Politics and Religion

7 murdered at UN compound in Kabul over Quran burning
zisk 86 Reviews 3420 reads

The idiot Rev Jones burns a Quran in Florida, because he can.

Half a world away and two weeks later, several sick fucks who take offense decide to murder some UN workers, including four Nepalese guards. No Americans apparently.

From the news article:
"The crowd overpowered the guards — who are instructed not to shoot into crowds of civilians, even if they are threatening."  
Fuck that - if you are threatening violence you deserve to be shot. That the UN refuses to defend its own workers is appalling.

Naturally, the top UN envoy in Afghanistan puts full blame on Jones and his group. While what they did was stupid and pointless, they did not shoot or slash anyone's throat. Only the Afghanis did that.

wgarrow1523 reads

If a group of Muslims decided to burn some Bibles, Christians wouldn't be too happy about it. They might even gather in prayer for the Muslims. What they would NOT do is go on a murderous rampage, and slit innocent people's throats.

Snowman391406 reads

and some radical group or individual is going to target Mecca as retaliation.

Not that they are intelligent enough to understand that, but if they love their holy places so much, they better get it under control.

Takes somebody with a set to burn the Quran, because of the risk involve.  

Posted By: zisk
The idiot Rev Jones burns a Quran in Florida, because he can.

Half a world away and two weeks later, several sick fucks who take offense decide to murder some UN workers, including four Nepalese guards. No Americans apparently.

From the news article:
"The crowd overpowered the guards — who are instructed not to shoot into crowds of civilians, even if they are threatening."  
Fuck that - if you are threatening violence you deserve to be shot. That the UN refuses to defend its own workers is appalling.

Naturally, the top UN envoy in Afghanistan puts full blame on Jones and his group. While what they did was stupid and pointless, they did not shoot or slash anyone's throat. Only the Afghanis did that.

GlennBecksProstate2548 reads

I didn't think you could sink that far.  Next you'll start supporting the church that pickets a soldiers' funerals.  That takes balls, too.  So what?  Jones and the Islamic fanatics are cut from the same cloth and deserve each other.  By that logic you'd agree with Bill Maher when he said the 9/11 highjackers had courage. Great company for you!

Jones knew goddamned good and well that SOMEONE was going to die over his stunt. He also knew goddamned good and well that it wouldn't be HIM.

That isn't guts, its stupidity and inexcusable disregard for the lives of those he KNEW would be lost because of his actions.

In an interview Jones is quoted as saying "But, he went on, “I think it definitely does prove that there is a radical element of Islam.”

No shit?!?! That's like telling us that water is wet! Twenty people have died so far so this inbred redneck shitkicker of a preacher could show the world that water is fucking WET. Stop the presses people.

Jones doesn't have to be anywhere in particular.  If you don't think there are any violent Muslims here, then allow me to provide a link:


You're welcome.

Posted By: SinsOfTheFlesh
Jones knew goddamned good and well that SOMEONE was going to die over his stunt. He also knew goddamned good and well that it wouldn't be HIM.

That isn't guts, its stupidity and inexcusable disregard for the lives of those he KNEW would be lost because of his actions.

In an interview Jones is quoted as saying "But, he went on, “I think it definitely does prove that there is a radical element of Islam.”

No shit?!?! That's like telling us that water is wet! Twenty people have died so far so this inbred redneck shitkicker of a preacher could show the world that water is fucking WET. Stop the presses people.

SteveO57111184 reads

Has any one heard a report of Muslims burning a Bible?  
or desecrating one in any way?

You won't hear about it often, because Muslims consider the Bible a Holy Book, there for destroying one gets the same reaction as burning the Quran....  death.

Though if one did burn a Bible, it wouldn't make news.  There's nothing controversial in doing that anymore.  And zero risk from a civilized free country retaliating.

-- Modified on 4/3/2011 8:12:21 AM

Priapus531246 reads

I agree with SOTF on this one. When Jones set fire to the Koran, the equivalent of putting gasoline & a match on dry tumbleweeds. This whole thing is a needless tragedy set in motion by a Bible thumping moron.

Some months back, an unnamed individual on this board threatened to burn a Koran on youtube. This person never carried through with this "threat". It was the ONE intelligent decision this person has ever made.

If they gave out awards for backbone.

Posted By: zisk
The idiot Rev Jones burns a Quran in Florida, because he can.

Half a world away and two weeks later, several sick fucks who take offense decide to murder some UN workers, including four Nepalese guards. No Americans apparently.

From the news article:
"The crowd overpowered the guards — who are instructed not to shoot into crowds of civilians, even if they are threatening."  
Fuck that - if you are threatening violence you deserve to be shot. That the UN refuses to defend its own workers is appalling.

Naturally, the top UN envoy in Afghanistan puts full blame on Jones and his group. While what they did was stupid and pointless, they did not shoot or slash anyone's throat. Only the Afghanis did that.

Priapus531606 reads

why don't the 2 of you give this board a break & take a "romantic hiatus somewhere" ? Tell ya what, folks------let's take up a collection & send these 2 "lovebirds" on an extended honeymoon to "Priapus Pines"----or, better yet, Kabul----------LMAO !

-- Modified on 4/3/2011 11:28:39 AM

Yeah, Jones seems like a real swell guy. In addition to their church, the Dove World Outreach Center, the church also operates a semi-halfway house boarding kind of type school. The place sounds charming. Residents are cut off from contact with family and friends, including attendance of funerals, and weddings. Cult anyone?

Additionally, Jones and his band of merry cultists have engaged in anti-gay protests. They changed a sing reading "No Homo Mayor" to simply "No Homo" after inquiries were made to investigate their tax exempt status.

And the piece de resistence: Jones and his ilk have joined forces in the past with the always loveable Westboro Baptist Church, of soldier funeral protest fame, to conduct anti-gay protests.

Yup, lets elect this guy president, pin a medal on his chest, and give him a Nobel Prize. And lets not forget to tell him not to worry about those 20 people he killed. Or helped kill. However you want to look at it.

SteveO57111019 reads

There is a bounty on jones head for 2.2 million.
I wonder if some one takes him out if their family gets the money when he goes to jail?

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