Politics and Religion

A most salient agrument. In addition by not filing taxes the
BreakerMorant 1391 reads

fisherman have a substantial probability of losing social security benefits. Sorry, I alluded that you were a USC grad. Please forgive me. Thank you for your intelligent reply.

Timbow2468 reads


  Not all the hardworking people pay their taxes down in Louisiana and its a comin back to bite em .    

-- Modified on 6/1/2010 11:29:00 AM

St. Croix1150 reads

meaning if these fisherman kept records and filed taxes, my guess is that they would probably be in the 0% tax bracket. In fact, they might be hurting themselves by not taking advantage of the various tax credits and rebates over the past 2 years.

AssMan9111504 reads

Entire families show up at the pier when the crawlers come in with their shrimp catch and buyers pay with CASH. This is how business has been done for several generations of shrimpers. With Fishing about to be decimated, the tourism and hotel industry about to be destroyed along the gulf coast states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, you're looking at one be Financial disaster.

on the good folks of Louisana, but is it realistic for them to have sophisticated records on expenses and taxes? I myself don't do, my own taxes. I hire a CPA. Which is another subject i.e. taxes I do not want to discuss. Taxes should be simple enough anyone can do themselves.

I admit I do feel for those fisherman who make a livin' on the bayou harvesting oysters and such and now cannot feed their families. Am I getting soft?

-- Modified on 6/2/2010 9:43:40 PM

St. Croix875 reads

I think you know where I went to school. The only thing USC is good for is losing, cheating, and having mommy and daddy pay your way into school. They do have some hot cheerleaders. And those pricks always get the best recruiting class.

I wasn't trying to be critical or insensitive. I realize we have an underground economy. It's evident with illegals, waitresses, and Gulf Coast fisherman to name a few. Since I file taxes, I would like others to file as well. Kinda separates us from the Greeks, the people not the act (lol).

Actually the fisherman are only hurting themselves by not filing tax returns. They don't make a lot, and since they don't, there is a good chance they won't owe any taxes. In fact, they would probably get back money via the earned income tax credit, and other credits/deductions targeted to those making less than $30K.

Now they are doubly screwed because BP is not going to hand out money without some proof. I mean some of these guys could just fill out a 1040EZ form. It's not that difficult. Nevertheless, you just gave another good argument for moving toward a simplified tax system.

-- Modified on 6/2/2010 8:54:51 PM

fisherman have a substantial probability of losing social security benefits. Sorry, I alluded that you were a USC grad. Please forgive me. Thank you for your intelligent reply.

Retired, and getting both now. Sweet! Paying $134.00/month for Medicare Part B, but it comes directly out of the monthly SS check. Not bad.

willywonka says both will be around for a long time.

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