Politics and Religion

30,000 people protest in.....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 4826 reads
1 / 23

Madison, Wisconsin. Why? To keep their collective bargaining rights. The Govenor wants to strip collective bargaining rights from public sector workers, and yet for some reason teachers are protesting...and so are their students. And so are members of the Green Bay Packers. And so are firefighters. And policemen. And so are tens of thousands of others who are standing in solidarity with public sector workers. oh-oh.

In Bahrain there were protests of 30,000 people in their capital, and they're calling for the overthrow of the government.

It looks like as things getting shitter in this country, the people are getting angrier. How much longer do you think it will take for my stock in the Acme Guillotine Company to go up? Tick-tock.

-- Modified on 2/18/2011 9:50:45 AM

JanitorApprentice 810 reads
2 / 23

Fire them all and hire new .
 Replacing government workers is easier than  finding a janitor's apprentice.
It's a brand new world.
Join and be productive, or take a hike.


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1230 reads
4 / 23

...and the only way to do that is to raise taxes and cut spending.

Of course, this has absolutely NOTHING with any need to pay the piper in Winsconsin.  

-- Modified on 2/18/2011 12:00:41 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1837 reads
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Timbow 1224 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 840 reads
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The whole country is facing the fact that it's time to pay the piper in terms of dealing with our debt crisis.  All of our governments, Federal, State and Local, have been living beyond their means and the party's over.  Everybody, as usual, has their hand out.  Nobody is willing to sacrifice anything.  But now there can't be any more buck-passing.  Because the Feds don't have any money to make up for state deficits and the states are going to pass all the cuts down to local governments by cutting aid for schools and everything else.  We have over-spent in every area, on things Liberals and Conservatives both love.  So everything must be cut.  Even areas where we agree we need to spend.  Because the only way to cut fairly is to cut everything.  No program is exempt.  The only way this will work is with shared sacrifice, so everyone can see that even though they're giving up something painful, so is everyone else.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1873 reads
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Interesting clip.  Thanks.  I still think my broader point is correct but it's also true this is all about partisan politics.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 904 reads
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the airline industry. Delta, US Airways, United, and Northwest were all solidly in the red for years. When push came to shove, bankruptcy was the only way out. As a result, pay was frozen, individual's healthcare premium participations increased, pensions were voided, and thousands were laid off.

The way I understand the situation in Wisconsin, the governor has said to the public employees unions, make concessions, pay more for your healthcare, and keep your jobs. If not, the state does not have the money to continue as presently scripted, so there will be massive layoffs to stay within the budget limitations. Wisconsin has a balanced budget amendment, so something's got to give. Either they toe the line and work, or stand in the unemployment line. Their choice. What would you do.....take home a paycheck reduced by a few hundred dollars/month, or don't get a paycheck at all? Easy decision for me.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1053 reads
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Winsconsin had a surplus when this governor was sworn in a month ago. Now they're in the hole after giving businesses tax cuts.

This isn't about paying off debt. It's about taking out the financial backers of Democrats to establish permanent Republican rule in the state of Winsconsin.

SteveO5711 963 reads
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I think most people know that there is a need for cuts, and more taxes.

However, giving a cut with the punch line of ...you can never talk to us again about it...  is a bit much.

It was stupid to add the bargaining thing onto the cut, it was asking for a fight from all the unions.  The main point of them is to have a voice, any attempt to hamper that voice should be met with hard resistance.

joleneineugene 954 reads
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the rest of us have to do. Not everyone gets overtime (and not all providers work at providing full time), so we have to work within the monies we bring home. It's tough, but hey, we do it - the feds & states & counties & cities SHOULD do it.

Reality is: the feds, states, counties & cities will raise taxes and spend even more.

Timbow 1020 reads
14 / 23

Posted By: willywonka4u
Winsconsin had a surplus when this governor was sworn in a month ago. Now they're in the hole after giving businesses tax cuts.

This isn't about paying off debt. It's about taking out the financial backers of Democrats to establish permanent Republican rule in the state of Winsconsin.
-- Modified on 2/18/2011 11:17:24 PM

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1267 reads
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St. Croix 1075 reads
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I was going to recommend that she call into the Suze Orman show, but your response actually sounds like something Suze would say.

Vanica See my TER Reviews 2148 reads
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Lawmakers in Wisconsin want to do something the people do not want.

In a democracy, lawmakers are supposed to do what the people want. Plain and simple. If you are a public servant and the public says "Don't do this/that", then if you are responsible and accountable, you don't do it.

Whether you agree or not, it's what the people want, and the lawmakers will have to find other ways to save money and reduce their deficit.

For example, I could pay off all my debt and get my credit score almost to 800 by not paying rent for 3 months, but then I would be on the street. I have to find another way.

charlie445 3 Reviews 997 reads
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are you in third grade or just joking?

charlie445 3 Reviews 1646 reads
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Be cool St.C. I make profits the old fashioned way, with my bare hands.

nuguy46 1295 reads
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and he told them he was going to do this....the only ones against the gov are the lazy ones who dont want to pay their fair share..they only want more of our tax dollars so they can avoid paying for their retrirement and health........like the rest of do...how do define democracy?

inicky46 61 Reviews 2081 reads
23 / 23

Just like they voted in Obama, who promised health care reform.  Don't like it?  Too bad!

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