Politics and Religion

86H13LTP ladyboy we all know you are a racist and your comments keep proving it.angry_smile
bigguy30 585 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
everytime the tribe gave him a nappy hair he'd fling them across the jungle or squash them to death . Then a hot white blonde came along .

....drove past people on the street while pointing the gun at them.  When the driver saw the police, a pursuit ensued.

During the pursuit, the driver continued to point the gun at other drivers while driving by them.  When the pursuit ended, the driver pointed the weapon at police officers.  The driver was taken into custody without incident or injury and found to be wearing body armor during the incident.

A driver pointed a gun at cops and didn't get shot?  Why?  Because the driver was a blonde, white woman, not a black man.

...but assuming everything our feathered friend is saying is true, then I'll put it succinctly. Whenever someone points a gun at someone else, then you should always assume that person intends to kill someone. If a woman points a gun at a cop, then that cop should safely assume that she intends to kill him. The fact that these cops didn't kill her only tells you one thing: that is that the cops risked their lives in order to avoid killing a psychotic woman. She is very lucky to be alive.

JackDunphy583 reads

that ALL cops are racists and don't consider their own safety first but only the color of the person who could kill them when deciding when to defend themselves.  

Btw, where do you stand on black on black crime? For or opposed?

There is a difference between "street crime" and "execution" by racist cops!    What we are seeing is more of the latter.

First,      statistics show a blonde pointing a gun has a weapon without bullets, she forgot to load.  
   Second,   statistics show police are not murdered by women.  
   Third ,     statistics show  Back stabbing ignorant guys  are the type that ambush and murder    police officers in cold  blood .  
   Fourth, I searched for a link to affirm your assertion.  Are you sure your white blonde wasn't a black guy with pale face make up, in women's clothes.  
    I hope you realize by now, Wouldn't be the first time you believed you were with a woman when she was actually a man .  
  Police are on edge, justifiably so.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
....drove past people on the street while pointing the gun at them.  When the driver saw the police, a pursuit ensued.  
 During the pursuit, the driver continued to point the gun at other drivers while driving by them.  When the pursuit ended, the driver pointed the weapon at police officers.  The driver was taken into custody without incident or injury and found to be wearing body armor during the incident.  
 A driver pointed a gun at cops and didn't get shot?  Why?  Because the driver was a blonde, white woman, not a black man.

bigguy30611 reads

So again cop this is your comment in defense of your co workers?

This woman lived pointing a gun at the cops and a 12 year old boy had less than five seconds playing with a fake gun is shot dead.

I think you really need to shut up and listen to a smarter cop

Why do you take the position that people are denying that this actually happened?

Posted By: bigguy30
So again cop this is your comment in defense of your co workers?  
 This woman lived pointing a gun at the cops and a 12 year old boy had less than five seconds playing with a fake gun is shot dead.  
 I think you really need to shut up and listen to a smarter cop:  

86H13LTP576 reads

everytime the tribe gave him a nappy hair he'd fling them across the jungle or squash them to death . Then a hot white blonde came along .

bigguy30586 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
everytime the tribe gave him a nappy hair he'd fling them across the jungle or squash them to death . Then a hot white blonde came along .

86H13LTP616 reads

and if " Nappy Hair " works for this salon in Atlanta then I guess you Shouid STFU ! Maybe you recognize the street. Its down by my favorite strip club Magic City and had been in about 8 episodes of Walking Dead. Even those Butt pirates from Hollywood don't have issue with " oh my nappy hair " so where do fit in troll boy !

bigguy30579 reads

So this has been going on for a long time.

I guess your racist dumb ass wants to hide behind your girlfriend too!

...had a black daughter.  You're in good company - if you have a baby with her, it will be 1/4 black, 1/4 Asian and 1/2 drooling redneck.

Ever heard of Adam and Eve sex videos coming from the Carolinas?     They have black hunks with 10 inch dicks fucking blondes of every age.   They even have a sign "Only Black Dicks allowed here".    If all the news and stories come out,  an average Black college Football jock fucks at least 50 blondes during his college years.

Talk to any blonde who has been fucked by a black kid.   She will say "NO" to white tiny carrots!   LOL.

bigguy30461 reads

So I guess people are really starting to get tried of the bullshit! LOL

1. Don’t violate the Constitution.

2. Don’t kill unarmed people.

3. Do your jobs.

-- Modified on 12/31/2014 2:04:05 PM

They are essentially taking food out the mouths of NY criminal attorneys.

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