Politics and Religion

30 million illegals later, matty is confused!
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 884 reads

But he's rich, he doesn't subsidizing future Dummycrapper voters and having them take American jobs

Working for ICE 'is hell right now,' as Obama plans amnesty for illegals

Morale among officers at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, already low, has reached a new bottom as illegal immigrants expecting amnesty from President Obama taunt and ridicule the overworked officers, according to a new report.

“Yes,” said one, “working for this agency is hell right now.”

That was the latest message to immigration policy critic Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies. She has charted the woes of the officers who carry out the president’s orders.

RELATED: Obama to GOP: Immigration action 'going to happen' in 2014

In a new paper, she wrote:

"The president's gradual, calculated dismantling of our immigration system has caused morale to plummet in the agencies of the Department of Homeland Security. Career immigration officials have courageously objected in public, and sometimes resorted to lawsuits to draw attention to the administration's subversion of the law. In denial about their principled objections to his scheme, now the president is hoping to stifle their voices by offering them a pay increase as part of this outrageous plan. His assumption that they are motivated by money shows just how little respect he has for the men and women who have devoted their careers to public service in immigration."

Vaughan told Secrets that she has been concerned about morale in ICE and raised the issue with Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson.

RELATED: Obama immigration plan keeps up to 5 million from deportation

She said that officers are concerned that illegals with criminal records are being released under Obama’s policies, and that some immigrants taunt the officers, believing that the policies protect them.

“Some have told me that illegal alien criminals they have arrested have even taunted them, saying they know the ICE officers can’t do anything to them because of Obama administration policies,” Vaughan told Secrets.

The officers have raised the issues at “town hall” meetings with their superiors.

RELATED: 42 percent of new Medicaid signups are immigrants, their children

However, she said, top Homeland officials believe the issue is more about poor pay, not working conditions or the president's policies. As a result, the White House is considering a pay raise as part of the president’s amnesty plan to some 5 million illegals.

“Clearly the administration is trying to triangulate at best, or more likely thinks that it can just dangle the prospects of a pay raise if they would stop objecting to administration non-enforcement policies,” said Vaughan. “I sincerely doubt anyone will fall for it, but it does reveal what he thinks of them,” she added.

RELATED: Conservatives push short-term spending bill as way to defund 'amnesty'

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at  
[email protected].

I'm sure these guys will make GREAT Democrat voters....being stupid and all...

JackDunphy890 reads

With 75% of the public against him on this issue, it will only drive his poll numbers lower, if you can imagine. Gallup now has the R party ahead of D's AND Obama for first time, long time.

Funny how he didn't feel the urgent need to use an EO when he had both houses and the presidency from 2008-2010 but now cant wait a few months.

Who was it that said elections have consequences? I'll have to check. lol.

is to make it a win-win. they are going to be here regardless.  they are hard workers for the most part, I certainly don't want the drug cartels here, or women popping out babies on our dime, and illegals able to underbid tax paying Americans.  The playing field is not level in several areas of service because they don't have to pay workers comp, IRS, State, Social Security, Fed Unemployment, State Unemployment....How do we compete with that as businesses?  They are cheaper and work harder..

JackDunphy774 reads

But using an EO isn't the way to go. Give the new congress some time to work it out. Forcing something down the throat of the American people against their will isn't good government. There are better ways to get this done.

those who want the EO.

Repubscum opposing it are not the only American Citizens.  

Continue with you ignorant and baseless arguments.

By the way, this country is not ruled by the majority but a selected who gets elected by whatever means it takes to get elected

We have a wide open border, immigration laws that aren't being enforced, and an immigration system that is being bypassed.

Come on, man, do you really think Obama is trying to fix anything? All he ever does is scheme and lie. Right now we have:

$18 trillion debt and still borrowing
Veterans dying on waiting lists
Massive unemployment and underemployment
Employers moving to Canada
The reformation of the Soviet Union
Jihadists with Saddam's WMDs
Iran building a nuke

among many other major problems and Obama doesn't care about any of them. The only thing he cares about are the fake problems that work to his advantage:

Voter suppression (voter fraud)
Global Warming
Immigration (amnesty)

And remember all the "unescorted minors"? Obama is going to fly their parents up here and make them voters too. Why did you think all those kids would come all this way by themselves? BTW, who do you think is going to pay for all this? You and me!

I shall try and answer your scare mongering questions:

$18 trillion debt and still borrowing -  See link
Veterans dying on waiting lists - Decade old problem. Obama had the guts to bring in someone from the outside to fix and it is getting fixed. Actions by the Mr. Mcdonald thus far;

- Fired 35 administrators
- 1,000 VA officials on administrative leave
- Established a Customer Service Dept where Veteran can get all the answers
- Consolidating all benefits so, veteran don’t have to go to different sources for different benefits
- Action not inaction
Massive unemployment and underemployment - Unemployment rate is 5.8% lowest it has been 15 years.
Employers moving to Canada - You really pulled this one out of your ass with help from another Repubscums help. No rational or logical answer for this one
The reformation of the Soviet Union - Soviet Union don’t exist. Another one out of your ass
Jihadists with Saddam's WMDs - Saddam never had WMD’s. It was a lie. Only Reoubscums believes in it
Iran building a nuke : No evidence or nuke building activity according to IAEA. Besides, Iran’s nuclear program was underway during the Bush era. Atlas now, there is some negotiation to to control it.  

Unless your are living in mythical world created by Bible thumpers with the help of Repubscums, Faux News, National Review, Bierbart, none of it is true.

In your case, pulling your head out of the darkness is not going to be off much help.

Please continue with the nonsense so other can get good laugh at your stupidity

Who in the hell needs all these uneducated, unskilled people who don't speak English? Is there that much of a shortage of fruit pickers? Is there an epidemic fruit dying on the vine all over the country because there's nobody to pick it? Of course not.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
is to make it a win-win. they are going to be here regardless.  they are hard workers for the most part, I certainly don't want the drug cartels here, or women popping out babies on our dime, and illegals able to underbid tax paying Americans.  The playing field is not level in several areas of service because they don't have to pay workers comp, IRS, State, Social Security, Fed Unemployment, State Unemployment....How do we compete with that as businesses?  They are cheaper and work harder..

GaGambler783 reads

but the fact of the matter is "they are already here" and something has to be done with them. I think the answer is rather than "reward them for bad behavior" ie amnesty. I favor the "right wing nut job" approach. Pay your back taxes, go to the back of the line for citizenship, submit to a backround check, and if you fuck up you are on the next bus headed south. That would be a good start IMO.

he never trusted a Mexican with more than 2 tattoo's :)

Real estate construction
Farmers for harvesting vegetable and fruit
Landscaping companies
Office Building cleaning companies
and lots more jobs Americans are not willing to do.

Again, head up your ass to escape from reality.

Man you really do have shit for brains.  

Maybe if the labor market weren't flooded with cheap labor....

You are terrible for America

bigguy30774 reads

If this immigration action is illegal, then so was Ronald Regan and Bush Sr executive orders.

The clown show that is the repubscum party is a joke and it's only the start of their dumb actions.

I wonder why a bill passed the senate with republican support, but the animal house won't pass the immigration bill from the senate?

They don't want to do their jobs and pass bills.

So it's all about being assholes and lying to GOP scum supporters!  



-- Modified on 11/14/2014 3:03:13 PM

for them to come out the shadows and register, so they be background checked to see if they are criminals in Mexico or the USA.   Tested and immunized for diseases, pay a fine for illegally coming here, make a plan to pay back taxes, learn the English language, have a job sponsor and work for a year with no criminal charges or no need to be on our assistance.  Or else they go home from the land of milk and honey!

We are using drones to secure our border now.  And also family detention centers are being built.  Yes, they should willingly come out of the shadows and let us decide if they should stay or go home or go to one of those prisons if caught,.

RaymondDonovan972 reads

If they're unhappy and going through hell then they can get the fuck out and someone else will do the job. Those "GOVERMENT" jobs come with a nice salary and pension. And they're complaining and their poor morale is low, poor fucks.We all did some part of our jobs where we didn't like it or whatever, but in the end, we did it, my job is to do what I'm told...So either they do the job or move on.
I can't wait to see the drama if this gets done.....and there's isn't much anyone can do.

JackDunphy793 reads

How is that comparable to ND's thread/point?

JackDunphy774 reads

That's all they do is bitch and moan. Should Obama fire them too? Lol.

Posted By: JackDunphy
That's all they do is bitch and moan. Should Obama fire them too? Lol.
The teachers will be doing the BP agents job.

RaymondDonovan609 reads

And I'm not a big fan of unions in gerneral....surprised???

-- Modified on 11/14/2014 5:19:33 PM

RaymondDonovan745 reads

I did vote for Reagan and supported him. Liked Nixon, Luke warm on GW41...Hated his kid but would have loved to have a beer with him...now we're going off point and weenie wil get pissed.

JackDunphy718 reads

Well, we're trying. Lol.  

And I prefer " republiscum" instead of BSC repub. Lol.

They are not complaining about their pay.

"""She said that officers are concerned that illegals with criminal records are being released under Obama’s policies, and that some immigrants taunt the officers, believing that the policies protect them.  
“Some have told me that illegal alien criminals they have arrested have even taunted them, saying they know the ICE officers can’t do anything to them because of Obama administration policies,” Vaughan told Secrets."""

Are you saying they should just shut up about letting criminals go free?


.........with a healthy majority. The immigration bill was sent to Boehner where he has refused to bring it to up for a vote. This bill would pass in the House with a majority, mostly Democrat support and some Republican support. Obama has given the Republicans all the time in the world to pass immigration reform but the tea party wing is not interested and continues to hold the Republican leadership hostage. Obama has no choice but to go through with Executive action. Unfortunately or fortunately this action has the potential to blow up the Republican Party. This President needs to be IMPEACHED

bigguy30918 reads

Honda you actually have the facts and still blame the President for congress not doing their jobs?

So the problem is the GOP animal House and the GOP in general playing to their base!

I also have to say most of you talking about impeachment including the GOP scum don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about either.

Also if the animal House passes a impeachment vote, it will still die in the senate anyway and show everybody they have never been leaders!  

When 2016 rolls around the midterm elections will be long forgotten. LOL

Posted By: HONDA
.........with a healthy majority. The immigration bill was sent to Boehner where he has refused to bring it to up for a vote. This bill would pass in the House with a majority, mostly Democrat support and some Republican support. Obama has given the Republicans all the time in the world to pass immigration reform but the tea party wing is not interested and continues to hold the Republican leadership hostage. Obama has no choice but to go through with Executive action. Unfortunately or fortunately this action has the potential to blow up the Republican Party. This President needs to be IMPEACHED! 😊  
-- Modified on 11/15/2014 8:29:19 AM

GaGambler864 reads

HONDA is a flaming lib tard and when he says that Obama needs to be impeached, he means that by doing so, in his opinion it will blow up in the GOP's face. NOT that he thinks that Obama really deserves to be impeached. HONDA is one of yours, you retard.

You really are SPOTY material, aren't you. You have to be one of the dumbest people ever to have posted on this board.

bigguy30843 reads

I was talking about him saying it and people who believe in impeachment of this President.

So they don't have a fucking clue or know what they are talking about either.

The low information voters and people like yourself smart guy.

They are blinded by their stupidity and hatred of this President.

When facts don't matter to low information voters then we end up with the GOP animal house.

This past election showed one thing not all Democrats think or act the same way.

Okay clown so go back with playing with your friends and shut the fuck up!  


-- Modified on 11/15/2014 10:24:18 AM

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 10:25:10 AM

The election is over. What you overlook is the fact people vote based upon local issues, not national issues. Americans are not going to vote for representatives as if the are building a capable sports team

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The election is over. What you overlook is the fact people vote based upon local issues, not national issues. Americans are not going to vote for representatives as if the are building a capable sports team.  

I find it rather immature for him complain when he's on the losing side.

bigguy30817 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I find it rather immature for him complain when he's on the losing side.
-- Modified on 11/15/2014 12:53:43 PM

Just ask the Gruber/Obama mafia!

Liars!!! Hahaha!

That's the beauty of the US Constitution.  

Even dorks who drive monster trucks can shoot if their fucking stupid pie holes!!

The very same Constitution Obama is intent on wiping his ass with.

bigguy30714 reads

I wonder why a guy who is a constitutional lawyer disregard the it?

So again another clown ass statement from GOP extremist who doesn't have a clue what to say say next. LOL

bigguy30788 reads

Needle no dick I see your insecure ass is holding onto lies.

You have no facts and just like other GOP scum do.

When you have nothing make stuff up.  

I will get back to having a great weekend scumbag! LOL

Posted By: bigguy30
Needle no dick I see your insecure ass is holding onto lies.  
 You have no facts and just like other GOP scum do.  
 When you have nothing make stuff up.  
 I will get back to having a great weekend scumbag! LOL

I just bring it up to show either, how ignorant you are, or what a colossal hypocrite you are!   ;)

If your answer is yes?  

Are you saying you actually cast your ballot in favor of Senator Obama and his pro Bush Admin policy?

My comment about impeaching Obama were actually tongue in cheek.

He's so far behind he thinks he's ahead.  

Par for the course for your team

If a Democrat controlled Senate ever passes a bipartisan piece of legislation it will be the headline on Drudge for a week.

Do you ever research what you say? It would save a lot of embarrassment!   ;)

For starters, none of them can vote any time soon.

They to become citizens before they can vote.

Ignorance is bliss.

Continue watching and reading whatever you read and watch to increase your stupidity and ignorance.

They are the members in Congress who are standing in the way of immigration reform.

Do Republicans side with Obama, or do Democrats side with Reagan and Bush41?

I will ask you this Matt, what does that have to do with the 114th Congress?

But he's rich, he doesn't subsidizing future Dummycrapper voters and having them take American jobs

Reagan and Bush were not Tea Party members!

And unlike the current dictator, there was no uproar becasuse the executive and congress were working together.

Wanna REALLY look dumb? Try to impeach Reagan and Bush.

the same thing 95% of all your post contain, and you STILL had to modify it?

posted by bigguy30, 11/15/2014 9:36:07 PM  
-- Modified on 11/15/2014 9:38:20 PM

Took you over 2 minutes to spellcheck? LMAORIYF!!!!!!!!!

man, you're so dumb your a danger to yourself.  

i'm betting your straightjacket is modified to allow you to type

86H13LTP872 reads

doing the backstroke in a concrete pond full of gummy Bears.

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