval 7 Reviews 36845 reads

I'm not a gun-nut, but that doesn't prevent me from observing and issuing this "text-byte:"

If liberals owned guns, guns would be outlawed.

If you're opposed to guns, maybe you should own one.  Besides helping to make conservatives see the light, that maybe they don't want everybody to have the complete right to a gun, it will make the government take notice and listen to your wishes.

Think about it: tens of millions of people marched against George Bush prior to the Iraqi war.  He simply ignored them and moved into Iraq anyway.  You want to know why? Because not enough of them vote, those who did had already voted against him once,  and furthermore: none of them owned guns.  

Contrast this to the angry "conservative" riots during the infamous Florida recount.  These people only had to show up in hundreds, yell angrily, make some noise, and the Supreme Court puts their guy in.  Yes, they had conservative buddies on the court, but these conservative judges all knew that those right-wing discontents were more likely to be packing.

I'm not saying to ever use them if you're opposed to them, or to ever really load one, but you might consider owning one and perhaps learning to shoot it... just in case.  >:}


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